Efraim hat nochmal angerufen und sagte, ich sollte doch schnell mal zurückrufen...leider ging mein Telefon nicht...
03.07.2009 07:30 Hello my Love,
i have been waiting for your call for so long and i didn't receive anything from you which is very sad. i don't know whether you even care about me a little bit. i told you what is going on with me here and i thought i was going to receive a little sympathy from you but there is nothing like that. well, i am here trying to do what i can do to solve for every little problem i am facing here now and i know all will be fine. i miss you and always have a special place in my heart for you. i hope you are doing good there and having a great night. kisses
und Lisa macht sich sehr viele Sorgen um Efraim und schreibt gleich eine Mail zurück
Hello my Love,
I'm so sorry, I have often tried to call you, but I get no connection. I'm very worried about you. I understand that you're very sad. It is indeed very sad what has happened to you all. I hope you like it a little better. I try again later when you call. How are you my darling? and how is Jason? Where since you both now? still in the hospital? What about luggage? says and what the police do? I'm waiting for your mail, my darling. I have to work now, but earlier today I come home, please write me when you're in chat, so we can talk. I am very worried about you. I love you and miss you very much. Your Lisa
ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:04:29): i am online now. i am back from the hospital and Jason is fine. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:04:47): ohh my God very good darling to see you Lisa (04.07.2009 16:04:57): i am so worried about you.... ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:06:04): i am very much worried about you too because i didn't know what was wrong with you that is why i didn't hear from you ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:06:10): but now i am fine and happy to see you here now...das glaube ich Dir.... Lisa (04.07.2009 16:06:55): yes honey iam happy too you see you here today ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:07:24): me too. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:07:33): i hope your weekend is going on well Lisa (04.07.2009 16:08:22): noo i dont can enjoy my weekend when Jason still in the hospital is...say to me what everything has happened ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:09:23): well be calm and fine ok. everything is fine now just that i still need to fix a little things here. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:09:53): what for things?
ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:11:11): well, they robbers took our luggage and also every money i had on me and my laptop, i mean everything...also, die Geschichte kenne ich schon.... Lisa (04.07.2009 16:11:26): oh my gosh Lisa (04.07.2009 16:11:37): and was say the police? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:11:49): so i took Jason to the hospital and talked to the doctor and he agreed to treat Jason so i will come and pay the hospital bills soon. i gave him one week to do that. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:12:30): also i have no cloths to wear now and i am very stranded here. no money to feed and also pay for my hotel bills...mein Gott, das wird teuer für Lisa....
Lisa (04.07.2009 16:12:32): yes i have understand all, but you have a credit card ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:13:41): well, over here in the country, credit card system does not function well so i was advised not to activate my credit when coming here. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:14:18): ohh thats is bad Lisa (04.07.2009 16:14:52): here is the address form the usembassy from USA in Ghana: Lisa (04.07.2009 16:14:55): http://ghana.usembassy.gov/ Lisa (04.07.2009 16:15:02): they will help you Lisa (04.07.2009 16:16:19): Efraim???? are you there???? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:17:23): yes i have already contacted the US Embassy here in Ghana and they said i should have patient but they just transferred their office to another location so they are not settled yet ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:17:58): but i don't need anything much for now because i will have some money next week and can settle to complete my business. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:17:58): Consular Section Address No. 19 Fifth Link Rd. Cantonments, Accra Accra, Ghana Telephone: (233) 21-741-100 Fax: (233) 21-741-362/741-426 Email: consulateaccra@state.gov Lisa (04.07.2009 16:18:20): ohh ok i understand Lisa (04.07.2009 16:18:58): how is your health? and the health from Jason
ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:19:27): i want you to do me a favor now ok. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:19:30): Jason is fine now. but he need to stay in the hospital for about a week more before he can recover fully. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:20:21): ohhh thats bad for Jason...please give him a kiss from me ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:21:15): i will give him some kisses for you Lisa (04.07.2009 16:21:17): nevertheless, tries to appeal sometimes to the hotel manager. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:21:25): yes honey do it ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:22:02): well, i want you to buy me a laptop, a fragrance and some cloths for my surviving here till next week ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:23:33): i need to start preparing something at the Harbor before the goods arrive so i need a laptop soon... ich denke Deine Klamotten sind auch weg, wieso ist dann ein Laptop so wichtig??? Lisa (04.07.2009 16:24:02): but I do not know your size in the things and I also do not know which laptop you need ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:24:39): yes i know, i will tell you so you get them for me Lisa (04.07.2009 16:25:05): i think it is better, when i send you the money for this all Lisa (04.07.2009 16:25:34): so you can pay all things includid the hospital and the hotel bills ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:26:46): well yes but i thought it will be better if you buy the things there and send to me because i don't think i will have a good shop which i will have good things here. achh, kann man in Ghana nicht gut einkaufen??? Lisa (04.07.2009 16:28:05): this is not in such a way, it is better if you buy the things there, then, in addition, we save duty and the forwarding expenses ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:28:44): and then i can pay for the hotel bills and for the hospital. i don't want you to spend too much money because the things might cost a lot here. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:28:57): well, you are right. now duty is high. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:29:20): because of the currency rate which has gone high..
Lisa (04.07.2009 16:30:27): and how I should do this with the calculation of the hospital and the calculation of the hotel ... does not go, I must transfer money. You have no money with you, you said to me ....how will you pay this??? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:32:12): well, the hospital bill is a lot so i only need to pay for half for now and when i receive the money from the bank next week then i will pay for everything. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:32:37): oh ok, how much money you need now? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:32:44): also i have to pay for the hotel for about 10 days only for now so i can pay for the rest next week till i leave the country. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:33:02): oh ok thats good ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:35:43): how much will be that in Euros...was meinst DU???? Lisa (04.07.2009 16:35:44): Efraim where are you????? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:35:59): i am here my Love. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:35:59): what you mean??? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:36:30): the connection is not good here in the public cafe.. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:36:37): oh i see Lisa (04.07.2009 16:37:05): what you mean....how much will be that in Euros? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:38:07): it will be about 6000 Euros.. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:38:25): you mean thats is enough???? Lisa (04.07.2009 16:38:50): and you pay the rest next week? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:38:56): i don't know much about the currency here in Ghana but i think this will be enough for now. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:39:56): yes my Love, you don't have much money so i don't want you to spend much ok. let me have this first and settle the little things and i hope it will be enough...darf es auch ein wenig mehr sein????... ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:40:13): or what do you think about this.
Lisa (04.07.2009 16:41:15): because we have felt never personally, I would like a security. I would like your passport in Copy. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:41:27): it is very much money Lisa (04.07.2009 16:42:29): please does not misunderstand me, but I have already heard so much bad things ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:44:04): my Love, i understand but i am not here to disappoint you or treat you bad ok.. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:44:14): yes i know ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:44:54): i understand you have had some bad experiences but that is not what i am here to do to you. i will pay you back all soon ok. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:45:13): i do not want you to spend much that is why i even preferred you buy the things there for me. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:45:32): i have not slept well and also in the same cloths since and that makes me feel real bad at the moment.. Lisa überweist doch kein Geld, ohne eine Sicherheit.... Lisa (04.07.2009 16:45:56): yes i know honey....but you must also understand me, I would like your passport, because I have seen you never personally ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:46:18): i wish you were here with me now and i think things would have been much better because i would have someone to share ideas with and talk to. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:47:15): yes darling....but i need a security from you Lisa (04.07.2009 16:47:35): so i will go on monday and pay the money to your account ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:48:47): i can give you the hotel details or you can check it on the website yourself and call them and ask about me ok.. .na ganz schlau, was soll ich denn damit????....
Lisa (04.07.2009 16:49:20): but this ist not a security from you darling Lisa (04.07.2009 16:50:31): i want you passport, please ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:50:46): you think i will run away with your money and will never come to Germany. do you think that money is more important than you......JA, genau so würde es sein.....
Lisa (04.07.2009 16:51:26): no darling i dont thing so...money is never important then people Lisa (04.07.2009 16:51:30): and you know it ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:52:16): that is what i am saying, i have lost my personal stuffs and that is what the Police is searching for ok. so you can call the Hotel and ask of me. ne, das ist keine Sicherheit mein lieber....
Lisa (04.07.2009 16:52:34): but i never met you and what can you give me for securtity?....i am not a little girl i am a business woman and you know it Lisa (04.07.2009 16:53:05): i dont send money without a security from you ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:54:15): so now as i don't have my passport with me what do you expert me to do? ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:55:38): we have already announce at the Fm stations here so i am hoping that someone finds the things and report to the Police..
Lisa (04.07.2009 16:56:52): ok but can you give me a loan contract for the money, i will send you Lisa (04.07.2009 16:57:47): on youe email account Lisa (04.07.2009 16:58:47): you can print it and then you can scan it and send it back to me. you have time till monday. i go monday to the bank and send you the money ms_efraim (04.07.2009 16:59:34): what do you want me to send to you. Lisa (04.07.2009 16:59:41): read ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:00:24): a loan contract how. you mean an agreement letter or what?.genau...!!! Lisa (04.07.2009 17:00:31): yes Lisa (04.07.2009 17:02:03): i see you dont have time for me Lisa (04.07.2009 17:02:24): i will write the letter and then i send it to ypur email account Lisa (04.07.2009 17:03:01): ok darling, go to Jason back in the hospital and give him many kisses from me.... Lisa (04.07.2009 17:03:34): it is not good if you are away so long. He still is too small to be alone
ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:05:12): i have time for you ok. i told you the connection is not that good here. i am in Africa ok. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:05:15): i am here ok my Love.. Lisa (04.07.2009 17:05:43): yes but i mean it is better when you go to Jason in the hospital ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:05:47): how are we going to sign the contract letter for the money?. Lisa (04.07.2009 17:06:22): i will write the letter after our chat and then i send you the letter on your email acooung Lisa (04.07.2009 17:06:27): account ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:06:38): my Love, you have to trust me ok. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:06:54): and then what will i do when i receive the letter. Lisa (04.07.2009 17:06:55): you can print him and then you can sign him and scann and then send it to me back Lisa (04.07.2009 17:07:16): you give me the adress from your hotel and i send the money ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:07:29): alright my Love.. Lisa (04.07.2009 17:07:46): ok
ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:08:35): but you have to trust me before you do this ok. i don't want you to feel like i am only asking you for money because of asking sake. i am asking because i need it. until next week, i will have some more money to fix the rest with the hotel and the hospital. Lisa (04.07.2009 17:08:38): you can send me the information from the Hotel to my email account and i will send you the contract too ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:08:58): alright i will do so my Darling ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:09:41): are you going to call me later tonight because i don't have any credit on the phone. i don't have enough money on me now...ochh armer Efraim...aber ich weiss es wird trotzdem funktionieren mit den anrufen....
