Your IP Address: IP Address Hostname: IP Country: Nigeria IP Country Code: NGA IP Continent: Africa IP Region: Rivers Guessed City: Port Harcourt IP Latitude: 4.7892 IP Longitude: 6.9986 ISP Provider: Assigned to PH dial-pool customers
---- Dana
Schenkt Dir das Leben eine Zitrone, mach Limonade draus.
Na, dann muss ich es ihm doch ein bisschen LEICHTER machen, er bekommt erstmal eine Mail von mir. Dear Steve, I hope you are good? Today is holiday in Germany, so I have a day free. That must also be. Then is easter and so I go back at Tuesday to work. I feel good. Where will you spend Easter? Is Jerry with you? You write your son Jerry is a very good kid and I am sure I will like him as well. My kids also very good girls, and i hope you will like they as well, too. It is quite nice, if you have great children, but the disadvantage is that you are alone. I know we are never alone, we have kids. But Kids are not a affectionate partner. I am ready for a new life and new relationship.( Das will er doch auch, oder?) Mayby with you? (Das wäre mein TRAUM , mal sehen wann ich sein ANGEL bin.) I know that you are in UK and I am in Germany, but we will find a way, if we go together in the future. You don´t think so? am also to willing to try my best for a relationship. Yesterday in the evening i was going with my girlfriend in a pub, it was really nice. but,to long. But I have now enough time for relaxing. Sometimes are free days the best days of the world. Whenever, i hope you have not so much to work and you can write me very soon. Hopeful I wait for your email. Greetings and hugs XXXX
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
]....hmmm keine ahnung??? hab nochmal nen flash gekriegt gestern morgen aber keine mail - und er is dort auch nicht on gewesen seither...heißt das er liebt uns niiiiiicht ???...
-------- isihonest
Für die Welt bist du irgend jemand - aber für irgend jemand bist du die Welt.....
Na, was hatte ich für ein Glü hat mich doch erwischt im dann mal los.....
steveth60 (22:54 Uhr): hello Renate steveth60 (22:54 Uhr): how are you doing today? . Renate (22:54 Uhr): today i have a free day and i spend it with my daughter, and you? steveth60 (22:55 Uhr): i had visitd some friends Renate (22:55 Uhr): have you got my email? Renate (22:55 Uhr): oh thats nice steveth60 (22:56 Uhr): no i just only came here now steveth60 (22:56 Uhr): please give me some time so i check and readyour email.. Na klar gebe ich Dir Zeit, ich will dich doch nicht hetzen...ich bin froh, wenn ich nicht im Chat schreiben muß.... Renate (22:56 Uhr): yes of course steveth60 (23:02 Uhr): oh thanks for you email.. steveth60 (23:02 Uhr): i hve also seen your photos you sent yesterday Renate (23:03 Uhr): and what you say? ( Ich mußte ihn doch fragen....Frauen wollen dass wissen....) Renate (23:03 Uhr): my english is bad, but i hope you teach me steveth60 (23:04 Uhr): yes you look very lovely Renate (23:04 Uhr): you are so sweet...... steveth60 (23:05 Uhr): do you not have more photos? .. Renate (23:06 Uhr): i send it steveth60 (23:06 Uhr): can you send me more pf your photos? .. Renate (23:06 Uhr): yes i will do. steveth60 (23:06 Uhr): oh i will eb very happy steveth60 (23:07 Uhr): what will you do tommorow? .. steveth60 (23:07 Uhr): be Renate (23:07 Uhr): tomorrow iam at home steveth60 (23:07 Uhr): you do not go out at all? ... Renate (23:07 Uhr): i have 3 days free for easter Renate (23:08 Uhr): yes i go out, but in the next 3 days i dont work steveth60 (23:08 Uhr): ah that will be wonderful Renate (23:08 Uhr): yes steveth60 (23:08 Uhr): please tell me where do you work? .. Renate (23:09 Uhr): i have my own business........ ..I tell you later more, ok? So jetzt brauche ich HILFE, ich weiß nicht was ich ARBEITE !!!!!!!!!! steveth60 (23:09 Uhr): what is it? .. steveth60 (23:10 Uhr): tell me steveth60 (23:10 Uhr): oh you tell me later? ............... Renate (23:10 Uhr): am not so good in chat, i will write you an email with details Renate (23:10 Uhr): then i have more time to say what i want to say. steveth60 (23:10 Uhr): oh that will be nice steveth60 (23:11 Uhr): will you send e your photos tommorow? .. steveth60 (23:11 Uhr): me Renate (23:12 Uhr): yes i will do it.... steveth60 (23:12 Uhr): yes i will wait for your email steveth60 (23:12 Uhr): i like to knwo more about you Renate (23:12 Uhr): me too steveth60 (23:13 Uhr): i am very glad to hear that.. Renate (23:14 Uhr): i will love to hear from you very much more steveth60 (23:14 Uhr): tell me about yourself Renate (23:16 Uhr): what you want to hear? Renate (23:19 Uhr): I am a woman, and i want a loving and considerate partner . Renate (23:21 Uhr): so many people on written me, but I think the only want to write. I do not think they really want a relationship. Renate (23:21 Uhr): are you there? Renate (23:24 Uhr): Write me a mail, then I can read them tomorrow. It will keep me happy. I wish you a nice night and good dreams.
So und dann war er..... far away.... ob sein PC abgestürzt war, oder er einen anderen Chat hatte
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
OK, ich weiß es........Ich habe ein eigenes Nagelstudio hier in meinem Haus und ich suche nach einem Laden, weil das Geschäft so gut läuft und ich schon 3 Angestellte habe........Klingt das nach Geld????
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
Zitat von SiskoOK, ich weiß es........Ich habe ein eigenes Nagelstudio hier in meinem Haus und ich suche nach einem Laden, weil das Geschäft so gut läuft und ich schon 3 Angestellte habe........Klingt das nach Geld????
Klar, laß Deiner Fantasie freien Lauf. Nagelstudio, Massagesalon, selbständige Kinderbuchautorin (du schreibst unter einem Pseudonym), was auch immer.
Mach Dir wegen des langsamen Chattens keine Sorgen und setze Dich nicht unter Druck. Es soll Spaß bringen. Wenn er abspringt, ist das auch egal, dann suchst Du Dir halt einen Neuen zum Üben und Liebhaben. Mugus gibt es wie Sand am Meer. Als ich letztes Jahr anfing zu chatten, brauchte ich für eine Viertelstunde um einen Satz auf Englisch zusammenzubauen. Irgendwann bleibt es dann hängen, weil es eigentlich immer das gleiche Thema ist und man keine komplizierten Inhalte diskutiert.
---- Dana
Schenkt Dir das Leben eine Zitrone, mach Limonade draus.
Hi my dear Steve, Did you have a good night? As I promised, here are the photos from me and my kids (Jenny and Julia). Unfortunately I have not so many, I must make new photos. I am very pleased if you send me more photos from you.. I would be pleased. A pity that we yesterday evening, no longer have chatted.... the line was interrupted? I think there is a next time, or? I have my own business, I make nail design professionally, I have here in my house a nail studio, and then I go to the customer’s home. Now I have so much to do that I would like to open a shop, since I already have three employees. I look after just one store. That is not so simple; the rents here are very high. You are such an interesting man; your e-mail has affected me.Na klar....TEXTBAUSTEINE...die machen mich halt an...ich kann nichts dafür!!!! I would like to know more about you, your work, and your hobby’s, what is your favourite music? What is your favourite meal? What you drink? Beer or wine? Coffee or Tea? When Jerry comes at home in the school-holidays, what will he say when you tell him you are looking for a woman? Is he happy for you? I have so many questions. I will love to know you more and get closer to you. You are an engineer, i know. Do you travel much? What are the Countries you have seen? I was only in Turkey and Spain. I love to travel, but I have not time for this. I pray that the time come and I can make it. Moreover, I hope that I do this with a loving man. I am willing to try my best.Ich versuche wirklich hier mein bestes zu geben When I look at your pictures, I think it is so sad that we live so far apart. I no longer wish to be alone, in pairs makes everything much more fun, or not? I hope that we will soon get to know personally. We both have little time, but this time we should take. It is perhaps for our future is very important. Isn’t it? Did you have work at Easter? I hope you also have free days.. I am pleased when I of you very quickly get an email. I wish you a Happy Easter weekend. Many greetings and hugs Renate
Heute dann, die Antwort von MEINEM STEVE.....I feel
Dear Renate, Thank you very much for your lovely photos and email, I was very glad to read from you and I want you to know that I also want to know you more and I have a lot of love inside of me to give to the right woman. I do not know why we were cut off the last time we chatted I will be very glad if we can talk more, to answer your questions, I like jazz music and also soft matured music, I like wine red wine and also some times I like beer, do you drink alcohol? Jerry also misses the love of a mother and I know he will be happy to have a mothers love too.. No, today I do not work also and I am hoe hope we can chat tonightSelbstverständlich komme ich in den Chat..wird mir nichts anderes übrig bleiben um mit meinem darling besseren Kontakt zu bekommen...., what did you yesterday and also what will you do today? Hope to hear more from you soon, Warm regards,kisses and hugs Steve…
Hier noch die Icons die er verwendet hat:
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
...also...entweder er is schon eingedeckt mit damen oder hat er sich auf dich eingeschossen... hab ihn heut von nem anderen profil aus gecheckt - er war schon ne woche bei meetic nicht mehr zugange... viel vergnügen
-------- isihonest
Für die Welt bist du irgend jemand - aber für irgend jemand bist du die Welt.....
oh GOTT, er hat mich wieder bekommen auf dem Chat...und er hat GEDULD...
Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:35:20): hello renate, are you there???????? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:39:23): how are you?.. renatewille (13.04.2009 19:39:31): Hi Steve, iam fine and you? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:39:57): very fine now to see you here.. renatewille (13.04.2009 19:40:10): thanks, mee too Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:40:29): how was your day so far?.. renatewille (13.04.2009 19:41:16): i was whis my daughter in the city, the weather is beautiful today renatewille (13.04.2009 19:41:44): your pic is nice Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:42:47): oh thanks dear Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:42:55): you do not ahve any here renatewille (13.04.2009 19:43:23): no, i will do it did you spend Easter? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:43:46): i spent it at home renatewille (13.04.2009 19:44:06): jerry is not there? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:44:14): no he is in school npw\ Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:44:21): he schools in australia renatewille (13.04.2009 19:44:50): oh, he comes for school holiday? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:45:09): yes but in august renatewille (13.04.2009 19:45:21): ok renatewille (13.04.2009 19:46:15): i send you so many questions and now I know nothing more Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:46:58): renatewille (13.04.2009 19:47:04): tell me more about you Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:47:09): please ask me what you wish and i do the same renatewille (13.04.2009 19:47:25): one sec. renatewille (13.04.2009 19:47:43): did you travel much? renatewille (13.04.2009 19:49:01): i dont know more Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:49:23): yes i go within europe for work Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:50:04): but i have never been to germany renatewille (13.04.2009 19:50:24): ok, i know..... renatewille (13.04.2009 19:51:02): would you like german to see? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:51:03): have you been to london before?. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:51:08): oh very well renatewille (13.04.2009 19:51:12): no, never Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:51:19): and i am happy i now have a woman in germany for contacts renatewille (13.04.2009 19:51:50): thats good for you !!!! and me. renatewille (13.04.2009 19:52:13): oh, thanks for the roses in the mail renatewille (13.04.2009 19:52:38): only for contacts??? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:52:47): renatewille (13.04.2009 19:52:57): oh sweet Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:53:17): yes i want you to know that i am here to search for a serious relationship renatewille (13.04.2009 19:53:28): me too Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:53:43): and i will really love to knwo you better renatewille (13.04.2009 19:54:44): I would be really happy if we know each other well Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:55:02): so are you home now?. renatewille (13.04.2009 19:55:16): yes, i write with you renatewille (13.04.2009 19:55:42): and you? you not still at home? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:56:06): yes i am at home now Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:56:13): i did not work today renatewille (13.04.2009 19:56:36): i know, you write it in the mail renatewille (13.04.2009 19:57:15): Tomorrow, the work continues Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:57:47): so i am at home now Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:57:57): yes is your saloon in your home?. renatewille (13.04.2009 19:58:04): yes Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 19:58:07): tell me how long ahve you made nails? renatewille (13.04.2009 19:58:32): now 10 years an now i look for a shop renatewille (13.04.2009 19:59:58): I have 3 employees, it is too small Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:00:19): oh i see Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:00:29): where did you work before you started doing nails?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:01:26): i dont work, i was married. my ex-husband, he works renatewille (13.04.2009 20:02:18): He is a lawyer Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:02:32): did you attend a university?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:03:09): no Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:03:34): h i attended the University of Westminster NA, das glaubst du selber nicht..... Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:04:53): where did you grow up?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:04:57): I did when my ex husband worked in the office, but unfortunately I have never used english. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:05:36): only in the scholl a little bit renatewille (13.04.2009 20:06:52): I am here in Hanover was born, my family lives here too, only my sister is in frankfurt renatewille (13.04.2009 20:07:42): you drink red wine? i love it Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:08:02): yes i love red wine good for food renatewille (13.04.2009 20:08:54): Then we should have a wine to drink together, maybe my english is then better Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:09:06): renatewille (13.04.2009 20:09:15): Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:09:53): yes that will be a very good idea.. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:10:23): It is really beautiful, so much patience you have with me here in this chat Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:10:36): yes dear Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:11:00): so are your parents still alive?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:11:39): only my mother, my father is death renatewille (13.04.2009 20:12:02): and your parents? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:12:27): yes i also my father died so amny years ago Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:12:41): i ahve only my mother now she is 74 years old.. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:13:00): my mother is also 74 years old.... Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:13:37): oh what a great coincidence.. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:13:44): yes Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:14:40): and how far dose she live from you?.. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:15:10): 3 km, that not so far. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:15:33): and your mother, lives she in london? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:16:22): no she lives in derby city Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:16:43): about 1:45 hours drive from here renatewille (13.04.2009 20:17:05): ok, do you drive to her at easter? renatewille (13.04.2009 20:17:24): or phone with her? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:19:16): i only phone with her renatewille (13.04.2009 20:19:42): thats good, good boy Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:20:10): do you call your mom often?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:21:27): i see my mum 1 day in a week, she come to me and we drink coffee, thats enought. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:21:51): i have my live, and she her live Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:23:03): yes i understand renatewille (13.04.2009 20:23:27): She is sweet, but I will make my life as I want and I work a lot. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:24:10): oh how many hours a day do you work?.. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:25:10): 10-12 hours sometimes. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:26:18): oh where do your clients come from?.. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:26:40): within the area?. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:26:40): or you also have international clients?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:27:39): no from Hannover and environment renatewille (13.04.2009 20:28:19): but i dont want to much work, i want a relationship.... Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:29:01): but you must also work to support family renatewille (13.04.2009 20:30:09): yes i know............ renatewille (13.04.2009 20:30:55): in this time i work only for myself Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:31:01): Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:31:06): i also want to have a happy family' Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:31:06): and i am willing to relocate to germany for this to be with you renatewille (13.04.2009 20:31:30): renatewille (13.04.2009 20:32:21): thats sounds good renatewille (13.04.2009 20:33:53): maybe we see us soon......... Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:34:23): will you come to london?.. Na bekommst du Angst??, dass ich Dich besuchen will, nee ich nicht.... renatewille (13.04.2009 20:37:02): No, I travel to Paris on friday to a fair, for one week. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:37:16): oh Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:37:33): what fair?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:37:34): Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:37:37): associated with your work?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:37:55): yes for nail design. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:38:28): ok good Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:38:35): have you had dinner yet?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:38:39): So I can learn a lot Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:39:02): renatewille (13.04.2009 20:39:33): But, we will see if you can come to Germany. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:40:13): ok i will be glad to renatewille (13.04.2009 20:40:51): renatewille (13.04.2009 20:41:28): have you much work? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:41:30): have you had dinner yet?.. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:41:47): yes i had dinner, chicken with noodles.Das mögen doch alle MUGUS..... renatewille (13.04.2009 20:41:56): and you? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:42:33): not yet renatewille (13.04.2009 20:42:42): oh, why? Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:42:52): i want to go and cook dinner now Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:42:52): do you think we can talk by 10 pm your time?. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:43:30): yes, this is a good time. Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:43:58): Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:44:06): what will you do now till that time?.. renatewille (13.04.2009 20:44:30): i am only watching television renatewille (13.04.2009 20:44:52): renatewille (13.04.2009 20:44:58): bye Steve Thompson (13.04.2009 20:45:14):
Ich bin nicht so schnell...aber ich hoffe es ist nicht so langweilig für euch........
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
....ich denke er hat noch ein paar, mit denen er chattet...aber egal, er wird mich LIEBEN ....egal wie lange es dauert....bei meinem schlechten Englisch kannst du hier noch einiges lesen,isihonest . Probiere es einfach weiter.....
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
Ich finde, dass machst Du Klasse, Sisko. Bei mir wird immer bemängelt, ich könne zu gut Englisch schreiben für eine Deutsche. Ein guter Anfang. Er ist aber auch sehr neugierig.
---- Dana
Schenkt Dir das Leben eine Zitrone, mach Limonade draus.
Ich muss ihn dazu bringen, dass er emails dem Chat das ist für so la moment jedenfalls..
Hi my dear Steve, I just have a little time to write to you. Unfortunately, yesterday evening I had gone again, my mother has her keys in the apartment and was left no longer pure. So I had to go. I sit here and look at your picture, these eyes, this aura. I think I begin to love .... It is so bad that I am not nearly in the chat, but I give my best, promise. I must now continue to work. Just quickly I wanted say hello. I had hoped that an email I get from you, unfortunately, was not there .... but maybe later? I wish you a wonderful day and look forward to an email. Kisses and hugs Renate
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
15.04.2009 21:20 Leider muss ich weg....nur 1 Woche, aber dann...
Hi my dear Steve, I am now away something earlier, my girlfriend asked me 1 day in advance there. But I have now get a cheap flight, so I will depart. I would like for you this week, good luck, not much work and a sunny time. Since I must go now, unfortunately, we can not chat. I am so sad, because you are important for me. I know you have much to do a self-employed basis, but I think and hope that I get email from you. I am thinking of you and am glad when I'm back, now just a very loving greeting. Kisses and hugs , forget me not............ Renate
Ich hatte ja gehofft, auf eine email....heute morgen dann...... sehr SPARSAM.....aber einen süßen SONG....
16.04.2009 9:00
Hi my Dear.... I hope you like the song....
Als Anlage einen Song: I can`t make you love me Turn down the lights Turn down the bed Turn down these voices inside my head Lay down with me Tell me no lies Just hold me close Don't patronize Don't patronize me
I can't make you love me If you don't You can't make your heart feel Something it won't Here in the dark These final hours I will lay down my heart I feel the power But you won't No, you won't And I can'tmake you love me If you don't
I close my eyes Then I won't see The love you don't feel When you're holding me Morning will come And I'll do what's right Just give me til then To give up this fight And I will give up this fight
Cause I can't make you love me If you don't You can't make your heart feel Something it won't Here in the dark These final hours I will lay down my heart I feel the power But you won't No, you won't And I can't make you love me If you don't
There ain't no use in you trying If you don't love me Baby! Ain't no use in you trying If you don't If you don't If you don't If you don't love me There ain't nothing I can do
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
ich denke du bist etwas zu langsam mit steve.. ich bin schon etwas weiter mit ihm. er ist nämlich gerade nach Afrika geflogen zum arbeiten (grins) mal schauen ob ihm ein Unglück passiert . Telefonnummer habe ich auch am Start wenn du sie haben möchtest. Er ruft sogar mich an. Deswegen wundert es mich nicht das er für dich nicht soviel Zeit hat, Mal schauen wen er zuerst an pumpt
och du arme . an mir hängt er schon seit dem 31.03.. wenn ich mich nicht melde ... dann klingelt gleich mein Telefon.. bisher läuft alles prima ... ich warte nur darauf wann es richtig los geht .. immer hin will er mich in 6 Wochen besuchen .. bin schon ganz gespannt.. liebe Grüße
ich war natürlich nicht damit einverstanden das er weiter dort registriert ist. als liebende Frau... außerdem ist er doch gerade beruflich in lagos Nigeria..baut einen neue Straße da hat er nur noch Zeit für mich...
ich hofffe nur dem armen passiert nichts .. da müßte ich doch vielleicht sonst tatsächlich ihn retten... und hoffentlich bin ich dann gerade nicht verhindert...