Lisa (04.07.2009 17:10:47): i try it darling ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:11:01): if i have to go out to the hospital, the hotel offers me their driver to accompany me with their car ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:11:18): alright, i will see whether i can call you with the phone from the Hotel reception if they allow me to. Lisa (04.07.2009 17:11:39): yes honey Lisa (04.07.2009 17:12:46): you wrote: if i have to go out to the hospital, the hotel offers me their driver to accompany me with their car ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:13:15): well, he seem to be a nice person...dachte ich mir schon... Lisa (04.07.2009 17:13:52): smile good. honey i will leave you now....and i hope we hear us in the evening...Bye for now Lisa (04.07.2009 17:14:29): give Jason a big Kiss from me ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:15:04): alright i will do so.. Lisa (04.07.2009 17:15:16): smile good honey...kisses for you ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:15:27): take care and have a great day. i will be missing you a lot and will have you on my mind through out my day ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:15:31): many kisses from me to you. Lisa (04.07.2009 17:15:51): byeee for now honey, i miss you too ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:15:56): i Love you more. ms_efraim (04.07.2009 17:16:02): bye for now.
und es ist ein Wunder geschehen, das Telefon von Efraim scheint auch ohne Geld zu gehen, denn er ruft mich noch 2 mal an am Abend....
und ein neuer Tag beginnt und Efraim wartet schon im Chat....
ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:39:28): Hello m Love Lisa (05.07.2009 10:39:45): hello my love Lisa (05.07.2009 10:40:14): how are you ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:40:39): i am fine and you my Darling? Lisa (05.07.2009 10:40:51): thanks i am fine too Lisa (05.07.2009 10:41:05): how is the health fom Jason? ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:41:38): well, i have not gone to the Hospital yet but i am going to go there right after i finish talking to you ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:41:43): i didn't want to miss you online .
Lisa (05.07.2009 10:42:27): ohhh thats nice of you ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:43:27): because the time difference so i had to be here early. Lisa (05.07.2009 10:43:31): what does the police, because of your papers? Nevertheless, you need a passport. Lisa (05.07.2009 10:43:43): yes i see darling ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:44:06): i am going to report at the Police Station on Monday to check on all that ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:44:31): i am hoping that they find something on my case very soon. Lisa (05.07.2009 10:45:12): oh good...the usembassy spare identity cards to you immediately. Lisa (05.07.2009 10:48:01): the usembassy give you a new passport i mean ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:48:34): yes they are also following the case but they said they are going to help get all solved as soon as possible to be able to get my passport back in my hands or help out with my traveling out of the country when i have to leave
Lisa (05.07.2009 10:48:38): but you cannot come here to Germany without passport Lisa (05.07.2009 10:49:03): yes thats is what i mean ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:49:22): so lets hope that all goes well ok. all will be fine. Du meinst doch, die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt, oder??? Lisa (05.07.2009 10:49:35): yes i hope too ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:50:01): i got the contract letter.....gut, warum habe ich ihn noch nicht??? Lisa (05.07.2009 10:50:22): ohh thats is good ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:50:33): so i am going to print it out, sign, scan and send it back to you..ok.. Lisa (05.07.2009 10:50:44): yes do it darling Lisa (05.07.2009 10:51:51): and i need the address from the hotel ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:51:59): i was surprised a little bit because you think i am not going to pay you back but that is a good idea to keep a record and a witness for this ....ich weiß, ich habe gute Ideen... Lisa (05.07.2009 10:53:31): yes darling but i know you pay back the money, this contract is only for me ms_efraim (05.07.2009 10:54:13): well, i understand ok. Lisa (05.07.2009 10:54:17): ok und jetzt her mit der Adresse und schluß mit dem gesülze.... ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:09:47): should i give to you the address of the Hotel Lisa (05.07.2009 11:10:02): yes darling i need the address ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:10:33): alright, i have it here now. Lisa (05.07.2009 11:10:49): how want you to fetch the money if you have no passport? ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:13:06): yes i told the Hotel Manager yesterday that i am going to receive some money from my wife but i have no passport now due to the incident that happened and he said, i can let you send the money in his name but you can put my phone number in the information and send to m the information to receive the money so i can go together with him to receive it. ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:14:11): he said it will be best for you to send it by a money transfer order because with the bank account, it will take more days before i received it and moreover i have no local bank account so that cannot be possible. Lisa (05.07.2009 11:14:19): yes darling thats a good Idea Lisa (05.07.2009 11:14:46): so give me the information ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:15:05): in the US we have western union money transfer and i checked whether they have branches here and it is here too so it will be best to send it by their services. Lisa (05.07.2009 11:15:37): you can give me the Bank account thats will be easier for me, i can send it online Lisa (05.07.2009 11:16:18): i can send it by express ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:16:41): i have no account here so you have to send it by Western Union Money Transfer and i can receive it after a few hours when you send it.
Lisa (05.07.2009 11:17:13): ok if you want i can send it per western union ...ok ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:17:43): do you know Westernunion?..aber JA doch, kenne ich... Lisa (05.07.2009 11:18:06): yes i know, we have this in the Postbank and i have my account there ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:18:26): oh really. you have one closer to you?. Lisa (05.07.2009 11:18:47): yes i have Lisa (05.07.2009 11:19:02): and i can send it online from my Bank account ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:19:21): i hope it is not too far from you. i don't want you to go through much stress walking for so long to the bank....hallo, lese doch mal, ich habe mein Konto bei der Bank.... Lisa (05.07.2009 11:19:39): no its ok honey ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:19:46): you have an account with them? why did you ever send money to someone?.JA !!!!!!!!! Lisa (05.07.2009 11:20:16): no never, but i have see it Lisa (05.07.2009 11:21:31): i have my Bank account by Postbank and i can see that they work with Western union ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:22:06): oh ok. i am sorry for asking too much questions but i only wanted to know . Lisa (05.07.2009 11:22:26): yes is ok, you can ask me what ever you want ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:22:48): well, so then i give you the information now. Lisa (05.07.2009 11:22:52): yes ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:23:00):. Samuel Ohene Ansah.. ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:23:53): that is the name of the Hotel Manager. that is the name he gave to me for you to send the money to if you want to send.. Lisa (05.07.2009 11:24:13): ok ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:24:54):. Samuel Ohene Ansah House No. 4, Dome P. O. Box 1031 Accra Ghana. . Lisa (05.07.2009 11:25:57): is there there also a street name? ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:26:04): then you put my phone number in the information when they ask and you also have to send to me by email or sms message the information to receive the money after you are done..hätte ich eh bei P.R.O.M.P.T. eingegeben.... Lisa (05.07.2009 11:26:31): yes i will do it honey ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:26:33): over here in Ghana, they don't have street names like we have in the US and also in Europe
ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:29:54): alright my Sweet Heart ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:30:11): you have to go at the right time so you don't have any problems at work ok Lisa (05.07.2009 11:30:24): yes and now eat a bit and give Jason a big kiss from me when you go to the hospital ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:30:38): alright my Darling
ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:31:12): my credit on the hone is finished so you can try and call me later tonight or anytime during the day if you want to ok. ....also, das wollen wir doch erstmal abwarten..... ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:31:36): many big kisses from me to you . Lisa (05.07.2009 11:31:39): yes i will try it Lisa (05.07.2009 11:31:46): smile good ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:32:11): if you do not get through then you can send me an email. ja, dann, ich bevorzuge Email....
ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:36:00): have a great day and always be a good girl. ms_efraim (05.07.2009 11:36:08): 10000000 kisses for you Lisa (05.07.2009 11:36:12): smile Lisa (05.07.2009 11:36:16): byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Tja, aber der Vertrag ist noch nicht wieder zurück...mal abwarten...ohne Vertrag---KEIN GELD..na das bekommt er sowieso nicht....
ja und Abends sieht Lisa den lieben Efraim im Chat und buzzt ihn an....
Lisa (05.07.2009 21:48:01): honey are you there for me? Lisa (05.07.2009 21:48:28): why you dont answer me???? Lisa (05.07.2009 21:50:31): please send me the contract as soon as possible, so i can send the money tomorrow Lisa (05.07.2009 21:52:58): honey why you dont answer me????
ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:54:53): Hello my Love ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:55:07): i have been here waiting for about 15 minutes now. ...wie und warum antwortest Du nicht??? ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:56:01): i am here my Love . Lisa (05.07.2009 21:56:04): no honey, you dont answer me Lisa (05.07.2009 21:56:23): why??? you write with other person? ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:56:27): i don't answer you?..ne, sonst würde ich das ja wohl nicht sagen und dann weiss ich noch, das Du wieder mit DOROTHEE chattet ....
Lisa (05.07.2009 21:56:42): yes honey i buzz you and you dont answer me ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:57:00): i didn't receive any message from you that is why i was waiting. .. Lisa (05.07.2009 21:57:11): is ok honey you are here now ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:57:13): my Love you know i am talking with you only ok. .. Lisa (05.07.2009 21:57:20): yes ok ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:57:23): you make me feel hurt when you ask me that ...ochhh, du armer... Lisa (05.07.2009 21:57:59): ohh really, what you mean what should i thing when you dont answer me? ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:58:09): i am glad you are here now .. Lisa (05.07.2009 21:58:23): yes honey ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:58:25): i am sorry ok but please , i am not talking with anyone else. ..
Lisa (05.07.2009 21:58:37): ok i believe you ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:58:47): i am here because of you because you are the only important woman to me. ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:59:35): you have to ok. when i am with you, you will see all for yourself ok. Lisa (05.07.2009 21:59:35): smile good honey...i dont become the contract from you. do you have send it?
ms_efraim (05.07.2009 21:59:51): i am not a man who play games with a woman's feeling ok.
Lisa (05.07.2009 22:00:14): i hope ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:00:20): i was busy at the hospital today so i will be going out first thing tomorrow morning to scan and send it to you ok ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:00:39): the Hotel's scanner has a prolem Lisa (05.07.2009 22:00:51): yes honey please do it so i can send nthe money tomorrow in the evening Lisa (05.07.2009 22:00:58): oh ok ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:00:59): so you have to check it when you go to work Lisa (05.07.2009 22:01:30): yes i will do it Lisa (05.07.2009 22:01:41): how is the health from Jasonß Lisa (05.07.2009 22:01:46): ? ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:01:49): i will send it to you in the morning so you can send it in the afternoon so i can receive it before the day goes to an end Lisa (05.07.2009 22:02:05): yes honey i will do it ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:02:13): the Manager said that the Bank closes at 5pm here Lisa (05.07.2009 22:02:38): ok i will try my best ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:02:57): do your best my Love Lisa (05.07.2009 22:03:08): yes my love i will ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:03:50): i need to get myself some new cloths and also my laptop so i can start with my arrangement at the Port before the goods arrive,
ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:07:41): first things first ok. i don't need so much money for anything here. the most important things now is the Hotel bill, hospital bill and my cloths and laptop ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:08:09): and i think i will be a little comfortable in my mind to do my business . Lisa (05.07.2009 22:08:12): yes is ok ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:09:04): or what do you think about this? do you think it will be good for you to send more so i can keep the rest incase of something else comes up?
Lisa (05.07.2009 22:10:01): i mean first i send you the 6000 euro and when you need more the second step i can send you more ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:10:37): yes that will be better cos i only need a little to settle for the most important things Lisa (05.07.2009 22:10:50): yes honey ms_efraim (05.07.2009 22:11:00): so the 6000 will be enough for now.
und Lisa bekommt den unterschriebenen Darlehensvertrag heute zugeschickt......