Hallo aus dem Urlaub....super mach nur weiter mit Steve; ich bin naechste Woche wieder da; dann nehme ich ihn auch in die Mangel....gut das Du ihn auf Google gefunden hast...........besser jetzt als zuspaet......Gruesse SISKO
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:24:02): good to see you baby
steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:25:02): what is wrong with you computer?. Helga (20.04.2009 01:25:07): yes i am so glad Helga (20.04.2009 01:26:10): that the companys near me the night from sunday to monday the servers going to make updates than i lost the conection Helga (20.04.2009 01:26:27): its a problem steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:26:41): oh its normal each weekend?. Helga (20.04.2009 01:26:59): yes after 0;00 a clock steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:27:17): oh i see steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:27:26): i was worried i couldnt read you Helga (20.04.2009 01:27:38): dont worry steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:28:42): good dear Helga (20.04.2009 01:28:46): i said tomorrow i send you a email with a song from the group pur ... thats my favorite german group i hope you like it steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:28:49): what will you do tommorow?. steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:28:55): or rather today Helga(20.04.2009 01:29:14): tomorrow morning i make my home office ready Helga (20.04.2009 01:29:33): i must write letters and make busines dates steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:29:47): you do not go to main office?. Helga (20.04.2009 01:29:57): not tomorrow .. Helga (20.04.2009 01:30:09): i work from home steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:30:20): ok good steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:30:31): tommrow i go see about my machines Helga (20.04.2009 01:30:51): but thursday when i am in the main office a make pictures and you can look where i work steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:31:01): i hope tommorow already in nigeria and soon as i clear them i can start work Helga (20.04.2009 01:31:48): yes thats good and than hurry up ... Helga (20.04.2009 01:31:58): and come to germany steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:32:47): yes my love i dream of your touch and kisses each day Helga (20.04.2009 01:33:18): the pictures from the traktor you send to me .. the traktors are little my fathers traktor are bigger steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:33:39): you father dose construction too? steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:33:44): or he has a farm?.. Helga (20.04.2009 01:34:03): no my father has a big farm we have 4 traktors Helga (20.04.2009 01:34:20): my brother is a construktor steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:34:21): do you visit the fram always?.. Helga(20.04.2009 01:34:30): sometimes .. steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:34:43): how many workers dose he has?. Helga (20.04.2009 01:35:02): sundays but today my head hits steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:35:12): Helga (20.04.2009 01:35:13): 4 Helga (20.04.2009 01:35:20): dont laugh steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:35:22): because you drank too much Helga (20.04.2009 01:35:28): a little bit steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:35:31): how far away from you dose he live?.. Helga (20.04.2009 01:35:50): 20 km Helga (20.04.2009 01:36:01): its near steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:36:07): steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:36:17): i think farm work is hard steveth60 (20.04.2009 01:36:27): right?.. Helga (20.04.2009 01:37:03): yes its hard i know that .. as i was kid i must help on the farm ..i was born with a traktor under my ask Helga (20.04.2009 01:38:05): before i was 22 i go out .. that was not my world ..
und dann ist sein pc angestürzt und er mußte mich wieder einmal anrufen ...haha
Diese Mail markieren Love From Africa. Sonntag, 19. April, 2009 09:45 Uhr Von: Dieser Absender wurde von DomainKeys geprüft und bestätigt "Steve Thompson" Kontaktdaten anzeigen An: "traeumerin41" > Die Nachricht enthält Anhänge 1-artic-lhd-loader.jpg (79KB), track-loaders.jpg (75KB), Tractor.JPG (46KB)
Hello Love,
How are you today? I want you to know that I have really missed you, my flight to Africa was good and lasted about 6 hours now I settle down already in my hotel the name of the country I am is Nigeria, I must say that it is very different from Europe and the cities not so good.
I have not start work yet as I have to wait for my goods to arrive from London which my assistant shipped so I can begin work it will get to Africa within the next few days, everything is fine here love and the city I am is called Lagos Nigeria.
I was thinking about you all day I cannot use my London line here in Africa so you could not reach my through my mobile and when I got to Africa I had to buy a mobile number at the airport so we can communicate better. So here I drop the number (+2347058161351) please try and call me darling.
Now the time is 8:45 am, I just thought to write to you and am very happy the hotel has an internet connection, how was your day today?.. I have thought about you very much my work is very fine thank you; I will just give you a sample picture of some of the equipments I expect to arrive before I can start my contract. So you have an idea of what i am doing here...
Hope to hear from you soon love, I miss you so much. I hope tonight we can we can talk I also try to send a message to your phone.. I miss you so so much.
Hallo werde mal so ein paar mails reinstellen und neue fotos er ist wirklich ein Mann der weiß was frauen wünschen..
Dear Helga,
Thanks a lot for your email; i hope we keep good communication. I must thank you for your concern about the death of my wife; you do not need to worry about that since I have put all that behind me. My son Jerry is 19 years old now and I have been alone with him since the death of my wife, I am very sorry to hear about your last relationship and I think it’s very good that you have also put behind you the incidence and ready to have a new life. I also hope with time your English gets better.
I would like to know more about you and I want you to know that I will love to know you more and get closer to you, I think you are a very nice woman any man will want, as I wrote you yesterday i have been single for 3 years since my wife died in a car accident and since the death of my wife I have found it very hard to bring myself from the pains, I am happy now that I have decided to put all those incidents behind my back and am ready to move on with my life, my son Jerry is a very good kid and I am sure you will like him as well. am glad to hear about your son; Jerry right now schools in Australia and I happen to live alone, which gets pretty boring at times and I just want that special woman to share it with...
I am an engineer by profession and my work as a civil engineer is an integral part of me, I work on contract basis with construction companies on projects within and outside Europe, right now I am self employed. I have put in so much work and now I think it’s the best time to settle down and with my partner even if we do not have kids again just to enjoy our lives. I will like to have someone to love and spend the rest of my life with. i know this might be hard considering how far apart we both are, but am willing to try my best and if so we can see if we will be able to be together. Don’t you think so?.. I will like to hear from you soon and it will be nice if we chat tonight?..
I will attach some pictures of me and Jerry; hope you can also send me some photos of yourself and your son. Today the weather here is a bit nice and how is it at your end?.. What did you do today?.. What city do you live in now What is your favorite hobby.. Love to hear from you..
How was your night yesterday? I hope you had a good night sleep, I want you to know that I was very happy we could talk and spend time together, I have not spent so much time with any woman since my wife died and I hope that between us we can try to beat the odds and make our relationship a success.
I enjoy sports as much as you do because I like to play golf on weekends and also ride my bike in the country side, I like jazz music and other soft music for my listening pleasure, I live now alone and would be glad to find a woman I will spend the rest of my life with.
I hope you have a good day today and I will wait you send me your new photos so I know how you look like now, I will go play golf this morning and hopefully spend the rest of the day at home.
Now the time in London is 10:15 am, I wish you a lovely day and hope to hear from you soon,
I hope that as you drive you will have a good spirit and reach destination safely.
How was your night? I hope you ad a good sleep, I want you to know that I am so happy we could know ourselves in such a big world, and I want you to know that I have come to think so much about our relationship and I am so happy that we are looking for the same thing which is a life together.
oh ja mit ihm zusammen leben ein Traum....
I will wish you a good day today and hope you complete all you set out for,
I hope you had a good night sleep, I must tell you that I was very happy that each day we can talk and that my life has never remained the same since we meet and I feel so happy, because you are like a dream for me the perfect woman with all the right qualities I look for and I hope I can also make you happy the way you make me happy. And together we share a wonderful life till we are old this is what I desire.
I will be strong about our relationship! Yes no matter how far apart in the big world, Love connects across the seas and I am sure soon we will be together...
The time now in London is 5:22 am I cold not sleep but thinks of you. du wirst noch viel mehr an mich denken
I wish you a lovely day at work with good energy, I am sorry last night could not connect my PC.
How was your night? I hope that you have had a good day today; I want you to know that I feel very happy anytime we talk and my life has felt a new wave of sunlight since you came to me. ja ja hier kommt die sonne
I look forward to being together with you, and share a wonderful life with you…
Do have a lovely day, I will remain at home today because today as I told you is a holiday in London, now the time is 10:17 am..
I hope you had a nice night, and today your exam will be good, I know you will pass it.
I was very happy we could talk last night I want you to know that I fall deeply in love with you and you have made me feel as I never thought I would in so many years.
hmmm ja ich weiß du wirst am ende wirklich fühlen wie du noch nie gefühlt hast
I want you to know that I a willing to do anything for our love..
I can't stop thinking about you. You're always on my mind like a favorite song. And I want to express how much I love you, but how can I begin to tell you how much joy you've brought to my life? Every time I think about you or hear your voice, I feel like a spark of life has been rekindled inside me, and suddenly I'm rediscovering myself and the world around me. I never realized that the stars sparkled so brightly or that that sunset held so much beauty. I never knew that I had so much beauty within... a beauty that was born the day we met and grows like a wild vine, entwining my heart to yours. You've awoken something grand inside of me, which I never want to part with. I don't know what the future holds, but I can promise you that I will give you every ounce of love that this heart possesses to the very last breath of my being.
ja er findet immer die richtigen worte ..schade das es so einen mann nicht wirklich gibt
und ein Foto von ihm und seinen Freund Paul der ihm den Tip mit dem Internet gegeben hat
Helga(21.04.2009 17:10:17): hi my love steveth60 (21.04.2009 17:10:44): how are you baby?. Helga (21.04.2009 17:11:25): thank you i am fine Helga (21.04.2009 17:11:28): and you steveth60 (21.04.2009 17:12:20): am fine too my love steveth60 (21.04.2009 17:12:26): i ahve missed our chat.. Helga (21.04.2009 17:12:39): i am too Helga (21.04.2009 17:13:00): but you can call me when ever you want.. steveth60 (21.04.2009 17:13:22): ues my love i tried to call you but
Eine Idee wäre dies: Am Besten stellst Du Dich ganz doof. Du hast das Geld nicht. Aber Du willst mit deiner Bank sprechen, ob sie dir einen Kredit geben. Dir geben sie den Kredit nicht...weil Du bereits einen laufen hast. Aber sie würden ihm einen geben. Dafür muss er aber ganz viele Formulare ausfüllen....das ist eben sehr bürokratisch hier in Deutschland.
---- Dana
Schenkt Dir das Leben eine Zitrone, mach Limonade draus.
Ach so...damit die Bank ihm das Geld auszahlt, brauchen die auch eine Kopie von seinem Passport und eine Kopie des Schecks, den er bekommen wird...oder eine Kopie des Kontraktes. So das die Sicherheit da ist, dass die Bank ihr Geld auch wiederbekommt.
---- Dana
Schenkt Dir das Leben eine Zitrone, mach Limonade draus.
Meine Güte...mir fällt das heute alles Häppchenweise ein. Damit die Bank das Geld überweisen kann, brauchen sie seine Kontoinformationen. Wenn er die nicht geben kann, dann brauchst Du eine handschriftliche Vollmacht von ihm, dass Du das Geld in Empfang nehmen kannst.
---- Dana
Schenkt Dir das Leben eine Zitrone, mach Limonade draus.
Wenn du dann alles beisammen hast und bei der Bank vorsprichst, nehmen sie die Unterlagen und sagen: Wir kreditieren nur in Deutschland, aber unsere Partnerbank die xy (such dir eine aus) in ?? kann das übernehmen, wir schicken einen wohlwollenden Brief. So ein Brief kann doch auf dem weiten Weg verloren gehen.
na ich werde erst mal versuchen ihn so noch hinzuhalten bisher m hat er ja nur angetestet und hat sich schnell auch wieder davon abbringen lassen.. nawarte ich freue mich richtig darauf ihn eins rein zu würgen
Hier ist doch schon die Lösung. Ein Mugu gibt dem anderen Kredit. Gefunden in Phishing und Geldwäsche, eingestellt vom alten Schweden.
Dear valued investor,
Do you need an urgent loan and you do not know how to go about it? Do you want to start a business or you want to improve your business? Do you want to buy a property and you do not know how to raise the money?
You should not be discouraged by the present situation in the market but rather take advantage of it by investing more so as to get good returns when the market returns to its normal state.
ich kann es ihm ja vorschlagen er will mich nachher ja nochmal anklicken .. vielleicht hat er aber noch ein eisen im feuer ... obwohl 5900 dollar finde ich schon ganz schön happig auf einmal ... er hätte es ja etwas günstiger machen können .... naja vielleicht geht das nach schönheit .. ist ja auch ein schnuckel...
steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:01:37): you have been here?.. Helga(21.04.2009 23:01:47): yes na steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:05:47): yes i love your voice.. mach 15 minuten smalltalk gehts dann endlich los mit den liebesschwüren Helga (21.04.2009 23:19:36): you make me confused steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:19:42): ok thats good to her Helga (21.04.2009 23:19:51): why steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:19:52): i will prefer we sleep together each day.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:20:35): i am too Helga (21.04.2009 23:20:54): perhaps dont like me steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:20:54): you go to office tommorow by 9 am Helga (21.04.2009 23:21:03): yes steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:21:16): NO! steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:21:23): why wont i like you??? Helga (21.04.2009 23:21:46): how you want to know this steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:22:16): i m saying there is no reason why i will not like you steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:22:28): i already love you from my heart and that is what matters to me.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:22:57): i feel also steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:23:15): for me once i love i never go back Helga (21.04.2009 23:23:35): thats no problem Helga (21.04.2009 23:24:07): i work and you make the kitchen ...okay steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:24:15): steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:24:22): that sounds romantic.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:24:45): you can cook steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:25:02): yes i cook bitish food for you..ja genau das wollte ich schon immer ein Mann der kochen kann Helga (21.04.2009 23:25:10): no porridge Helga (21.04.2009 23:25:25): steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:25:46): no you wont puke steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:25:57): i promise i cook well.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:26:38): what is your speziel steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:26:46): darling its late steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:27:02): my specail cooking is pasta and stew.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:27:40): i love irishstew steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:27:50): you dont like that?. Helga (21.04.2009 23:28:14): i like it steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:28:25): you also like pasta?. weitere 10 minuten über essen geredet, dann gehts weiter zum sport .. ich glaube er hat ganz vergessen zu fragen wegen dem geld !!!! Helga (21.04.2009 23:38:12): you can surf? steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:38:19): not so much steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:38:26): no beach in londonnasowas...nun weitere 10 minuten landschaft dran steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:47:10): most of it in German Helga (21.04.2009 23:47:32): yes it is a german site steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:47:41): cannot understand Helga (21.04.2009 23:47:54): you must translate the site steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:48:37): yes i must.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:48:58): when you come to me ..i drive you to the areal and make the guide steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:49:14): ok baby steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:49:21): i will eb gald about that Helga (21.04.2009 23:49:51): i show you bremen and hamburg and the northsea steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:50:05): how far are they from you?.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:50:29): hamburg is 80 km steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:50:29): we drive long way?. Helga (21.04.2009 23:50:33): no steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:51:53): steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:51:58): yes am ready.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:52:08): okay lets start steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:52:34): where will we go first? steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:52:39): australia?. Helga (21.04.2009 23:53:07): like it matters steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:53:49): steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:54:18): daarling i have been thinking. Helga (21.04.2009 23:54:21): i come and pick you up from nigeria and then we drive along steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:54:33): yes steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:54:47): daarling i have been thinking. Helga (21.04.2009 23:55:01): for what steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:55:21): how our first kiss will be.. Helga (21.04.2009 23:55:43): Helga (21.04.2009 23:56:38): I hope I make you with first kuss addicted steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:56:54): yes' Helga (21.04.2009 23:57:27): you dont know how much i love you er ist aber auch ein schnuckel steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:57:46): i can feel it in my heart baby steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:59:35): soon we will be together my love.. Helga GROTHEER (21.04.2009 23:59:47): i hope so
so nun gehts los hat ja auch lange genug smaltalk gemacht steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:00:14): darling about tommorow Helga (22.04.2009 00:00:22): yes steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:00:41): do you think you will eb able to get teh cash for me?. steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:00:46): and also darling how do you want to send me the money tommorow?.. Helga (22.04.2009 00:01:24): it is a problem .. i can ask my bank steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:01:56): you know i do not have an account so i think you can send teh same way Paul used to send me today steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:02:03): through WESTERN UNION MONEY steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:02:11): have you heard of this before?.. Helga (22.04.2009 00:02:26): no steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:02:41): wait steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:02:56): steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:03:17): can you give me you address again so i see if any of their office close to you Helga (22.04.2009 00:03:21): okay i ask my bank .. i think they knows it steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:03:48): look the website and give me your addresss.. Helga (22.04.2009 00:05:12): i make a look of the side steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:05:41): ok love Helga (22.04.2009 00:06:00): after work i go to the bankja auf die parkbank steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:06:04): we can search for their offices on the website too steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:06:27): can i have your address?.\ steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:06:39): so i search if there are any offices in your city Helga(22.04.2009 00:07:40): okay my dear i must go to bed steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:07:52): please wait my love Helga (22.04.2009 00:07:56): we chat tomorrow steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:08:10): please wait my love Helga (22.04.2009 00:08:18): ok sweety steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:08:29): am trying to look on the site steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:08:55): if you must send money to me then you must have my names and address here in Nigeria Helga (22.04.2009 00:09:08): okay give me your adress steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:09:35): so i will send you an email with the necessarydetails which you will take to teh bank so you do not mistake it ok? Helga (22.04.2009 00:09:53): okay thats good steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:10:15): what is the postal code of your city?.. Helga (22.04.2009 00:10:20): 28865 steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:11:03): distance Location Services 2.57 km 1 DEUTSCHE POSTBANK A.G. woher weiß der bei welcher bank ich bin +49-018-03030330 Map and Driving Directions Today's Hours: 07:30 - 18:00 Tomorrow's Hours: 07:30 - 18:00 See More hours Close hours Monday: 07:30 - 18:00 Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00 Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00 Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00 Friday: 07:30 - 18:00 Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00 Sunday: 00:00 - 00:00 Money Transfer 5.94 km 2 DEUTSCHE POSTBANK A.G. LILIENTHALER HEERSTR 189 Bremen, 28357 +49-018-03030330 Map and Driving Directions Today's Hours: 07:30 - 18:00 Tomorrow's Hours: 07:30 - 18:00 See More hours Close hours Monday: 07:30 - 18:00 Tuesday: 07:30 - 18:00 Wednesday: 07:30 - 18:00 Thursday: 07:30 - 18:00 steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:11:12): do you know the addresses above?.. Helga (22.04.2009 00:11:22): yes i know it steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:11:49): is that your bank?. Helga (22.04.2009 00:11:55): no steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:12:23): ok so that is one of their office steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:12:46): i hope i do not give you so much trouble my love ?. Helga (22.04.2009 00:12:59): i hope so too steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:13:07): Helga (22.04.2009 00:13:18): Helga (22.04.2009 00:13:31): now i go to bed steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:13:41): no i mean for asking your help i hope not trouble for you?. Helga (22.04.2009 00:13:55): no why steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:14:06): ok my love Helga (22.04.2009 00:14:12): i do my very best steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:14:12): i will send you the email now with teh details steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:14:28): what time will you tarnsfer the money so i know how to arrange myself?.. Helga (22.04.2009 00:14:30): and a picture from you ??? steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:14:48): you know i must go to their office tommorow if i can get all the moeny complete Helga (22.04.2009 00:15:03): in the first i must ask my bank Helga (22.04.2009 00:15:21): i hope i became a date tomorrow steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:15:36): a date for what my love?.. Helga (22.04.2009 00:15:43): for the bank steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:15:52): so are you saying will not be possible tommorow to get teh money?.. Helga (22.04.2009 00:16:55): in germany it is a littel problem Helga (22.04.2009 00:17:18): i have not so moore money of my bankacount steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:17:31): yes i know steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:17:46): i just want to know how much you can send to me i do not wnat to bother you my love steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:18:33): because i know its alot of money for you Helga (22.04.2009 00:18:45): right steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:18:46): i really worry i stress you my love Helga (22.04.2009 00:18:58): you dont stress menein garnicht , das macht mir so ein spaß steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:19:14): ok my love Helga (22.04.2009 00:19:28): i love you Helga (22.04.2009 00:19:39): steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:19:45): i love you too Helga (22.04.2009 00:19:54): i wish you sweet dreams Helga (22.04.2009 00:20:05): good night steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:20:26): yes please sleep well my love Helga (22.04.2009 00:20:34): you too steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:20:47): i just sent you the details to send the money to me ahve you seen yet?. Helga (22.04.2009 00:21:16): no i look in the morning okay steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:19:37): ok my loveman nun gibt er aber gas
bin dabei ..versuche gerade krampfhaft einen termin bei meiner bank zu bekommen .. aber das ist nicht so einfach .. die haben ihre termine schon weit im vorraus gebucht.. deutschland halt ... ich denke morgen bekomme ich einen termin allerdings erst nachmittags
Helga (21.04.2009 23:24:45): you can cook steveth60 (21.04.2009 23:25:02): yes i cook bitish food for you..ja genau das wollte ich schon immer ein Mann der kochen kann
worlds most famous British kitchen - dann doch lieber Essen aus der Dose oder such dir einen kleinen Italiener.