06.07.2009 13:24 i love you my Darling Hello my Sweet Lady Lisa,
this is the aggreement lettter and i have signed now so you can see it.. i went to the hospital this morning to check on Jason and he is getting better. i am now back to the Hotel and have no much plans today because i don't have no money on me now. i had a call a few minutes ago from the shipping company and they said that my goods will be arriving on the next Tuesday so i really need to start making arrangments here at the Port and also look for a warehouse as soon as possible so as to preent any delays in my business.
i hope you had a good sleep last night and feeling very fine there this morning. i also hope that the weather is very nice there and you are having a nice day at work. i miss you more than i can tell now and all my prayers and wishes is to complete all here and come to you soon.
well, i am using the computer at the Hotel reception now and they need it for work so i don't have much time to write now so i shall be waiting for your reply soon. i kiss you now and wish you all the best for your day. i Love you now and always.
und da ich nun den Vertrag habe bekommt Efraim auch das Geld...per P.R.O.M.P.T....
Hello my darling Efraim, here the information from the Money Transfer. I love you honey. Your Lisa
Dear Samuel Ohene Ansah, the following data has been transmitted to P.R.O.M.P.T.:
Transfer-ID: 5xxxxx Name of receiver: Samuel Ohene Ansah Name of sender: Lisa Country the receiver lives in: GHANA/Accra Country the sender lives in: Germany Expected amount: 6000.00 Currency: EURO E-mail of receiver: ms_efraim@yahoo.com Mobile phone of receiver: +233261456016 Commissioned transfer company: Western Union
Efraim hat noch nicht mal 10 Minuten auf P.R.O.M.P.T. verbracht und schon kommt der erste Hilfe ruf per Telefon....und dann ab in den Chat....
Lisa (06.07.2009 20:31:48): hello my love i am here ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:35:58): i am here now ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:35:58): Hello my Love ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:36:06): are you there?. Lisa (06.07.2009 20:36:11): ok honey i see Lisa (06.07.2009 20:36:16): yes ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:36:47): how are you and how was your day?. Lisa (06.07.2009 20:37:02): thank you my day was good and yours? Lisa (06.07.2009 20:37:31): do you read, what i wrote to you? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:38:02): mine has been stressful especially with this imformations ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:38:07): i have been here trying to work it out for several times and it is still not going through which makes me much stressed up....Ohhh Gott, jetzt schon, na das kann ja was werden.... ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:38:15): no i did not read it. what did you say kleine Hilfestellung.... Lisa (06.07.2009 20:38:21): You must exactly obey the information. If there capitals stand, you must give them also Largely. Exactly like with small letters. Example: EFRAIM MASON-----Efraim Mason - right is EFRAIM MASON OK, do you understand me? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:39:57): yes i understand but there is no place they said i should fill in with Capital letters or small letters so i putted in the same information as you gave to me in my email ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:40:09): so now show me how to do it ok. .
Lisa (06.07.2009 20:41:15): i dont can show it,make a copy.honey ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:42:01): you mean i should copy the same information you gave to me on the form?. Lisa (06.07.2009 20:42:11): yes step by step ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:42:28): that is what i did my love ..na dann ist alles ok.... Lisa (06.07.2009 20:42:30): this is a scurity system from germany Lisa (06.07.2009 20:42:43): try it again honey ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:43:46): security system for what?. Lisa (06.07.2009 20:44:04): for the money transfer ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:44:45): ok i will try again now.. Lisa (06.07.2009 20:44:55): yes honey do it ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:45:04): but why didn't they let you do all that there
Lisa (06.07.2009 20:46:26): I have on-line transferred the money, then it runs about the system ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:47:08): did you call western union to confirm the transfer? Lisa (06.07.2009 20:47:37): yes honey i did ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:47:59): well, you let me try and do it again ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:48:07): please wait aber immer doch, ich warte..... Lisa (06.07.2009 20:48:10): yes ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:48:16): i love you Lisa (06.07.2009 20:48:27): i love you too ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:58:00): my Love, my email address starts with a Capital letter but you did it smaller letters ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:58:07): it is mailto:Ms_Efraim@yahoo.com. Lisa (06.07.2009 20:58:32): yes honey ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:58:51): so the code they will send will go somewhere else. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 20:59:45): i have not received anything yet ok
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:00:12): honey you get the MTCN number when you go to P.R.O.M.P.T.. you must fill in the information and they ask you some questions, you must answer the questions and then you get the number ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:00:22): this thing is complicated and it's driving me sick. my head is beginning to ache me now ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:00:44): i understand but i am trying to do it and it is not working here ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:00:50): so what should i do now ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:01:24): this is making me have a bad feeling at the moment ok. . achhhh...Efraim hat schon Kopfschmerzen.....nach 10 Minuten...KLASSE... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:02:01): ohh honey, it is the best you try it ...make it slowly..... i will be here for you but i mean it is better when you have time for answer the questions.... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:02:44): i see you are very nervous. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:03:41): i understand but the system is not running here so how can the page even open for me to answer the questions ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:03:56): i hope you understand me. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:05:07): the Hotel Manager is around waiting for to confirm the transaction so he will know what time to come tomorrow so we go for the money. he was here in the afternoon and have been waiting since because i thought you will get it done earlier so we can go for it before the bank closes ....shit.
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:08:50): I know, but I also have to do what, the whole day. In addition, I have got the contract also only this afternoon. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:09:41): but can't you call the service so they give the MTCN to you so you give it to me by yourself. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:10:43): i thought that is how it is done. and also we have to get a secret questions and answer but i don't know why i have to do all this before getting money which my Love sent to me
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:11:12): they dont give me the MTCN number this is a security system you must fetch the number from P.R.O.M.P.T....nobody have the number.. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:11:17): you understand me? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:12:09): so now the system is not working here so what should i do now .. arbeiten mit P.R.O.M.P.T. honey.... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:12:24): try it honey ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:12:56): my Darling, don't you trust me that i have been trying for hours and it is still not going through Lisa (06.07.2009 21:16:00): i dont understand you darling....i can say to you i trust you....i have send the money to a save way...i have make online banking and they say to me you must fetch the number from P.R.O.M.P.T.....why you wrote this to me honey? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:16:04): do you want to talk to the Manager or the receptionist to find out about this. they have been here helping me out to do this and nothing is working. you fill in the form and they bring yo back. now i have waited for long for the security code and i have not received anything ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:16:56): i trust you too and know you have sent the money but you think i have not tried going through the process to receive the mtcn numbers Lisa (06.07.2009 21:17:22): I cannot stop this, the money stands for 3 weeks for you there, only then I get back it. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:18:13): my love, i don't need the money in 3 weeks ok. i need it urgent that is why i asked you. . wenn DU noch länger hier mit mir sitzt, brauchst du noch Monate um die Nummer zu bekommen.... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:19:02): no honey....you can fetch the number.....but if you dont fetch the number it will be 3 weeks then i get the money back.. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:19:11): western union is an instant money transfer that is why i asked you to send it with them.. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:19:33): i have send it by western union from my Bank account ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:19:44): now i don't have even a single dollar on me, i have the same cloth on since i came.. .achh Du meinst seit Du im Internet Cafe bist..oder???.... ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:20:12): so just imagine how my mind is at the moment. i am very frustrated here.
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:20:14): ok then try it and fetch the number and you get the number Lisa (06.07.2009 21:20:30): i go now and then you have time for that... ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:21:20): my Love, i think you have to tell them to cancel the transaction and give back to you your money so you can send it in another way by tomorrow ok....HALLO...bei Dir ticks wohl.....
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:22:28): no honey no way....the fact that I cannot, it is already debited a sum to an account by my account. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:22:56): it is worth as paid-up Lisa (06.07.2009 21:23:45): you must get only number from P.R.O.M.P.T., then everything is OK, ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:23:46): oh ok. so just tell them not to send the money again and wait till they return it back to you. and you can send me some amount through another means because i need the money urgently you know. .
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:24:56): Do you mean here in Germany the money in the tree grows?. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:25:46): Darling this is not what i mean ok.. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:25:57): i have send the money and you can fetch it or not...i go now please send me a email if you have the number... ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:26:20): you are upset now right.. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:26:46): yes, i am. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:26:53): fine it's alright. i am only sharing an idea with you..
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:27:02): yes ok ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:27:06): if you want to go now, you go. i won't bother you ok. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:27:34): i will try till tomorrow, if it can't then you just have to get your money ok. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:28:25): you make me feel sad now with what you just told me. i don't think money is grown on trees in Germany. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:28:37): you have good night and sleep tight. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:28:39): kisses ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:28:51): bye ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:28:57): i love you more. .
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:28:57): I wanted to help only and now something like that. Please, I cannot help you. I will announce myself in one hour again and off-line his for you, OK? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:29:38): you mean you cannot help me?. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:30:10): no honey ....i can help you...but i have send the money...i cannot help you with P.R.O.M.P.T. i mean Lisa (06.07.2009 21:30:50): and i dont can send the money again ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:31:11): well, it's alright but i don't think that money grow on trees in Germany ok. i am not a poor man who only want money from you ok. so please check your statements. . ok werde ich machen und zwar gewaltig, mein Freund.... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:31:29): please try it....if it completely does in rests and one after the other Lisa (06.07.2009 21:31:46): yes...smile honey i know ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:32:09): you make me feel bad now but it's alright. i will try, if it dfoes'n work then please try to get your money. ach, jetzt bin ich aber auf Krawall gebürstet..... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:32:34): ohhh really you make me feel bad too honey ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:33:36): you want to go now so you have a good night. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:34:00): yes honey but i want to ask you some things ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:34:39): you have every right to ask me everything ok Lisa (06.07.2009 21:35:42): ok,why do you have no more cent with yourself? Lisa (06.07.2009 21:36:03): I do not understand all that Lisa (06.07.2009 21:36:38): i have the feeling that you lie to me ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:37:11): what did i tell you my Love. i was robbed ok. if not that i would have my money with me to do all things ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:37:22): i lie to you for what? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:38:06): that i have not been robbed? Lisa (06.07.2009 21:38:07): yes i know honey, but i dont understand it....when you have no money how can you buy eat? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:38:57): you see, this is why i wanted you to call the Hotel so you find out from them. i have been here and they help me out with everything.