[quote="traeumerinHB"] steveth60 (22.04.2009 00:11:03): distance Location Services 2.57 km 1 DEUTSCHE POSTBANK A.G.
woher weiß der bei welcher bank ich bin quote]
Bei der Postbank wird auch Geld für Western Union entgegengenommen und er hat sich wohl im zweiten browser Fenster schlau gemacht, welche Filiale für dich am nächsten ist.
today i have a call with my bank ..i need a date ..but today is no date free , tomorrow i have a date with the bank . they need a BWA ( business assessment ) because I am selfemployed i go to my tax advisier but he needs 2 days to finish it .. i am so sad ... i think it is to late for you ... you must see according to someone else to you fast the money can procure.
do you think you can help em with the whole $5,900 US dolllars?.
Wegen der paar Kröten brauchst du doch nicht zur Bank. Der Unterschied zwischen Deutschland und dem Rest der Welt sorgt für Mißverständnisse. Schau dir die Zahl einmal genau an. 5,900 US Dollar. Hat es geklingelt? Die nochnichtmal 5 Euro hast du bestimmt in der Geldbörse. Die Löhne in Afrika sind halt nicht so hoch wie hier.
lacht ... was kosten denn die überweisungsgebühren .. also ein bißchen spaß möchte ich schon haben .. und mir sein dummes gesicht vorzustellen göttlich ...
echt aber ich glaube ganz am ende werde ich die 26 euro investieren .....fragt sich nur ob die so eine kleine summe auch überweisen... aber erst einmal werde ich ihm was von geldwäsche und ähnlichem erzählen ... ich möchte versuchen das er mir eine fotokopie seines ausweises schickt... als sicherheit natürlich für mich .. und eine kopie seines contrakts
er hat einen fehler gemacht ... er hat mich über meinen msn messenger angeklickt und dabei habe ich einen einblick auf dein netzwerk da hat er noch eine deutsche frau drin , nun weiß ich nicht ob ich sie einfach anschreiben kann , was meint ihr, ich habe angst das sie ihm das gleich weiter mailt und dann bin ich aufgeflogen..
nee - du müßtest sie deinem netzwerk zufügen... sonst kriegst du leider keinen direkten einblick auf ihre addi Die Kommunikationseinstellungen dieser Person verhindern es, dass Sie Nachrichten oder Antworten schicken können.
-------- isihonest
Für die Welt bist du irgend jemand - aber für irgend jemand bist du die Welt.....
Ich kenne mich mit dem Windows Life Messenger leider überhaupt nicht aus. Ich weiß gar nicht, wie er aussieht. Aber wenn ich eine email-Adresse oder einen Addy hätte, dann könnte ich sie mal vorsichtig ansprechen.
---- Dana
Schenkt Dir das Leben eine Zitrone, mach Limonade draus.
steveth60 (22.04.2009 16:54:53): hello my love steveth60 (22.04.2009 16:55:08): how are you?.. Helga (22.04.2009 16:55:18): not so good Helga (22.04.2009 16:55:24): i was so sad steveth60 (22.04.2009 16:56:25): oh why are you sad?. Helga (22.04.2009 16:57:07): today it has everything not folded Helga (22.04.2009 16:57:18): i write you a email steveth60 (22.04.2009 16:57:54): was its at work?. Helga (22.04.2009 16:58:52): how you mean steveth60 (22.04.2009 16:59:45): i ask why are you not happy Helga (22.04.2009 17:00:03): you read my email ? steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:00:30): no steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:00:30): please tell me here Helga (22.04.2009 17:01:07): in the morning i have a call with my bank Helga (22.04.2009 17:01:29): i became a date for tomorrow afternoon Helga (22.04.2009 17:02:26): but i must take a business assessment steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:02:52): what kind of business assesment?.. Helga (22.04.2009 17:03:17): from my company you know i am selfemployed steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:03:47): today io had been to the Customs office to please for some more time to pay the blance moneyha er hat gemerkt das es nicht so schnell geld gibt steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:03:48): yes that is true steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:04:33): the customs have given me 3 working days to get the money complete my love steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:04:43): and now its wednesdaywie schön 3 tage zeit und dann muß ich weg Helga (22.04.2009 17:04:45): that is short time steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:05:08): that is the most time they could give me steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:05:22): how long will the business assesment take?. Helga (22.04.2009 17:05:26): and then steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:05:49): if i do not pay completely in 3 days then the tax will start to count Helga (22.04.2009 17:05:57): my tax advisier needs 2 day for this steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:06:20): and after monday i will have to pay 2% tax each night my machines spend in teh sea port Helga (22.04.2009 17:06:34): Helga (22.04.2009 17:07:02): thats a problem steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:07:37): darling are you going to take a loan from your bank or what? steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:07:57): you do not ahve the money in your account?. Helga (22.04.2009 17:08:31): no not yet steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:09:42): i do not understand Helga (22.04.2009 17:09:51): you know the krises from the bank i told you i work for american express and the give since 6 month no money steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:10:09): yes you told me Helga (22.04.2009 17:10:10): i must take a credit Helga (22.04.2009 17:10:27): and thats the problem .. in this time Helga (22.04.2009 17:11:10): when you ask me in few month .. but now ... steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:11:20): yes my love i know steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:11:33): but we can try still to see how fats it can be Helga (22.04.2009 17:11:37): that is the same problem what you have steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:11:52): the only thing is that i might be delayed my work till you can get the money steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:12:24): how long after you send teh Business assesment to them, will it take teh bank to issue the money to you?. Helga (22.04.2009 17:13:17): now than they prof it .. Helga (22.04.2009 17:13:56): and we the bank said okay than i became the money .. i think so steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:15:22): yes i think that is good Helga (22.04.2009 17:15:35): i have a bad feeling in the stomach Helga (22.04.2009 17:16:02): today allways i must think on you ... Helga (22.04.2009 17:16:16): i can t work es ist ja nicht das ich mir keine gedanken mache du armer Helga (22.04.2009 17:17:18): i am so sorry you thus steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:17:19): oh noo my love do do steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:17:25): i love you and i knwo you must be very worried about me steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:17:27): but let us just concentrate on solving the problem ok? steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:17:39): we must be glad the authorities gave us some more time steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:17:41): and we have till monday next week now Helga (22.04.2009 17:18:21): but you must paul ask ..for the money .. steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:18:41): yes darling steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:18:45): Paul already sent me the $3000 he is hoding Helga (22.04.2009 17:19:14): position yourselves before me do not agree money Helga (22.04.2009 17:19:48): you must protect yourself steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:19:58): yes darling i know this Helga (22.04.2009 17:20:22): okay steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:20:23): tell me if you are not willing to help me steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:20:23): i ahve so much stress already steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:20:49): the thing is that Paul dose not ahve all the money otherwise he would ahve sent to me Helga (22.04.2009 17:21:42): I would like to help you, I do not decide only this at the moment Helga (22.04.2009 17:22:05): i have no money in my bankacount Helga (22.04.2009 17:22:44): you have a creditcard? steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:23:19): i ahve used up all the money in my credit card to pay for my hotel accomodation wie er packt geld in die creditkarte.. ist das ne Prepaiddarling because already paid for my stay here Helga (22.04.2009 17:23:53): you have no amex? steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:24:08): you mean basic travelling allowance?. Helga (22.04.2009 17:24:25): no i mean american eypres creditcard steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:24:36): no i do not Helga (22.04.2009 17:24:43): thats a problem steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:25:23): yes Helga (22.04.2009 17:25:26): oh darling Helga (22.04.2009 17:26:37): and the company where you works from ... they can help you?? steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:27:07): darling its a contract and as signed i must complete teh work first before i can receive my contract check steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:27:23): that is why i am doing my best to gather the money and start work so i can be paid soon Helga (22.04.2009 17:27:55): they can to advance money steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:28:20): yes the advance is also part of money used for the purchases of the machines Helga (22.04.2009 17:29:12): thats a problem man fährt auch nicht mit dem letzen cent ins ausland steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:29:33): and i ahve also spent alot of my money because everything is expensive because of the financial turmoil.. Helga(22.04.2009 17:30:20): i know Helga (22.04.2009 17:31:14): if you had gone only not after nigeria steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:34:18): what must i do?. Helga (22.04.2009 17:34:36): i dont know steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:35:07): so i guess since the customs gave me till monday we do our best and follow up with your bank ok? Helga (22.04.2009 17:36:09): however, I can promise nothing Helga (22.04.2009 17:36:17): i do my very best steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:36:29): Helga (22.04.2009 17:37:39): tomorrow i have a date with the bank perhaps ..they said is okay without the busines assiment steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:37:52): ok my love steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:37:56): i understand Helga (22.04.2009 17:38:24): next week i must fly to berlin for two days steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:39:17): oh when exactly do you go?. Helga (22.04.2009 17:39:43): tuesday and wendsday steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:39:49): ok \ Helga (22.04.2009 17:40:00): but the hotel has internet steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:40:06): steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:40:17): good by then i would ahve started work but we can still chat Helga (22.04.2009 17:40:34): yes Helga (22.04.2009 17:41:37): i can say nothing .... i feel so bad steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:41:47): why do you feel bad?.. Helga (22.04.2009 17:42:20): because I do not know this to you goes well steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:43:35): yes it will that is why you ahve to be positive teh bank will approve teh credit Helga (22.04.2009 17:43:49): steve can we chat later Helga (22.04.2009 17:44:04): we want to start dinner steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:44:12): ok my love Helga (22.04.2009 17:44:16): my son ist hungry steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:44:16): hve good cooking and eat well steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:44:21): i love you.. Helga (22.04.2009 17:44:48): i dosent cook today .. we eat pizza .. steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:45:01): that is good Helga (22.04.2009 17:45:26): you stay here ?? Helga (22.04.2009 17:45:33): or you going out steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:46:36): yes i rest small.. Helga(22.04.2009 17:47:35): okay i go off Helga (22.04.2009 17:47:43): i miss you so much steveth60 (22.04.2009 17:47:47): ok my love.. Helga (22.04.2009 17:49:02): iI wishme for taking your face in my hands and for kissing you Helga (22.04.2009 17:49:47): see you later gib mir einfach noch ein wenig zeit
Zitat von traeumerinHBer hat einen fehler gemacht ... er hat mich über meinen msn messenger angeklickt und dabei habe ich einen einblick auf dein netzwerk da hat er noch eine deutsche frau drin , nun weiß ich nicht ob ich sie einfach anschreiben kann , was meint ihr, ich habe angst das sie ihm das gleich weiter mailt und dann bin ich aufgeflogen..
Ich habe der Dame eine Nachricht geschrieben und sie darauf hingewiesen mit der Bitte vorsichtig zu sein und kein Geld zu senden, sowie einen Link hierher.
---- Dana
Schenkt Dir das Leben eine Zitrone, mach Limonade draus.
bewundernwert wie lange dieser mann auf ist um mir briefe zu schreiben geschrieben um 1:43
Hello my love,
I know by now you will be fast asleep, I must say that I could not sleep much tonight du hast angst das ich kein Geld besorgen kannas I have been worried much about my work and hoping soon can get the finances to settle and start my work and be together with you in Germany.
I had thought to write to you and tell you how much I miss your love and know in my heart that soon we can be together; I just only wish that you can assist me to start my work and so I can worry less, because the only person I can ask for help is Paul and he dose not have all the money and sent me all the money he has on him which is $3000, so I hope I do not put you in bad position to take credit from bank, but I promise you I will pay you back within a few weeks once I get my contract payment.das glaubst du ja selbst nicht
Please have a lovely day at work tomorrow with lots of sunshine; my love goes with you each day, In my heart always,ach wie süß
steveth60 (23.04.2009 07:59:39): good morning love Helga (23.04.2009 07:59:41): good morning my love steveth60 (23.04.2009 07:59:48): how are you Helga (23.04.2009 07:59:50): how are you steveth60 (23.04.2009 07:59:55): Helga (23.04.2009 07:59:57): thank you i am fine steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:00:02): am fine also steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:00:07): how was your night?. Helga (23.04.2009 08:00:55): i sleeping like a stone steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:01:17): that is nice to know.. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:02:20): are you already in the office now?. Helga (23.04.2009 08:02:23): i just come out of the bath and sitting here in underclothes steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:02:38): mm.. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:02:59): wish i was there would run my hands through Helga (23.04.2009 08:03:17): no no Helga (23.04.2009 08:03:39): i have a cup of coffee steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:03:46): steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:04:01): am a naughty boy?.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:04:06): and i am lucky that you are on Helga (23.04.2009 08:04:13): yes really Helga (23.04.2009 08:04:52): you dont sleep? steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:05:06): cannot sleep Helga (23.04.2009 08:05:18): oh darling steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:05:21): but after i sent you the email i tried to sleep Helga (23.04.2009 08:05:41): but now is early in the morning steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:06:18): yes its 7:04 am here Helga (23.04.2009 08:06:48): here is 8:06 steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:07:06): yes one hour ahead Helga(23.04.2009 08:07:11): yes steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:07:29): wont you have breakfast?.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:07:45): i have breakfast now steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:07:53): just coffee?. Helga (23.04.2009 08:07:56): yes Helga(23.04.2009 08:08:19): we have breakfast in the company steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:08:41): oh i see steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:08:49): is the breakfast at company good?.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:09:30): with salmon and eggs and sparkling wine Helga (23.04.2009 08:10:01): it is not champagne in german we said sekt steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:10:22): ok Helga (23.04.2009 08:11:25): and you steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:11:55): i have not had breakfast yet i just woke up and came to check you here Helga (23.04.2009 08:12:10): why Helga (23.04.2009 08:13:09): you have wishfulness to me steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:13:18): steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:13:28): you are asking why?.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:13:40): yes steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:13:58): you know it already so why do you ask?.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:15:00): i want to hear that steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:15:09): i love you.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:15:24): yes more steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:15:35): i miss you. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:15:43): and want to kiss you. Helga (23.04.2009 08:15:50): oh yes i miss you too steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:16:52):  steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:16:52): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE Helga (23.04.2009 08:17:32): please wait a moment i must go to the bath to make my hair steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:19:36): ok i wait.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:25:22): i am back steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:25:32): yes am here, steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:25:40): i know you look beautifulschleimer Helga (23.04.2009 08:26:19): short hair is very practical Helga (23.04.2009 08:26:30): i hope so steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:26:34): yes and i guess not too much woork to maintain steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:27:34): what time will you drive to office?. Helga (23.04.2009 08:27:48): in 20 minutes i start steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:28:08): and you have already worn your clothes?. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:28:28): or you need the time to dress?. Helga (23.04.2009 08:28:54): yes i have my clothes on steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:29:05): oh good steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:29:18): so we can talk a little while Helga (23.04.2009 08:29:26): yes we can Helga (23.04.2009 08:30:11): I get up rather earlier, have then I more rests steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:30:51): what are you wearing?. Helga (23.04.2009 08:31:31): business clothing blazer in black Helga (23.04.2009 08:32:33): it is normaly in the company Helga (23.04.2009 08:32:46): i make photos from the company steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:33:24): what time did you wake?.. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:33:24): oh like your photo on NUE.DE before?.. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:34:23): ok my love Helga (23.04.2009 08:34:35): i wake up in the morning at 6:30 and i make breakfast for my son he going to school steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:36:00): yes what school dose he attend?.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:36:05): but the foto in neu de is not so good steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:36:54): yes what school dose he attend?.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:37:28): economic high school Helga (23.04.2009 08:38:50): he want to goes to study aeronautic engeneering steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:39:39): oh is it very far from home? steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:40:37): how dose he go from home?.. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:40:40): oh that is a good course.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:40:56): no now his school is 30 km from home and he study after the school in hamburg steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:42:15): ok love Helga (23.04.2009 08:42:49): and your son ?? steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:43:13): he studies international law Helga (23.04.2009 08:43:34): oh he wants to be a lawer steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:44:00): yes my love. Helga (23.04.2009 08:44:25): why he goes to australia? steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:44:47): he gained a scholarship to study there in the school.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:45:31): oh he is good in school steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:46:15): yes the school is good.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:46:16): i hope for my son to .. he want to goes to the militär .. and study their Helga (23.04.2009 08:46:42): he is a mathematiker steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:46:51): nice steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:47:08): darling its almost time i think you mmust leve now so you will not be late Helga (23.04.2009 08:47:10): yes my genes steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:47:42): i will wait your call later in the day i will look the time always till when you have meeting with the bankna da hat er aber lange smalltalk gemacht um zu fragen wann ich denn nun bei der bank bin Helga (23.04.2009 08:47:56): yes but I cannot separate from you steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:47:58): i hope to get your call by then.. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:48:14): you must go for our sake Helga (23.04.2009 08:48:18): okay see xou later darling Helga (23.04.2009 08:48:26): y steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:48:42): i love you always.. steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:48:48): i wait your call ok?.. Helga (23.04.2009 08:48:52): okay Helga (23.04.2009 08:48:55): bye steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:49:01): bye baby Helga (23.04.2009 08:49:04): steveth60 (23.04.2009 08:49:16): Helga (23.04.2009 08:49:26): yoz are a clown
I know by now you will be working in the office, how was your night sleep? I hope you had slept well. Just to let you know I have thought so much about you today, I am right now in my hotel room as I have nothing to do till I start work.ihm fehlt noch mein geld
I hope you have beautiful day with lots of sunshine and hope we chat tonight..du willst nur wissen ob ich bei der bank war
Helga (24.04.2009 12:25:37): what are you doing steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:26:02): good darling Helga (24.04.2009 12:26:30): it is better for you? steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:26:53): i can read you now.. Helga (24.04.2009 12:27:11): before you dont read meß steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:27:13): yes its dose not log out during our conversations Helga (24.04.2009 12:27:13): ME Helga (24.04.2009 12:28:02): thats is a problem i know steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:28:24): yes i can raed you now love Helga (24.04.2009 12:28:52): good Helga (24.04.2009 12:29:20): what are you doing today? steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:30:42): nothing i ahve to wait till i get the money so i can start work steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:30:47): did you get my email?. Helga (24.04.2009 12:31:05): no where is the mail Helga (24.04.2009 12:31:16): on my web adress?? steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:32:28): i sent from my Live account Helga (24.04.2009 12:33:00): okay i just have a look .. in my web acoount Helga (24.04.2009 12:33:15): at home it comes direktly on my pc Helga (24.04.2009 12:34:13): you are so sweet i love your emails steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:35:49): yes i also my love Helga (24.04.2009 12:35:56): laugh Helga (24.04.2009 12:36:09): you love your emails too??? steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:37:00): you laugh at me?.. steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:37:00):  Helga (24.04.2009 12:37:04): yes Helga (24.04.2009 12:37:58): you bring me always to laugh and that are beautiful steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:39:30): i mean i love also yours steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:39:31): yes this feeling i have not felt in a long time Helga (24.04.2009 12:40:06): i wished you are here or i with you steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:41:08): yes it will make it easier for both of us.. Helga (24.04.2009 12:41:21): I would like to learn you to know finally personally Helga (24.04.2009 12:41:56): i think the first date is magic steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:42:07): yes that i look foward to my love steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:42:07): in my heart i know i have found my life time partner steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:49:44): steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:49:44): yes honey steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:49:44): have you rounded up your work yet?.. Helga (24.04.2009 12:50:01): no 10 minutes Helga (24.04.2009 12:51:23): oh yesterday evening as you make a call to me ..i was so happy... Helga (24.04.2009 12:51:44): it was so beautifull to hear your voice..weil es dein geld kostet wenn du mich anrufst steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:51:59): Helga (24.04.2009 12:52:01): mine heard knocks if I sees you and i hear you Helga (24.04.2009 12:52:18): it was so a surprise for me .... steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:52:19): that is so sweet Helga (24.04.2009 12:52:55): you are so sweet Helga (24.04.2009 12:53:51): i think i dont leave you when you stay in germany steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:54:28): yes me too my love steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:54:36): i love you.. Helga (24.04.2009 12:54:51): really ? steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:55:13): yes i have not felt this much joy in my heart since my wife died.. Helga (24.04.2009 12:56:09): but after the time your wife died .. you have a girl friend ??? steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:56:22): i tried to ahve a relationship steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:56:38): but i could not get the pain off steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:56:56): so i had taken teh time to be there for my son steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:57:04): and as he went to school in australia i ahve felt more comfortable to find a womana nd here you are steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:57:17): making me fall so in love with you like i ahve knwon you all my life Helga (24.04.2009 12:58:21): but you already had with other woman kontact steveth60 (24.04.2009 12:59:39): yes i had Helga (24.04.2009 12:59:52): but it was not good? steveth60 (24.04.2009 13:00:34): but you know when you are in internet you do not know exactly where to satrt looking Helga (24.04.2009 13:01:32): you are a charming men , nevertheless, frauen must lie to you to feats Helga (24.04.2009 13:02:46): and my english is so bad Helga (24.04.2009 13:05:05): i must go Helga (24.04.2009 13:06:21): honey steveth60 (24.04.2009 13:09:10): but now i lost my heart and cannot give any other woman my heart steveth60 (24.04.2009 13:09:16): darling its time you must go to the bank war mir klar das du das nicht vergißt steveth60 (24.04.2009 13:09:17): i wait for you here and i hope teh bank grants the loan steveth60 (24.04.2009 13:09:17): jhow much loan are you collecting from them?..
steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:31:47): darling Helga (24.04.2009 22:32:02): hello my dear steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:32:33): good to see you.. Helga (24.04.2009 22:32:50): you trust me ??? i ve lost steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:33:41): you lost?... steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:33:59): Helga (24.04.2009 22:34:03): yes from 32 people i make the 6 place Helga (24.04.2009 22:34:23): but i am the best woman steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:36:05): i am glad to hear that steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:36:59): i am impressed steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:37:22): how many women?. Helga (24.04.2009 22:37:53): however that is not which I wanted , there are 6 woman steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:38:19): yes i know you wanted to win.. Helga (24.04.2009 22:38:26): yes steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:38:44): maybe you were thinking of me and could not cobcentrate on the game Helga (24.04.2009 22:39:02): thats allright steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:39:19): Helga GROTHEER (24.04.2009 22:39:38): you are stupid .. not i steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:39:57): steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:40:49): you are a silly girl. Helga (24.04.2009 22:40:56): oh no, now you want to make again well child Helga (24.04.2009 22:41:18): nl why Helga (24.04.2009 22:41:23): no why steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:41:37): steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:41:47): tell me what you plan to do tommorow Helga (24.04.2009 22:41:53): because I you love steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:42:23): i love you too.. Helga (24.04.2009 22:42:43): tomorrow morning i went to the store , i must go shopping Helga (24.04.2009 22:43:11): tjan i have breakfast , after breakfast i must wash and polish my car steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:45:16): you will polish your car your self?.. Helga (24.04.2009 22:45:59): naturally, who should make it otherwise steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:46:16): Helga (24.04.2009 22:46:35): what steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:46:51): i did not understand Helga (24.04.2009 22:47:28): who makes my car polish .. here is nobody who kann do that Helga (24.04.2009 22:47:39): can steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:48:05): oh i think you can take it to rge car wash steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:48:05): the Helga (24.04.2009 22:49:33): yes of course i drife in a car wash but polish i make it myself steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:49:36): i hope not too much work for you?. steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:49:42): ok good Helga (24.04.2009 22:49:42): noo Helga (24.04.2009 22:51:16): the car dusty so fast steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:52:00): Helga (24.04.2009 22:52:01): it is farina from the trees Helga (24.04.2009 22:52:20): you know what i mean steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:52:24): maybe you drive too fast Helga (24.04.2009 22:52:34): perhaps steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:54:52): and the police dont like fast driving steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:54:56): Helga (24.04.2009 22:55:03): yes i must told for this steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:55:22): since what time you accumulate thr 4 point?. Helga (24.04.2009 22:56:01): and the insurrence for the car gets more expencive Helga (24.04.2009 22:57:14): in 2 years i colected it , after 2 years the points deleted steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:57:28): steveth60 (24.04.2009 22:57:50): when do you expect the 4 deleted?. Helga (24.04.2009 22:57:53): my most points are 15 in two years Helga (24.04.2009 22:58:39): i must drive 2 years only that i became points than they deleted Helga (24.04.2009 22:59:14): when not i became another points steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:00:37): ok Helga (24.04.2009 23:00:57): it gives in England also scores ? steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:01:23): yes like tickets steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:01:35): there is a fine to pay for that Helga (24.04.2009 23:01:36): Helga (24.04.2009 23:03:25): last time i pay 180 euro for to tow way my car steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:03:39): Helga (24.04.2009 23:03:51): it is not funny steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:04:09): you are sturborn motorist Helga (24.04.2009 23:04:17): i come with 2 bags from shopping ..and my car was away Helga (24.04.2009 23:04:25): i think my car was stollen steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:04:50): Helga (24.04.2009 23:05:41): i call the police and they said not stollen .. i park my car in stopping restriction steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:06:03): Helga (24.04.2009 23:06:18): and now i must drive to the other side from bremen to pick up my car steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:06:29): 哼哈哈哈哈..........(慘叫聲) Helga G (24.04.2009 23:06:33): that was not funny steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:07:21): it must have been stressful for you steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:07:54): 來嘛~~親一下....嗯~~~~~嘛... Helga (24.04.2009 23:07:58): yes above all the bags were heavy steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:10:39): are you tired from the game?.. Helga (24.04.2009 23:11:07): you know when i can chat with you i am not tired steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:11:29): 呵呵呵呵......不告訴你! steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:11:51): i also my love Helga (24.04.2009 23:12:14): thats fine steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:12:51): have you had your bath?.. Helga (24.04.2009 23:13:13): yes before i leave my home steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:14:39): you must have sweated during the game steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:15:32): Helga (24.04.2009 23:15:36): why you smell which steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:15:48): steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:15:57): 嗯~~哎呀~~足歹勢ㄟ啦... Helga (24.04.2009 23:16:12): you are a clown Helga (24.04.2009 23:16:37): moment i send you a video steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:16:47): ok i wait Helga (24.04.2009 23:17:49): okay it up to your email steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:18:34): what is the video about?.. Helga (24.04.2009 23:18:46): make a look please steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:19:02): please tell me before i look ok?. steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:19:05): not yet here steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:19:50): i ahve not received yet steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:19:53): i still wait. Helga (24.04.2009 23:20:03): you lock to your yahoo email steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:20:58): i still dont have it yet steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:21:02): maybe i wait a while Helga (24.04.2009 23:21:18): yes it is a long way to lagos steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:23:09): still not received love steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:23:14): maybe delays.. Helga (24.04.2009 23:25:04): moment Helga (24.04.2009 23:28:04): i send it again to your live com adress steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:28:18): what did you do?. Helga (24.04.2009 23:28:29): i send it again steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:29:01): where did you send before?.. Helga (24.04.2009 23:29:14): to yahoo Helga (24.04.2009 23:29:22): and now to live com steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:29:35): i dont use that email again i told you steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:29:50): not to worry f not today i see tommorow.. Helga (24.04.2009 23:30:27): no you must have a look today Helga (24.04.2009 23:30:42): please Helga (24.04.2009 23:30:57): i bring a smile on your face with it steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:31:03): tell me about the video Helga (24.04.2009 23:31:16): no you nust look steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:32:38): i still cannot see Helga (24.04.2009 23:32:46): why steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:32:52): ???? steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:33:30): yes, but the problem is that its not in my email now.. steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:33:47): so amybe teh network delay steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:33:47): i see it tommorow steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:33:47): maybe Helga (24.04.2009 23:35:46): like it matters steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:36:05): ok Helga (24.04.2009 23:36:37): essential xou are here Helga (24.04.2009 23:36:41): y steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:36:53): thanks honey Helga (24.04.2009 23:37:50): you had already a dream of me steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:38:14): always honey Helga (24.04.2009 23:38:35): it is not true Helga (24.04.2009 23:38:43): not allways steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:39:05): always honeydu träumst nur davon das geld zu bekommen steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:39:06): always honey Helga (24.04.2009 23:39:39): I can well imagine which you stay here steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:40:17): its will be lovely am sure Helga (24.04.2009 23:41:07): yes Helga (24.04.2009 23:41:48): are you tired? steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:44:25): but am only jjust bothred about how to get the money to clear my machines now love steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:44:27): because each day prolongs my stay here in africa steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:44:30): tired of what?.. steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:45:10): are you still here?... Helga (24.04.2009 23:45:17): yes i am here steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:45:31): why you not say anything?... steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:45:41): i think you go to bed steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:45:48): good nightach du möchtest mich loswerden kommt wohl die nächste ran Helga (24.04.2009 23:46:06): i wait for you answer .. it comes nothing than comes tree to time Helga (24.04.2009 23:46:13): it very terrible steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:46:16): Helga (24.04.2009 23:46:39): it is terrible with the connection steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:46:55): ok Helga (24.04.2009 23:47:54): it is so annoying which Ican not with you eye in eye talk steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:48:09): soon honey Helga (24.04.2009 23:48:40): why you going to nigeria in this moment Helga (24.04.2009 23:48:55): i am so angry of this steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:49:08): hmmm.... Helga (24.04.2009 23:50:09): i wish you stay here and i can give you a kiss where ever i want .. Helga (24.04.2009 23:50:47): I would like to smell and taste you steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:51:16): you still not thought any body who can help us ith this money?na da hast du aber lange smaltalk gemacht um endlich auf den punkt zu kommen Helga (24.04.2009 23:52:11): no i have no person they can help us steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:52:37): but you did not ask any body Helga (24.04.2009 23:52:47): i ask my brother steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:52:49): dont you understand am going through stress here?.. Helga (24.04.2009 23:52:53): e say no steveth60 (24
@ traeumerinHB Helga (24.04.2009 23:28:04): i send it again to your live com adress steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:28:18): what did you do?. Helga (24.04.2009 23:28:29): i send it again steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:29:01): where did you send before?.. Helga (24.04.2009 23:29:14): to yahoo Helga (24.04.2009 23:29:22): and now to live com steveth60 (24.04.2009 23:29:35): i dont use that email again i told you
Hat unser Schätzchen Steve nicht mehr die Adresse bei Yahoo in Benutzung ???? Bei mir hat er sich bisher noch nicht gemeldet....Du scheinst ihn ja wirklich auf Trapp zu halten....GUT SO !!!