Lisa (06.07.2009 21:39:32): ok, honey i have send you the money so please try to fetch the number Lisa (06.07.2009 21:40:03): please it tries to do in rest ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:40:06): the man who came to the robbery scene and carried me and Jason to the Hospital brought us to this Hotel and explained everything to them and they also trusted and tried to help me live here for sometime ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:40:34): why do you think i will lie to you and what for? to get your money or what? Ja, genau deshalb.... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:40:59): no honey that is not what i mean and you know it ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:41:05): listen, i have never felt like this before but you make me to now. i am sorry for asking you for such a great favor ok.. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:41:19): no honey ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:41:51): you can look for the phone number of the Hotel and call them to find out if you want to ok. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:42:07): i can show you the Police report also if you want to ok. . Lisa (06.07.2009 21:42:16): yes i wanted ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:42:35): i am not going to check anything for any numbers ok. . Lisa (06.07.2009 21:42:46): ohhh darling ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:42:52): please try and get your money back ok. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:43:04): no honey you dont must do it ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:43:31): Lisa, what are you talking about ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:43:37): i do not Lisa (06.07.2009 21:43:42): honey ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:43:53): what? Lisa (06.07.2009 21:44:12): and your right name is ...Samuel and you are from africa ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:45:05): Lisa, where is all this from? Lisa (06.07.2009 21:45:31): I known it Lisa (06.07.2009 21:45:51): you know where you are and i too ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:46:07): listen, can you call my house from the US to verify ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:46:24): you have the number already. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:46:27): why are you saying such painful words to me now achhh, jetzt soll ich noch in den USA anrufen, um mir noch mehr Lügen anzuhören, oder wie???? Lisa (06.07.2009 21:46:33): no never ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:48:00): listen, i am not here for all this, what you think ok. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:48:24): please stop saying all this ok.. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:48:28): nooo honey i am right and you know it Lisa (06.07.2009 21:48:44): no i dont stop say me the truth Lisa (06.07.2009 21:49:02): i am not a little girl ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:49:17): what truth is here. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:49:27): listen, you make me pissed off now ok. ...ochhh, jetzt wird er Böse... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:49:38): ohhh really... Lisa (06.07.2009 21:50:05): can you not endure the truth? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:50:40): i am not here because of your money and not a black man as you are there saying ok. i can't even imagine this. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:51:32): i don't want to hear you saying all these to me ok. . Achhh, die Wahrheit können sie nicht vertragen, oder??? Lisa (06.07.2009 21:51:34): i know what i say to you Lisa (06.07.2009 21:51:43): ohhh really why??? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:52:14): you have seen of a pic of me. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:52:19): i sent you my pictures already . Lisa (06.07.2009 21:52:30): yes i have ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:53:20): look, it's alright with your accusations ok. i am sick of this now. . Lisa (06.07.2009 21:55:03): from you honey Lisa (06.07.2009 21:55:08): you have send it ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:55:26): it's alright. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:55:32): yes ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:55:46): just stick to your truth ok. Lisa (06.07.2009 21:56:10): ohhh Samuel why? ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:56:58): look, i am leaving now ok. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:57:04): you make me really sick ok. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:57:56): go to sleep now and have a good night. you can call me if you want because i have no more credit at this moment. ms_efraim (06.07.2009 21:57:58): bye Lisa (06.07.2009 21:58:04): Byeeeeeeee
naja, vielleicht war ich heute ein bisschen zu sehr auf Krawall gebürstet....
naja Lisa hatte ja auch wirklich einen Sch...Tag und ihre Freundin hat sie so verrückt gemacht...das erklärt sie Efraim dann mal in einer E-Mail...
Hello Efraim, tonight I did not want So nastily . But to me the bile has come up thus. I try everything around the money and send it to you and then I must sound that you do not get the number. You need the money, I also know. My friend has made me here today quite completely mad, I have told to her that I have sent the money. She said this everything cannot be right what you tell to me. I am completely confused. She has shown me your number IP, she comes from Ghana. What should I think now? I have believed so much in you. I want to know about you the truth. Are you the man on the photo? and do you come from the USA? Please, the truth says to me. I cannot believe that you have lied to me. My friend has called in the hospitals and they have said that there Jason Mason has never stay and which was also no Efraim Mason in the hospital. What should I believe??? Please, the truth says to me. Efraim, I love you and I must know the truth. I love you with all my heart your Lisa
und promt kommt die Antwort von Efraim....
07.06.2009 02:23 you really hurt me Hello my Darling Lisa,
i am very disappointed in you and i don't even know what to tell you. listen to me now, i never lied to you and i am sorry you are confusing me with someone else because i am not a black man and also not a man who only want your money ok.
i told you that Jason is in Hospital now and i did not tell you which hospital he is so how can you tell me that your friend called a hospital in Ghana and they said that Jason is not there and also me. i am in Ghana now so if you check the IP i am using now, what do you want to find, a Ghana IP of course and not an American IP.
i am surprised that you told me all that this evening on chat which really hurts me but i have nothing to do. i gave you my phone number when i was in the US and it is still functioning because the girl is in the house. since i came to Ghana, i have given you the Hotel information and i even told you to call them to find out about me and they can't lie to you whether i am here or not.....na das weiß ich das Du in Ghana bist und nicht in USA, warum soll ich da anrufen???
i am here now looking like a fool, a very poor man with no money. ...dann solltest Du mal richtig arbeiten gehen, dann hast Du auch Geld....the Hotel Manager has been here all day just looking forward to help me out with my situation thinking that my wife has sent me money and now he don't even believe me and think that i am only saying that to him so he can allow me to stay in the Hotel. now he says he doesn't know me and also i am a foreigner so he can't trust me because he can't believe me whether i am going to have money soon.
i am not here for your money ok....OHHHH, doch.... i told you that i need some cloths because i have nothing more to ware at the moment because the robbers took everything we had and also my laptop so you should buy me that there in Germany and send it to me because i need some cloths to ware to present myself well and also a laptop for my business .....damit Du im Internet Cafe besser aussiehst, oder was???and also to talk to you because i cannot go to the Public cafe all the time or use the computer at the reception. you told me you wanted to send me more money but i don't need all that money for anything. i told you i need only this little sum to solve for the little problems...HALLO, Du nennst 6000 Euro eine little sum????...da muß eine alte Oma lange für stricken.... first because i will have some money next week and i can settle for all the rest and now you think i am not the man in the photo and also i am not from the US. you can call to verify from the girl in my house or call the Hotel ok. you can find the number in their website i think.
you make make me sad and upset because i don't know what to think at the moment. so you think i am coming to Germany to see you and i will be a different person from the picture right?.....neee, das denke ich nicht...es wird gar keiner kommen, das denke ich nicht nur, daß WEISS ich sogar....
well, i have nothing more to say to you ok and i have no truth to tell you. i never lied to you because i have no reason to do that..you said that money don't grow on trees in Germany, i understand but i did not force you to give me all your money ok. i only asked you for a favor because i need help.....ach, denn hatte ich es also falsch verstanden....
i have no more credit to call you, like i said i don't even know what to do at the moment because i am stucked up here with no dollar on me so it is left with me to think of what to do so you can call me if you want....neee Efraim, i don´t want to call you....
have a good night. i love you too but you make me have fears in me now for all you have been thinking about me all this while. ...ok, das sollte sinn der sache sein...
gestern Abend hatte ich noch ein Telefongespäch mit Efraim, dann kam er online, hat mir vorgejammert, das er kein Geld bei P.R.O.M.P.T. bekommt und das er doch den ganzen Tag damit verbracht hat, die Angaben zu machen bei P.R.O.M.P.T.....jetzt würde ihn auch schon der Hotel Manager nicht mehr glauben, das er das Geld bekommt...die Lisa soll doch nun heute mal hingehen zur Bank und mal eben 2000€ überweisen....direkt bei Western Union....aber Lisa sagte ihm immer wieder, sie muß erstmal heute mit der Bank reden, wann denn das Geld von P.R.O.M.P.T. zurück ist....
und soviel dazu....ICH WAR DEN GANZEN TAG MIT P.R.O.M.P.T. BESCHÄFTIGT...... 2009-07-06 22:04:22......letzter login IP: Provider: adsl10159.4u.com.gh Mugus gesamte Online-Zeit: 0 Stunden 44 Minuten 2 Sekunden......
dann heute morgen diese Mail.....
08.07.2009 10:20 i really need you by my side Hello my Beautiful Lady Lisa.,
i am already up from bed and have some time to send you this email because it is early morning and there is no one at the reception so they gave me sometime to use their computer now. it was very nice talking to you last night and was able to sleep a little having you in my thoughts. i hope you had a good night and had some good sleep and not feeling too tired this morning.
it is 7:12 here now and i am going to take a shower and go to the Hospital. i washed my shirt last night by hand and it is dry now so i am going to get it ironed and wear it since i have nothing else on me....OHHH, du armer Mann... i hope that it does me some good. this people even think that i am some poor man who has nothing and i am only telling them some lies to win their favor and i am very sad and disappointed in all this i am going through but i hope all will be fine soon.
i shall be looking forward to hear from you tonight and i hope all goes on well with you too and you come out with a good news...NEEE, da muss ich Dich enttäuschen, die Nachrichten sind nicht gut.... i have to go now but i have something to tell you from my heart and that is all the words below.
have a nice and successful day there and take good care of yourself. many kisses from me to you and always want you to know that i have a special place in my heart for you.
I know I can never find someone like you, someone I’ve been looking for so long. maybe God has put us together and I promise to love you forever. i became a better because of you for you have shown me a love that’s true, even through i’m not the perfect you still give me the some respect. tell me how can I ever thank you is it enough to share my life with you? what if everything goes wrong? honey help me to be strong. sometimes it’s difficult to say I love you. when you know that what you feel is true and if there’s any other word to say it. it would simply mean i’ll always be here for you. how can it be true? that I’ve fallen enough for you. you ask me how much I love you, the answer is “I do” i want you to know how much i appreciate and care about you. you're a special person, full of light and laughter. your smile is contagious. you always make me feel warm inside. i'm glad you're part of my life, and if i could, i'd send you flowers every day. I believe in you.
I believe you're a special and gifted person.
I believe you have what it takes to make your dreams come true.
I believe you have much inner strength and courage.
I believe you're creative, intelligent, and capable.
I believe you have a bright future ahead.
And this summer, I hope you never forget that someone believes in you!
achhh Efraim....das liebe Geld treibt ihn in den Chat mit Lisa.....
ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:36:18): i am here now ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:36:30): Hello my Love Lisa (08.07.2009 21:36:41): yes honey i see ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:37:56): i have no credit on my phone so i used the phone of the receptionist to call you ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:38:00): how was your day?...och immer diese Geschäftsmänner ohne GELD......hier die Nummer: 00233243706188 Lisa (08.07.2009 21:38:38): thank you fine Lisa (08.07.2009 21:38:42): Today I have spoken with the bank ... the money will be only in 3 weeks back. They have told to me which you have not given yet sometimes the code with P.R.O.M.P.T.. Lisa (08.07.2009 21:39:29): I can send no money without P.R.O.M.P.T., this is a new system from Germany. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:39:30): alright and when you told then to give you the code also what did they say to you? ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:40:33): but Lisa, it is your money that you sent so they should be able to return it back to you if you don't want it to be sent again because it has not been received here. Lisa (08.07.2009 21:40:39): Nobody can give the code to me, he is from security only with P.R.O.M.P.T., so that him only the receiver agrees ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:40:59): so why do you have to wait until 3 weeks....
Lisa (08.07.2009 21:41:32): The money remains 3 weeks in the system, only then I can get back it Lisa (08.07.2009 21:41:45): it is a security system ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:42:05): hmm, i am very surprised about this but what can i believe, i believe you and nothing else achhh Efraim, nach diesem Chat wirst DU alles begreifen.... Lisa (08.07.2009 21:42:35): i dont know honey, that is what they said to me ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:43:13): so you mean you can't help me in any way right?...na die Wahrheit ist...NE, ICH HELFE DIR NICHT.....
Lisa (08.07.2009 21:44:11): yes honey, but i have send you the money and you must fetch it.....a other way is you send me your bank account information and i can send the money to your account ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:44:12): well, it's alright. don't bother yourself anymore ok. ..wenn DU meinst...gut... Lisa (08.07.2009 21:45:05): why you say this to me honey? ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:45:28): but you said you have no money again because you sent the money already so what money are you going to send? ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:46:01): i said that because i seem to be putting you through a lot of stress with my problem but i don't mean to. Lisa (08.07.2009 21:46:20): i can send you money...but they say to me only with P.R.O.M.P.T.... Lisa (08.07.2009 21:47:14): and i have send you money with P.R.O.M.P.T. and you dont fetch the number, why should i send the money a second time? ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:47:51): alright you know what, Lisa (08.07.2009 21:48:17): what?
ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:48:27): Lisa, so you still don't believe that the system does not work here. you think i only don't want to fetch the number from P.R.O.M.P.T.. ....GUT ERKANNT..EFRAIM.... Lisa (08.07.2009 21:48:56): they said to me the system is working over there... Lisa (08.07.2009 21:49:15): very well ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:49:22): i have done what ever i can, the Manager was even here and we tried it together and it does not work, that is why i wanted you to call him so you can know whatever is going on with me here. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:49:32): alright, so now you don't believe me. fine. Efraim war nicht wieder bei P.R.O.M.P.T...... Lisa (08.07.2009 21:51:23): then you must send to the costumer service a email they can help you. i dont know ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:52:09): my love, i don't know what to say again now. you seem not to believe me and you make everything seem like i am not serious..
Lisa (08.07.2009 21:52:41): yes honey i believe you, but i dont can help you now ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:52:48): i am in a real great situation and i am always here to have misunderstanding. so you just wait and fetch the money back from P.R.O.M.P.T. ok.
Lisa (08.07.2009 21:53:13): yes in 3 weeks i get the money back, not before ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:53:41): you just said that you can send money to me now unless bank accounts. and now you say again to me that you cannot help me in anyway which makes me confused too. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:54:04): we should be honest with each other ok. i am in trouble and the trouble will not last forever ok. .
Lisa (08.07.2009 21:54:05): i can send money to the bank account...yes....dann habe ich die Bank Daten..... Lisa (08.07.2009 21:54:14): but i dont can help you woth P.R.O.M.P.T. Lisa (08.07.2009 21:54:18): with ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:55:01): alright, so why don't we talk to the Hotel Manager so he trust me and you can send money through his account so he can give me some money here now and he receive it in a few days when it comes through .
Lisa (08.07.2009 21:55:36): yes we can do it. please talk with the manager ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:56:00): but he will believe me unless you talk to him..auch das mache ich..... ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:56:48): he was in his Office this evening but i don't know whether he has already gone. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:56:52): let me ask ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:56:53): just a minute .
Lisa (08.07.2009 21:56:53): yes i will do Lisa (08.07.2009 21:57:08): yes honey ms_efraim (08.07.2009 21:59:18): oh we are not lucky. he has already left. but i can give you his number so you call him now and talk to him ok. . Lisa (08.07.2009 22:00:04): ohhh honey you know that my english not so good Lisa (08.07.2009 22:00:17): but ok give me the number Lisa (08.07.2009 22:00:23): i will try it ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:01:59): alright. let me get it from the receptionist now. he speaks English too so he will understand you.
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:02:17): i hope ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:04:58): 00233249198215.. Lisa (08.07.2009 22:05:13): ok honey i will try it ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:05:13): my Love, this is his number. his name is Mr Samuel.. na jetzt wirds bunt gemischt, mit dieser telefoniererei..... Lisa (08.07.2009 22:05:32): ok honey Lisa (08.07.2009 22:05:41): i will call him ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:05:57): yes try and call him now ok. i am waiting. Lisa (08.07.2009 22:06:19): yes, wait Lisa (08.07.2009 22:10:04): I have tried it, but the connection is so bad Lisa (08.07.2009 22:10:19): he dont understand me and i dont understand him Lisa (08.07.2009 22:10:58): please honey i mean it is better when you call him Lisa (08.07.2009 22:11:13): say him, that i have try to call him Lisa (08.07.2009 22:11:29): you can show him our chat ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:11:55): i have no credit on my phone now i told you..
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:11:56): i will send the money for you on the bank account from the manager Mr. Samule Lisa (08.07.2009 22:12:13): yes i know, but honey please tell him tomorrow Lisa (08.07.2009 22:12:30): the story and show him this chat ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:12:44): i know but he will only trust me if you talk to him ok. he is very disappointed in me now.. Lisa (08.07.2009 22:13:11): yes i know, i will try it later, ok? ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:13:33): but it is getting to late and he might go to bed sometimes. .. Lisa (08.07.2009 22:13:59): i have try it honey, but the connection is bad ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:14:15): hmmmmm. alright it's ok. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:15:47): because i have to get his bank information for you. . ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:15:51): what about if we call you tomorrow morning when he comes around.
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:16:11): I have tried it again, it does not go, I get no connection ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:16:53): ok you know what. let me ask the receptionist if he can call him for me now ok. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:17:26): so maybe i will tell him to call you if he doesn't believe me. or what do you think? gute Idee...er kann mich gerne anrufen.....
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:17:28): yes please do it and when you have the bank account information then send it directly to me...i will send the money to the account from the manager Lisa (08.07.2009 22:17:40): yes he can call me honey ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:18:06): alright then hold on now and let me see whether i can call him from the reception ok... Lisa (08.07.2009 22:18:17): yes ok i wait ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:25:19): i called him now. .
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:25:53): yes ok ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:25:56): he said he is going to call you in a few minutes to find out because he want to be sure . Lisa (08.07.2009 22:28:10): yes he can call me ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:28:44): he asked about how much i want from him and i said that he should ask you because i have to decide with you before . Lisa (08.07.2009 22:29:35): how much you need? Lisa (08.07.2009 22:30:11): i know you need 6000 but i mean for the first time ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:30:20): well, i told you already but i don't know how much you can give me now. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:30:25): and i am very confused now . achhh, was jetzt sag schon.... Lisa (08.07.2009 22:30:52): yes honey i know....say how much...i will try to send you the money
ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:31:30): you said to me that money don't grow on trees in Germany so i don't want to offend you now ok. .....ja hatte ich da nicht Recht???? Lisa (08.07.2009 22:31:43): smile ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:31:46): i am only kidding.. Lisa (08.07.2009 22:32:16): .....tell me ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:33:40): my Love, i don't know what to say now ok. it will be good if you can send me the 6000 . Lisa (08.07.2009 22:34:23): ok i will try it, but i must ask my bank first, ok? Lisa (08.07.2009 22:34:52): i can say to them that the money come back from P.R.O.M.P.T. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:36:08): i asked the Doctor about the hospital bill and he said i have to pay about 7000 dollars and i need to pay for the Hotel also for 10 days 3400 dollars. .achhh, wie willst Du denn das andere zahlen???? Lisa (08.07.2009 22:36:53): so you need 10300 dollars?
ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:37:09): so i will pay for half of both. .achhh von NIX willst DU die hälfte zahlen...wie geht die Rechnung denn????
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:37:21): ok i understand ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:37:39): i don't need all from you ok because you don't have much money ok... na dann habe ich je nochmal Glück.....
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:38:28): yes i know...ok i will try it Lisa (08.07.2009 22:39:00): you can send me the bank account information on my email address, honey ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:39:26): i am so stacked here..
und der Hotel Manager ruft an....und spricht wie ein Laufband...mein Gott, wie soll ich das verstehen??? Lisa (08.07.2009 22:39:52): wait phone ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:40:15): i can get my laptop hopefully tomorrow if possible and some shirts and underwears . Lisa (08.07.2009 22:42:07): honey i have talk with the manager he call me Lisa (08.07.2009 22:42:24): and he give you the bank account informationen ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:44:41): really, he called you now. .
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:44:48): yes he did ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:45:13): alright and how did he sound? ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:45:46): are you there?. Lisa (08.07.2009 22:49:43): yes i am i have phone again with Mr. Samuel and he ask me for the money from P.R.O.M.P.T., what is happend with this money Lisa (08.07.2009 22:49:54): i hope he understand my bad english ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:50:01): ohhhhh, he called you again...tu doch nicht so blöd... Lisa (08.07.2009 22:50:09): yes honey he did Lisa (08.07.2009 22:50:28): he will give you the account information
ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:50:32): oh ok. i hope he understand you. Lisa (08.07.2009 22:50:44): yes i hope too honey ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:51:08): alright my Love. i will send it to you immediately when he give it to me. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:51:10): but did you also tell him what amount he should give to me. Lisa (08.07.2009 22:51:48): no honey, i have told him that i send the money, and he say ok Lisa (08.07.2009 22:52:30): you know that i dont speak so good english ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:52:34): alright. because he is very upset and think that i lie that you send money to me. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:53:03): so i am glad that he understand now. he has been good and nice to me and i want him to trust me. .
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:53:07): ohhh honey i had the feeling that he is ok now ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:53:18): he will know what person i really am when i settle for all... Lisa (08.07.2009 22:53:21): yes honey ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:53:55): alright. .
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:53:59): ok Lisa (08.07.2009 22:54:10): now you feel better? ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:54:14): so will you be able to send the money tomorrow because i think it will take a few days about 2.. achhh, wie kommst DU denn darauf??? das habe ich doch gerade zum Manager gesagt am Telefon, ist wohl telepathie ???? Lisa (08.07.2009 22:55:17): yes i have already phone my bank today and they said to me that will be 2 days max. 5 days Lisa (08.07.2009 22:55:31): but i can send it by express ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:56:03): alright then that will be good ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:56:29): i want the Manager to trust me and know that i am not a lier. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:56:33): i want him to have his money in the expected time.
Lisa (08.07.2009 22:56:53): it depends to the bank in Ghana, do sometimes is there the money already in 2 days, they have said Lisa (08.07.2009 22:57:13): yes honey i know ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:57:17): well, i have never been here so i don't know how their system works na ich auch nicht Efraim.... Lisa (08.07.2009 22:57:44): ok we will see, i send it by express ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:58:04): alright my Darling. . Lisa (08.07.2009 22:58:29): ok honey...is Jason already at the hotel? ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:59:06): no he is still in the Hospital. he is getting much better but the doctor said he will be discharged hopefully by next week if he is very fine. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 22:59:15): but unless i make ful payment .
nochmal ein bisschen jammern, damit Lisa auch alles glaubt...... ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:02:43): i have been here a lone all by myself and have no one to laugh with and this makes me think a lot. . Lisa (08.07.2009 23:02:58): yes honey i know ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:03:02): Jason is in the hospital now. Lisa (08.07.2009 23:03:36): please take a rest now, you need it...you must be strong for me ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:04:15): and i was very sad the night we had the misunderstanding. i even cried...
Lisa (08.07.2009 23:04:44): ohhh honey....please forgive me ...please ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:04:55): i will be fine if only you are there for me....na, hat Lisa wieder mal Glück.... Lisa (08.07.2009 23:05:11): yes honey i am here for you ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:05:15): it's alright. my heart belongs to you ok. .
ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:08:00): i am happy too and i want your full trust ok. i have a big contract to complete so i need your love and care and your good wishes and everything will be fine . Lisa (08.07.2009 23:08:51): yes honey i trust you and i know that you need me in this time..... ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:11:18): i believe you ok. ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:11:32): and i promise never to let you down ok. . Lisa (08.07.2009 23:11:34): yes honey you can Lisa (08.07.2009 23:12:05): honey i will leave you now, it is late here and i must sleep ms_efraim (08.07.2009 23:12:28): i will be obliged to send you a copy of my contract documents if possible and then you will know all that i am doing here .....die habe ich nicht bekommen Lisa (08.07.2009 23:12:32): please send me the information to Mr. Samules Bank account tomorrow
bis heute Mittag war noch nix da...also schreibt Lisa eine SMS an Mr. Samuel.... 09.07.2009 11:15:26 von: 491xxxxxxxxxx an: 233249198215 iSMS Hello Mr. Samuel I dont have any Bank account information. Please, i would send the money to the bank account. I need the information. Please give the information to Mr. Efraim Mason. I will send 6000 Euro. best regards Lisa xxxxx
und siehe da, Lisa bekommt eine Mail von Efraim....geht doch.....
09.07.2009 12:49
Hello my Love,
the Manager came around this morning and he gave me the informations. he said he was going to the city and will check in to his Bank to cash the money for me so i am in the Hotel now waiting for him to return so i can also go to the city to make some little shopping for my cloths and also get myself a laptop and will check in to the Hospital to see Jason and also settle for the bill.
i hope you had a good night and enjoying your day there. it is still raining a little bit here but i heard the news and they said the weather will be fine and clear in the afternoon. i miss you a lot and have been thinking about you a lot and i just can't want to be with you soon. these are the informations below.
ACCOUNT NUMBER : 200-1700-6274-01
Bank Address : National Investment Bank Limited 37 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue P. O. Box GP 3726 Accra.
so please try and send it today so the man can have it within 2 days and he can have more trust in me. i love you so much. i will be waiting to talk to you more in the evening when you come back home from work. i send you many kisses and hugs and always want you to know that you have a special place in my heart.
ich habe auch eine liebe mail von efraim bekommen ... Betreff: Re: missing you Datum: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 04:18:14 -0700 (PDT) Von: nana yaw <abodebant@yahoo.com> An: dorothee
Hello Dorothee my Darling,
it's been for a while now since i heard from you and i don't really know what is going on with you there whether you are fine or now but i hope and believe that everything is fine with you. i really miss you and miss talking to you. you don't send me emails or call me so i don't really know your thoughts.
i hope i am not bothering you. i miss you and wish to talk to you more all the time. i send you many kisses and hugs and wish to hear from you soon. be good and take care
gestern war BAD CONNECTION in Ghana, daher nur ein kleiner Chat....
ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:15:15): Hello my Sweet Lady Lisa (09.07.2009 21:15:33): hi honey Lisa (09.07.2009 21:15:46): how are you today? ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:16:19): i am doing good my Love but it has been raining here all day and i couldn't do much Lisa (09.07.2009 21:16:38): ohh really, thats bad Lisa (09.07.2009 21:17:17): then now that is not thus a nice time for you there Lisa (09.07.2009 21:17:26): smile ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:17:36): but the rains stop now Lisa (09.07.2009 21:17:41): ok Lisa (09.07.2009 21:18:40): the hotel manager has called me, I have said to him that I have sent off the money Lisa (09.07.2009 21:19:01): has he already given you money? ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:19:22): oh really. i haven't seen him again after he came to give me the money but i hope to see him tomorrow. . Mein Gott, die Hotel Manager in Ghana sind KLASSE.... Lisa (09.07.2009 21:19:46): how much had he given to you? ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:20:41): he gave me 6000 ....na dann hat Efraim ja schon genug Geld.... Lisa (09.07.2009 21:21:47): ohh really thats is nice of him ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:22:42): well, he is a nice person and he has given me a good hospitability but he was not trusting in me anymore because he thought i was only playing games with him and not being honest . Lisa (09.07.2009 21:23:32): but now is everythink ok? Lisa (09.07.2009 21:24:14): everything ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:24:33): well, he said he is counting on the money and hope that he will receive it in two days as we have promised him ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:25:00): and that will make him believe me ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:25:33): so i want him to believe me. he has helped me and i am very appreciative to him for accepting me in his Hotel .
Lisa (09.07.2009 21:25:41): yes honey, from the bank they said to me 2 days- max.5 days. ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:26:52): alright.. Lisa (09.07.2009 21:27:01): Yes, this I can understand ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:27:07): i hope that he will receive it on time and everything will be fine here . Lisa (09.07.2009 21:27:34): yes honey i hope so too. Lisa (09.07.2009 21:27:43): how is the health from Jason? ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:28:23): i have soem credit on my phone now and i am going to call my Bank tomorrow to ask them about my transfer. i will also have to call the shipping company about my goods. they will call me when they arrive but i want to find out myself so i will know how to prepare myself .
Lisa (09.07.2009 21:29:28): oh ok i understand ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:29:37): Jason is fine. they asked me to get him some drugs at a Pharmacy because they don't have at the Hospital at the moment so i bought it and also payed for the bill. ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:29:48): the Doctor said he can accept more than half of the payment so i payed 4000 to him ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:30:09): so i have 3000 more to pay there . Lisa (09.07.2009 21:30:33): ok Lisa (09.07.2009 21:31:54): thats very good honey ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:32:42): and i bought for the drugs about 80 euros because they were expensive at the Pharmacy . Lisa (09.07.2009 21:35:08): smile you are sweet honey, you must not go to me all enumerating what you have paid Lisa (09.07.2009 21:35:55): It is good that the manager has given you the money ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:36:04): well, i want to tell you all so you will also know ok. i have to share everything with you ok so don't worry about that..ja, nur anscheinend nicht die Wahrheit...... Lisa (09.07.2009 21:36:17): smile thank you ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:37:36): you are always welcome my Love .
Lisa (09.07.2009 21:38:12): good to know ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:38:31): i am hoping that i can buy the laptop and get some simple nice cloths with the remaining money, i am only hoping things don't cost too much here ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:38:52): i will be going for shopping tomorrow and hope that there are no much rains. Lisa (09.07.2009 21:39:18): yes honey do it ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:40:55): what time did you come back home from work?. Lisa (09.07.2009 21:40:57): when does Jason from the hospital come? Lisa (09.07.2009 21:41:04): today? Lisa (09.07.2009 21:41:26): at 4pm...i was by the bank and then i go to my home ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:42:14): Jason will be discharged next week but unless i make full payment so i am hoping i receive the money from my Bank on time. Lisa (09.07.2009 21:42:18): i was at 1:30 by the bank Lisa (09.07.2009 21:42:34): yes honey i understand ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:42:56): so you did not go back to work after you went to the Bank. Lisa (09.07.2009 21:43:31): i go to the city and buy some things and then i go at home ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:44:12): oh ok. and how was the weather today in Germany.
Lisa (09.07.2009 21:44:57): very good honey...the sun has shining the whole day here ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:45:22): oh ok. i hope you did not get burnt up by the sun. Lisa (09.07.2009 21:45:27): but yesterday we had some rain ms_efraim (09.07.2009 21:45:33): and still looking sweet here for me . und weg war Efraim....aber ein Anruf kam...bad connection in Ghana.....
10.07.2009 13:41 Good day my Beautiful Lady Lisa,
it is a new day and has still been raining here in the morning but the seem to be clear now and i am getting prepared to go out and get my shopping and i am hoping i am able to purchase all stuffs with the sum i have at hand now.
i was watching tv here this morning in the Hotel room and they were showing Michael Jackson's funeral service but it was a repeat because they already did it on the Wednesday and it was very sad and sorrowful. i was his fun and i really liked his music and i am really hurt about his loss because he is a very big icon. well, that is how life is, some go and some come so we should be glad about all the things he came to impact upon our lives. are you a fun of him too?
today, President of the United States {Barak Obama} is in Ghana just this morning and the whole place is busy and everyone seems to be happy but i cannot go to the grounds where he shall give his speech because i will have to spend much time with Jason at the Hospital after i am back from shopping but they have tv sets over there so we can all watch it live. it is a great day for the Ghanaians because this is the country he is visiting first in Africa and he did not even go to Kenya since that is his home country. i hope you know about all this because they announced on CNN and also Aljazeera and DW tv.
well, i got to go now so you can also keep on with your work. i miss you a lot and had you in my dreams last night. i will tell you about it tonight when we talk. thank you for your concerns, understanding and love for me. i appreciate all about you and want you to know that, i love you and promise to make it up to you in no time and will always be the man by your side and the love of your life. i kiss you now and wish you a good day. this is a poem i have below for you and i hope it is going to do you some good.
i love you more and always care a lot about you.
You rain life you shine love you lift me high as the sky above.
I float in your arms we brush lips your kisses burn my heart skips.
Your eyes hold me in a lovers' gaze my heart you've captured I'm in a daze.
To slumber in your love so tender and true makes life so wonderful shiny and new.
You are the angel that holds my heart I pray nightly that we never part.
So please always love me inside and out be true and honest leave no room for doubt.
For you are the one I'll love my life long your smile's my music your love my song.
So think of me with each breath for I'll always love you from this day till death.
Efraim wartet auf eine SMS...also bekommt er sie........
11.07.2009 12:56 Hello my Love,
i am already up for a long time and i have gone to the Hospital and just returned back to the Hotel. i am watching a live telecast of President Obama's giving a speech at the Presidential Palace of Ghana and the ceremony is very going on very nice.
i hope you are also up and enjoying your Saturday morning. i will be waiting for your sms message when you are online so we can chat. i miss you and always have you on my mind.
Far away is just two words Applicable to naught Especially to us my Love For in your heart I'm caught
Time apart is two more words That mean nothing to me For you exist inside my soul As everyone can see
Even though we're far apart and time between us long A part of you lives deep in me And our new love is strong
When life's little struggles creep in and make you cold Just take a look inside yourself Cause I'm right there to hold
Far away and time apart are such small things to bear for what we've made inside our hearts for evermore we'll share i Love you. kisses Efraim
SMS an Efraim.. 11.07.2009 17:57:14 von: 491xxxxxx an: 233261456016 iSMS Hi my Love,I will be online at 7pm german time.I love you honey.Many kisses for you.your Lisa
und wieder eine eMail von Efraim.....und ein Chat......
15.07.2009 12:53 Hello my Sweet Heart,
i am already up now and all is well with me this morning.. i am about to leave to the hospital. i was able to sleep very well last night because i had you in my thought through out after we talked before we both went to bed and that was a good feeling. i hope you are also fine and having a great day there. i miss you so much and always want to be with you.
i will be looking forward to your sms message when you re back home from work so i can meet you online and we can talk. i am also hoping that the Manager receives the money today when he goes to the Bank so he will be glad and will believe in us.
i will leave you here with these lovely words from my heart and i hope it will brighten up your day. i love you more and always keep my fingers cross for our relationship. many kisses from me to you.
be good and stay safe and have a nice day
unsere Chat...gestern Abend........
ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:17:09): i am online now ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:17:12): Hello my Beautiful Lady ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:17:25): i miss you so much . Lisa (14.07.2009 20:43:47): now i am here....sorry ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:43:53): oh thank God you are finally here ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:43:59): i miss you more than i can tell now . Lisa (14.07.2009 20:44:00): oh yes Lisa (14.07.2009 20:44:16): oh honey..i miss you too ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:44:29): it's alright. i know it is not your fault. you must find someone to check the computer for you. Lisa (14.07.2009 20:45:09): I do not know what is to me to the computer. He cannot notice to himself the programs. He issues himself every time from alone. Lisa (14.07.2009 20:45:24): yes i think so ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:46:04): it's alright. everything will be fine. . Lisa (14.07.2009 20:46:11): honey how was your day? Lisa (14.07.2009 20:46:21): did you got the money? ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:46:38): these are some problems trying to keep us away from each other but it is not a big problem because we still have the phone to talk even if the computer is not available. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:47:06): i spend most of my day at the Hospital but i went to the Port today to check on a few things.. Lisa (14.07.2009 20:47:24): yes i know honey...ok ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:47:30): the Manager has not called me today but he said he did not receive it when he went yesterday so i am hoping he receives it tomorrow. also, gestern war das Geld noch nicht da...na sowas aber auch.........
na, jetzt wirds interessant....... ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:54:02): my Bank also called me today and they said i need a local bank account so they transfer some money to me but they can do it Monday. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:54:45): and they can only send me $20,000 at the moment because of the agreement i went with them... unser Problem scheint gelöst...Efraim bekommt von seiner Bank aus den USA doch glatt 20.000 $....
Lisa (14.07.2009 20:55:22): oh thats is really good, do you have open a local bank account there? ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:55:56): not yet ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:56:39): i asked about how much i will need to create an account here and they said i will need about $1000.wie, warum wollen die denn 1000$ haben????
Lisa (14.07.2009 20:57:00): ok, do you already have a bank where you want to go? ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:57:39): yes i figured out the Barclay's Bank because that is international . Lisa (14.07.2009 20:57:40): why, they need 1000$ for open a Bank account? Lisa (14.07.2009 20:57:55): i never hear that ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:58:06): because i only need it for transfer and i take all money out again. Lisa (14.07.2009 20:58:22): oh ok ms_efraim (14.07.2009 20:59:03): i haven't even paid for the Hotel premises because the money was not enough... Lisa (14.07.2009 20:59:20): oh honey ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:00:35): Jason will be discharged from the Hospital this week ending so i need to pay for the rest of the bill so he can be with me so i will need about 6000 so i can pay for the Hospital bill 2000, create the account and pay for the hotel premises. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:02:31): and when i receive the money from my Bank then i have no more problems. now the Manager has not even received what you sent....das denke ich auch....
Lisa (14.07.2009 21:03:22): OK, if you then on Monday the money agree from the USA, you can pay everything...for the hospital...yes i understand Lisa (14.07.2009 21:04:05): I think that tomorrow it must be there ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:04:16): i hope so.. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:04:26): yes me too honey ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:04:42): have you called your Bank to ask them again about the money?. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:04:55): no not today...why? ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:05:21): i am only asking. maybe they can give you some information.. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:05:24): i have only called with the P.R.O.M.P.T. bank and they send the money back in 3 weeks ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:05:38): oh ok Lisa (14.07.2009 21:05:42): ok, i can call them tomorrow ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:06:05): alright my Love. try and do that Efraim weigert sich strickt zu P.R.O.M.P.T. zu gehen.....
Lisa (14.07.2009 21:06:30): you could still fetch the money, with P.R.O.M.P.T., it is there still. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:07:50): i told you already about the system here. so you should make sure they send the money back to you as they have said ok. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:08:52): yes i have told the manager that it will better when i get the money back from P.R.O.M.P.T. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:09:08): alright. . Lisa (14.07.2009 21:10:10): ok honey and i call tomorrow the bank and ask them for the money for you ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:10:52): alright. i will call the Manager so he can go and check tomorrow again and i hope it will be in so he will have a clean mind for me now. . Lisa (14.07.2009 21:11:13): yes honey ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:11:21): i hate the way he feel about me now. he think i am only playing games with him. now i have not even paid for his Hotel reservation and i am still here . ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:11:35): i hope you understand how he will be feeling now..
Lisa (14.07.2009 21:12:06): yes honey i understand you very well.... Lisa (14.07.2009 21:12:34): but he know that i have send the money ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:13:01): well he knows that but how can he believe us now since he has not received it.. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:14:01): he already becomes it, nevertheless, he also knows that it takes some days, before the money is there ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:14:06): he seem to believe you a little and i think that is why he has stayed quite a little for me. either than that he might have called the Police on me or throw me out of his Hotel. i think so ...warum denn das???...DU bist doch Ghanese.... Lisa (14.07.2009 21:14:28): ohh honey no ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:15:04): yes that is what i am saying, he seem to believe you a little when you talked to him.. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:15:29): you make good to you too many worries, everything becomes. You will see. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:16:03): well, i am so much worried but i know all shall be fine soon. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:16:14): yes honey Lisa (14.07.2009 21:16:50): all will be fine soon ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:17:43): i hope so. all will be fine. i really need to solve for all this so i can have a sound mind to finish my business by next weekend . Lisa (14.07.2009 21:18:20): yes honey i know
Na, jetzt kommt der KNALLER...Efraim hat das eine Geld noch nicht und schon braucht er MEHR.... ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:20:16): my Love, can you get me some sum so i can pay for the rest of the Hospital bill so i can have Jason with me when he is discharged and also have some to create the account so i can receive the money from my Bank next. i don't want it to be sent through the Manager. Barclay's will be more reliable.. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:21:05): as for the Hotel bill, when the Manager received the money tomorrow, he will be happy and can wait till i receive my money so i pay him all...
ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:22:16): because he can put some trust in me.. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:24:24): you wrote some sum...how much? ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:24:27): i need 2000 for the rest of the Hospital bill and 1000 for the bank account and a little for my feeding and transportations to the Port. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:25:18): about 4000.. zimperlich ist Efraim ja nicht gerade....und das bitte in EURO......
Lisa (14.07.2009 21:25:33): 4000$..? ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:25:46): Euros... Lisa (14.07.2009 21:26:16): why you do not get the money with P.R.O.M.P.T.. is there and you can have it immediately Lisa (14.07.2009 21:26:49): from here I can send only on P.R.O.M.P.T., or bank account Lisa (14.07.2009 21:27:36): and on P.R.O.M.P.T. is the money ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:28:42): that is why i said that, we should wait till the Manager receives the money tomorrow so i can take some more money from him and you send it to his account if all is well..
ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:30:21): my Love, i know i can receive money from P.R.O.M.P.T. but i told you the system cannot work here. i feel bad when you keep repeating that and it makes me feel that i only don't want to get the money from them.. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:33:35): I think only that it most simply goes and quickest ones ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:34:12): yes it is but i already told you about the situation here.. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:34:51): yes youi told me but the P.R.O.M.P.T. service told me the system is still in order in ghana ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:36:38): hmmm. i know they will say that to you so which means i am only here and just don't want to get the money or what?. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:37:37): honey, but i means this is a fast way ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:39:07): i have tried and it does not work, i know it is fast but i cannot get it. the browser here does not help the system to work and i cannot do anything to that.. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:40:48): ok then it will be bett when i send the money again to your managers bank account.....or should i send the money directly to the Barclays bank Lisa (14.07.2009 21:40:54): better ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:41:59): i have no account at Barclay's Bank now so it has to be through the Manager's account but lets wait until tomorrow when he receives the money so we can be sure his bank is reliable ok.
Lisa (14.07.2009 21:42:19): yes ok we can do it ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:43:51): alright. lets hope all goes well when he go tomorrow. i don't want him to come back wiht his face frowned . Lisa (14.07.2009 21:44:41): yes honey, i understand you very well.. ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:45:12): what is the time with you now?. Lisa (14.07.2009 21:46:28): 9:30pm ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:47:26): i see. do you have to sleep early or you want us to talk more?...wieso kannst DU das sehen??? ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:55:28): kisses ms_efraim (14.07.2009 21:55:32): bye Lisa (14.07.2009 21:55:37): byeeeeeeeeeeeee
Efraim ruft jeden Tag an und er braucht doch das Geld so dringend, da doch Jason aus dem Krankenhaus raus will...er muß aber die Rechnung bezahlen....
ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:06:22): Hello my Sweet Lady Lisa (16.07.2009 18:06:31): smile hello honey Lisa (16.07.2009 18:06:44): how are you sweetie? ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:06:45): i am here. i was taking a nap and i had my laptop right beside me so i just see you come online ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:06:50): how was your day at work today? Lisa (16.07.2009 18:07:01): fine and yours? ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:07:25): mine was good too Lisa (16.07.2009 18:07:39): good honey Lisa (16.07.2009 18:08:03): i has sent yesterday in the night the sms to the manager ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:08:08): i went to the Port and was able to meet the clearing agent and we talked about all things but we have to wait till the goods are here on Sunday like the shipping company assured me Lisa (16.07.2009 18:08:45): ok ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:08:47): oh yes he called me and told me and he just called me and said he is on his way coming but he is close to the Hotel so he will be in about 15 minutes time Lisa (16.07.2009 18:09:19): ok then i can talk with him ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:09:25): yes so lets wait for him to come and i hope he will understand us also...mich muß er nicht verstehen...aber er wird, ich weiß es.........
und dann er chat mit dem "Manager"..... ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:35:09): Good afternoon Madam. Lisa (16.07.2009 18:35:24): good afternoon Mr. Samuel Lisa (16.07.2009 18:35:30): I have transferred the money to the account and yesterday over again 4,000 euros ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:35:59): Hi ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:36:08): how are you?. Lisa (16.07.2009 18:36:45): thank you i am fine, but Mr. Efraim have a big problem...he need the money for the hospital Lisa (16.07.2009 18:37:07): the manager from my bank have said that it can use some days, until the money is there ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:37:42): i get that but how sure can i be about this? i believe you but i am a little afraid about this whole situation. i have gone to the Bank about 3 times and it is till not here but they told me to wait until next week ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:38:06): but i can bring a receipt from the sender and they can help me track the money from their head quarters. Lisa (16.07.2009 18:38:52): I receive the extract at the end of the month for all transfers Lisa (16.07.2009 18:39:40): I have nothing here what I could show ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:39:55): yes Mr Efraim told me about that. ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:40:27): so now you still want me to believe in you and give Mr Efraim another money right?...ja aber klar doch.... Lisa (16.07.2009 18:41:04): yes i have transfer the money yesterday in the night...4000 euros ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:41:20): this is very hard for me to do but i understand his situation but please don't disappoint me ok. i am a very nice person and want to ahve a good relationship with you people. . Lisa (16.07.2009 18:41:27): I already understand that it is a big problem. However, please you do to me the fallen, help Mr. Efraim, he has his son still in the hospital. ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:42:33): because i am a business man too and i think this is not the only time we will meet. i might also go to the USA and might need some help or we can get a long well whenever you come to Ghana.. Lisa (16.07.2009 18:42:37): They are with sicherheit a very good person. I Thank to you you so help Lisa (16.07.2009 18:43:44): I would come with pleasure to Ghana, there it is very nice certainly very much.
ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:44:07): i hope you understand me well. so please try to make me feel happy about you. i don't want things to turn out bad between us. ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:44:29): it will be nice if you one day come to Ghana for a visit..
Lisa (16.07.2009 18:45:43): I might not that there misunderstandings is between us. I have sent the money and you can count on my word. ...genau soviel...wie DU die Wahrheit sagst zu mir... ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:46:47): well, i am counting on you Madam so i will wait till next week for the money hopefully.. Lisa (16.07.2009 18:47:20): thank you so much ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:47:47): and you can have my words too, i will be here to make sure all things go well with Mr Efraim here in the Hotel. i am always available to your service. Lisa (16.07.2009 18:48:08): and if everything is finished, I come you sometimes to visits in Ghana, with Mr. Efraim ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:48:18): thank you too. i will be glad to talk to you some other time. i think i have to go now. Lisa (16.07.2009 18:48:35): you are welcome...thank you so much ms_efraim (16.07.2009 18:48:36): alright. let's hope for this moment when you come to Ghana..
Das sind doch wirklich nette Hotel-Manager in Ghana, die helfen wo sie können.....
Efraim hat das Geld bekommen und hat Lisa angerufen, daß Jason aus dem Krankenhaus ist, da er nun alle Rechnungen bezahlt hat.....
und dann bekommt Lisa eine eMail.......
18.07.2009 16:10 i want to love you forever Hello my Great Love Lisa,
i miss you soo much and all i want is you. these words and the picture stands for how much i feel about you within me. Jason wanted to talk to you on the phone but as you are at work then i will be expecting your call when you come home so we can talk more. i wish you a nice day and hope you take good care of yourself. many kisses from me to you I only need one day, to fall in love with you To forever have our warm heart’s entwined I only need one touch, by your hand darling To let my soul know you’ll forever be mine.
I only need your love, no other love will do To offer you my heart and my soul tenderly I only need one sky to soar through, darling To feel the tender clouds of my true destiny.
I only need one glance into your green eyes You’re my angel in disguise, truly godsend I only need one gentle hand to forever hold To promise you, I’ll never let go til the end.
I only need your two words “I Do” my love To give you my loving heart for an eternity I only need one beautiful rose in my garden To nurture so deep, forever unconditionally.
mein Efraim ist ein wenig beleidigt, dabei hat Lisa ihm doch eine offline Nachricht hinterlassen..aber die scheint Efraim nicht gelesen zu haben.........Lisa ist zur Messe, hat kein Handy dabei und kommt erst am Mittwoch wieder zurück....
21.07.2009 13:24 Hello my Love,
i am very surprise about the way you treat me. you always tell me you are going to call me and you don't. now you were even leaving for a trip and you can't even call me to say a word to me? hmmm, i hope that everything is fine with you there. i miss you and i am here waiting till you are back. i love you more
auch mir hat mein süßer efraim geschrieben ..ich weiß ich bin ganz böse da ich keine zeit habe Betreff: Good morning Datum: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 04:04:06 -0700 (PDT) Von: nana yaw <abodebant@yahoo.com> An: dorothee
Hello Dorothee my Darling,
i am very surprised to see an email coming from you now. i have been here always waiting to hear from you and i receive nothing. you always said you were going to call me and you don't. i always come online to chat and you don't announce yourself. i receive no emails from you which is very sad.
i understand all you have said about your friends health and i am very sorry for her because she is in a very bad situation now and i think she really need the love and care of her friends through out her last days. i know all this but you should have at least try to call me sometimes or send me a short email for me to know your current situation and i don't think this is going to take much of your time if only i am important to you.
well, i am here and always looking forward to talk to you more. kisses
Samuel ja mein süßer aber ich habe wenigstens an dich gedacht ....
lisa nicht da und schon muß ich mich um efraim kümmern ...
Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 20:55:34): Hello my Love dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 20:56:04): hello samuel how are you Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 20:56:29): i am not fine at all dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 20:57:16): why Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 20:57:36): all because of you. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 20:58:46): why hast du etwas bereut mir die wahrheit gesagt zu haben und lisa .. um geld gebeten zu haben... und nun kommt nix??? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 20:59:35): because i don't know whether i still keep my head up for you or not dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:00:13): what you mean ???? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:01:12): you don't call me nor talk to me. i send you emails and i receive replies very late . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:01:48): i send you one email ... because my girlfriends Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:02:23): i told you all the truth about me so i only want to know whether i am keeping on with you or not. i am always here thinking about you and waiting to hear from you.och mensch ... du hast dich ja auch nicht gemeldet... dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:03:03): yes i kniow sorry Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:04:03): I KNOW I MADE YOU DOUBT ME AND HAVE A STRANGE FEELING ABOUT ME BUT I REALLY MEAN MY FEELINGS FOR YOU AND WILL BE GLAD IF THINGS COULD WORK OUT BETWEEN US IF ONLY YOU HAVE NO PROBLEMS ABOUT THE AGE DIFFERECE . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:04:39): no honey but in the moment i have so many sorrows about my girlfriend sorry Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:05:46): I UNDERSTAND THAT BUT YOU SHOULD SHARE EVERYTHING WITH ME. IT IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU TO STAY THERE AND WORRY ABOUT ALL THIS ALL BY YOURSELF. . och nun muß ich mich auch noch um dich kümmern... dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:06:58): i am here why i hope that you come online and i can talk with you and explain it to you Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:08:44): HMMM SO WHY DON'T YOU CALL ME WHEN YOU ARE ONLINE Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:09:00): BECAUSE I HAVE CALLED YOU SEVERAL TIMES AND YOU DON'T. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:09:18): you call me ?? dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:09:31): your number dont works Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:11:44): HAVEN'T I CALLED YOU SEVERAL TIME BEFORE?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:12:44): what means several Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:13:16): I MEAN I CALLED YOU MANY TIMES BUT YOU DO NOT CALL ME .2 mal hast du mich angerufen... dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:13:50): you call me 2 times honey not moore Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:14:22): hmm and how many times have you called me. . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:14:40): one time Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:14:52): listen, lets not ague about this ok. calling each other should not be a problem. we are getting to know each other more and that is the best thing we should do. . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:15:08): smile okay honey Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:15:20): you said you want to visit Ghana soon and come to me and we have to know more about each other before . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:16:35): yes i think i visit ghana to chrismas timeda starte ich dann eine rundreise zu meinem liebsten .... Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:17:00): DO YOU HAVE ANYONE ELSE YOU ARE COMING TO?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:17:13): no Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:18:47): SO YOU COMING TO ME OR YOU ARE ONLY COMING FOR A VISIT?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:19:24): i come to make holiday and than we can learn each other and perhaps we fall in love okay Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:20:41): WELL, I HOPE SO. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:20:56): okay we see it than Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:21:05): BUT YOU KNOW YOU CANNOT COME TO SOMEONE FOR A VISIT WHILST YOU DON'T KNOW THE PERSON Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:21:15): WE WILL FEEL STRANGE AND I DON'T WANT THAT. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:22:06): what you want that? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:22:57): I MEAN I DON'T WANT US TO FEEL STRANGE AROUND EACH OTHER WHEN WE MEET. Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:23:15): WE HAVE TO BE LIKE WE ALREADY KNOW MORE ABOUT EACH OTHER SO WE WILL BE VERY COMFORTABLE . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:23:36): okay that right Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:23:52): WILL BE RIGHT BACK. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:24:00): you go? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:32:50): I AM BACK NOW Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:32:58): SO HOW WAS YOUR DAY?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:33:22): oh i work the whole day Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:35:27): VERY STRESSFUL RIGHT? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:35:35): MY LOVE, I WANT YOU TO CAL ME ON THIS NUMBER ALWAYS OK. Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:35:43): 00233261456016. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:35:59): oh yes moment i write it Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:36:00): I CHANGED MY NUMBER ON MONDAY.weiß lisa das schon???
dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:36:44): ah okay Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:37:54): HAVE YOU SAVED IT NOW?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:38:22): yes i have Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:38:42): ALRIGHT. Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:38:58): SO WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU VISITED YOUR FRIEND AT THE HOSPITAL?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:40:38): yesterday Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:41:12): AND HOW IS HER CONDITION?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:41:47): not good the doctor says she lives perhaps 3 month Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:43:20): THAT IS SAD BUT WHAT IS THE SICKNESS AT ALL?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:43:32): she has canter Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:44:24): I AM VERY SORRY FOR HER. SHE HAS KIDS?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:44:59): no kids no husband Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:45:40): DID SHE DISCOVER THE CANCER BEFORE OR JUST RECENT/. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:45:57): in januar Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:46:31): AH I SEE.THE DOCTOR SHOULD HAVE NOT TOLD HER SHE WAS GOING TO DIE. . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:47:07): the doctor make the op but they open her body and closed it Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:47:21): YOU HAVE TO KEEP PRAYING FOR HER AND I BELIEVE THAT GOD WILL HEAL HER. WHY DON'T YOU TAKE HER TO A PRIEST FOR PRAYERS. Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:47:24): OH OK.. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:47:40): what you mean Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:49:07): I MEAN TAKE HER TO A PRIEST FOR PRAYERS BECAUSE THE DOCTOR CAN'T HELP NOW . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:49:23): yes Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:50:54): I HOPE YOU BELIEVE IN GOD. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:51:01): yes honey Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:52:19): ALRIGHT THEN.. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:52:27): ok Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:52:46): I WILL ALSO REMEMBER HER IN MY PRAYERS ALL THE TIME Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:53:01): HOW IS YOUR HEALTH TOO?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:53:49): my healt? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:54:06): YES MY LOVE. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:54:25): my healt is good Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:54:58): THANK GOD. Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:55:16): SO WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THE EVENING?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:55:36): i go in bed now dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:55:39): i am tired Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:55:55): ALRIGHT MY DARLING Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:56:03): SO WHEN ARE WE GOING TO TALK AGAIN? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:56:09): WILL YOU CALL ME NOW?. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:56:13): and what are you plan? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:56:44): I AM NOW GOING TO EAT SOME FOOD, WATCH A LITTLE TV AND GO TO BED .. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:57:03): okay we meet us ..tomorrow? Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:57:35): WILL YOU CALL ME NOW TO CHECK THE NUMBER Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:59:15): KISSES Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:59:15): BYE Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:59:16): WELL, TALK TO YOU TOMORROW.. dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 21:59:39): i call you tomorrow okay Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:59:50): ALRIGHT Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 21:59:59): GOOD NIGHT Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 22:00:01): LOVE YOU Efraim Mason (23.07.2009 22:00:02): BYE . dorotheemeyer47 (23.07.2009 22:00:06): good night honey na das haben wir doch gut hinbekommen ...
Lisa hat den Bait abgebrochen...Efraim wurde das Konto gesprerrt...wer hat das wohl gemacht????....Efraim hat sich nicht wieder gemeldet bei Lisa... also....