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
hallo sisko er hat noch eine und zwar er hat auch windows life messenger deswegen bin ich ja auch auf die andere frau gestoßen.. ja ich stelle hier lange nicht alle emails rein.. wie haben gestern insgesamt 6 stunden gechattet .. er begrüßt mich morgens wenn ich aufstehe im chat, mittags im büro wenn ich mittagspause habe , und abends wenn ich feierabend habe zu hause, und den letzten chat haben wir dann wenn er gegessen hat unsere zeit um 23 uhr und dann ist er noch am telefon zwischendurch , und gestern dachte ich , ich habe ihn verärgert weil er einfach so weg ist , aber heute morgen habe ich schon wieder die ersten Grußkarten in meiner email und die sind losgeschickt um 3.28 und ich frage mich wirklich wann er überhaupt schläft, ich bin schon total fertig weil ich abends so lange auf und morgens zu früh raus ... der hat echt einen 20 stunden tag der arme und wenn ich es nicht besser wüßte , bekomme ich zwischendurch mitleid wegen seiner Situation( die ja nicht existiert) aber ich halte ihn auf trap lg
ach wie schön mein steve ist doch nicht sauer auf mich
steveth60 (25.04.2009 11:53:36): how are you dear?.. Helga (25.04.2009 11:53:52): i am okay steveth60 (25.04.2009 11:54:27): my connection went out Helga (25.04.2009 11:54:42): i was so sad Helga (25.04.2009 11:54:56): i think you leave me alone steveth60 (25.04.2009 11:55:13): why i leave you alone? steveth60 (25.04.2009 11:55:13): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE Helga (25.04.2009 11:55:37): i dont know Helga (25.04.2009 11:55:57): perhaps you are angry of me steveth60 (25.04.2009 11:56:13): Helga (25.04.2009 11:56:29): oh schatz lach nicht Helga (25.04.2009 11:58:06): I am pleased which you am now here steveth60 (25.04.2009 11:58:30): how was your night love?.. Helga (25.04.2009 11:58:36): not so good Helga (25.04.2009 11:58:41): i can not sleep steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:00:11): oh Helga (25.04.2009 12:00:39): but i think you can not sleep too steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:00:56): yes i was up late Helga (25.04.2009 12:01:25): you send me a email at 3:30 a clock steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:01:38): yes honey Helga (25.04.2009 12:01:39): what are you doing so late steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:01:51): i was thinking very much about you steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:02:04): and also about my work here and how i must get through this soon Helga (25.04.2009 12:02:26): you think in the internet ???? steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:02:40): no when i think i can sleep steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:02:47): i decided to send you cardsja du willst mich nur bei der stange halten Helga (25.04.2009 12:03:45): you selected the cards very beautifully Helga (25.04.2009 12:04:34): you make my heart melt steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:04:58): thank you love Helga (25.04.2009 12:05:22): what are you doing today steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:07:11): am just in the hotel my love.. Helga (25.04.2009 12:07:52): and in the afternoon steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:10:33): dont know my love steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:10:34): are you going out?. Helga (25.04.2009 12:10:51): you know i must polish my car steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:11:59): yes what time you go to car wash?... Helga (25.04.2009 12:12:53): presently i have time Helga (25.04.2009 12:13:33): momently i look how long i drive to berlin Helga (25.04.2009 12:13:59): 390,92 km 03:32 h steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:18:46): ok Helga (25.04.2009 12:19:34): ok what steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:20:18): ok the distance you must drive... Helga (25.04.2009 12:20:31): yes it is a long way steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:21:50): what exactly are you going to do in berlin?. Helga (25.04.2009 12:22:08): tuesday i drive to berlin damit ich dir das geld nicht schicken kann steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:23:06): what do you do in berlin?.. Helga (25.04.2009 12:23:40): i told you i have a date with a new company to make a contrakt for my company steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:24:52): yes you did honey steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:24:58): will you be back same day?.. Helga GROTHEER (25.04.2009 12:25:23): no i be back at wednesday in the evening steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:26:41): oh ok my love you must drive safely Helga GROTHEER (25.04.2009 12:26:57): i also drive safely steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:28:34): and no tickets!! steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:28:34): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE Helga (25.04.2009 12:29:00): just i make the reservation for the hotel Helga (25.04.2009 12:29:19): no i drive slowly , perhaps steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:30:24): perhaps?.. Helga (25.04.2009 12:32:02): one know never like it comes steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:32:03): i understand Helga (25.04.2009 12:32:42): i finished the reservation Helga (25.04.2009 12:33:10): so i can make a shopping tour in berlin steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:34:33): ok honey Helga (25.04.2009 12:35:03): you give mne your credit card number vielleicht klappt es ja anders rum steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:35:57): darling i have used up all money in my credit card and if i had money in it i would not eb asking you to send me moneyschade Helga (25.04.2009 12:36:15): it was a joke steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:39:43): oh darling you know i can do anything for you Helga (25.04.2009 12:40:01): i know ... steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:40:23): you know? steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:40:24): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE Helga (25.04.2009 12:40:47): you are a clown .. you bring my face to smile Helga (25.04.2009 12:41:16): big kiss for you steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:41:42): thank you honey Helga (25.04.2009 12:42:00): thank you for all theese moments ... Helga (25.04.2009 12:42:27): you are the sunshine in my life steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:43:39): you make me happy too my dear Helga (25.04.2009 12:44:02): thank you Helga (25.04.2009 12:44:19): thank you for every day with you Helga (25.04.2009 12:44:33): thank you for your virtuell kisses steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:44:46): you dont ahve to thank me Helga (25.04.2009 12:45:10): thank you for the good mood which you me bring steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:45:25): Helga (25.04.2009 12:45:35): but I have to thank you steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:46:00): why?. Helga (25.04.2009 12:46:12): without you my world would be still empty steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:46:39): we have a life ahead of us steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:47:04): this is just introduction to our lives together. Helga (25.04.2009 12:47:10): however on it I must still wait steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:48:18): i also my love Helga (25.04.2009 12:48:39): however the continuation lasts still steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:49:16): yes.. Helga (25.04.2009 12:50:36): I cannot see it to wait for you Helga (25.04.2009 12:51:45): it tears the heart to me up steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:51:50): i know love steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:52:07): you know darling we will write a book about our llove when we are together,.. Helga (25.04.2009 12:52:23): the never ending story steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:52:40): Helga (25.04.2009 12:52:47): Helga (25.04.2009 12:53:10): you have seen the clip ? steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:54:06): yes) steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:54:07): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:54:13): very funny monkey Helga (25.04.2009 12:54:24): yes i told you there is funny Helga (25.04.2009 12:54:53): he stinks steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:54:56): yes i could not help but laugh alot.. Helga(25.04.2009 12:55:15): and it is in english steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:55:32): Helga (25.04.2009 12:55:52): i have a nother clip it is a shoker... i send it to you steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:56:34): ok love.. Helga (25.04.2009 12:57:41): it is in your email acount steveth60 (25.04.2009 12:59:44): please wait Helga (25.04.2009 12:59:50): yes steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:09:42): am still trying to download it honey Helga (25.04.2009 13:09:50): okay Helga (25.04.2009 13:11:20): steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:12:53): i think this is long steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:12:58): takes time to download Helga (25.04.2009 13:13:14): no is a short but i think your connection is slowley Helga (25.04.2009 13:13:37): my connection oer dsl is 15000 bites steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:13:42): yes my love.. Helga (25.04.2009 13:14:24): it is afrika it is realy hot on this kontinent and the connection must work slowly steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:14:28): steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:14:35): 呵...哈哈哈!(倒頭大笑) steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:14:38): 呵...哈哈哈!(倒頭大笑) steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:14:51): its so funny Helga (25.04.2009 13:14:55): here in germany is not so warm the connection can work faster steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:16:56): its very funny Helga (25.04.2009 13:17:09): the clip? steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:17:14): i hope you dont have a dick?.. steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:17:20): yes the clip Helga R (25.04.2009 13:17:48):  Helga (25.04.2009 13:17:59): no no steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:18:46): Helga (25.04.2009 13:19:26): surprise , surprise steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:19:49): Helga (25.04.2009 13:20:09): but i hope you have one steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:20:22): yes i do..) steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:20:22): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:22:24): oh that is not embarassing.. Helga (25.04.2009 13:23:05): as well which you do not see my face, it is red steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:23:17): Helga (25.04.2009 13:23:41):  steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:23:54):  steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:23:54): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE Helga (25.04.2009 13:24:16): oh darling what i am doing here steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:25:22):  steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:25:22): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE Helga (25.04.2009 13:26:37): i think i must go to polish my car ..otherwise I create today nothing more steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:26:48): ok honey steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:26:54): you take care of yourself.. steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:26:55): bye.. steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:26:58): i love you.. Helga (25.04.2009 13:27:02): you too please steveth60 (25.04.2009 13:27:23): Helga (25.04.2009 13:27:29): see you later honey ich brauche unbedingt ne pause ..manno hat der nichts anderes zu tun????
ich wußte es er liebt mich doch ..... was kann jetzt noch schiefgehen steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:31:36): good morning dear steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:40:05): you know i love you too baby steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:40:05): i was glad to hear your voice also before i slept finally steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:40:05): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:40:05): no you are not.. helga (26.04.2009 08:42:00): in so a situation i was not never beforeein bißchen bedauern bitte steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:42:20): how was your night?.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:42:38): oh baby i also feel very happy when ever you call me steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:42:48): its specail for me to hear your voice.. helga (26.04.2009 08:43:28): i nerve you not? steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:44:09): NO!! steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:44:18): how will you say you nerve me??....eben du hast ja noch kein geld helga (26.04.2009 08:45:09): I have to make fear an error ,to destroy and thus everything steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:45:24): don repeat that again love steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:45:31): we are together in love ok?.. helga(26.04.2009 08:45:46): okay.... steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:45:49): no steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:46:22): i love you.. helga (26.04.2009 08:46:35): i send you a email with a song for you helga (26.04.2009 08:47:07): but it is no blues steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:47:15): yes that is what am reading now my love.. helga (26.04.2009 08:47:21): ok steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:48:51): am trying to download the song steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:48:58): the lyrics are lovely honeyja deutsche schlager eben helga (26.04.2009 08:50:10): yes i send you a sunbeam for grey days steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:50:47): yes steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:50:47): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE helga (26.04.2009 08:52:07): it is a song for fallen in love helga(26.04.2009 08:53:20): steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:53:43): have you had break fast?.. helga (26.04.2009 08:53:52): no helga (26.04.2009 08:53:57): and you steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:54:19): no also helga (26.04.2009 08:54:30): my son sleeps to steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:54:50): i immedaitely came online wehn i woke up.. helga (26.04.2009 08:55:46): i wish itdACHTE SCHON ICH WÄRE AUFGEFLOGEN GESTERN helga (26.04.2009 08:55:59): and it is true steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:56:29): helga (26.04.2009 08:56:44): helga (26.04.2009 08:57:31): no yesterday evening as you lost the connection i was very sad.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:57:35): what do you plan to eat this morning? helga (26.04.2009 08:57:47): nothing steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:58:34): yes my love Nigeria things do not work very well helga (26.04.2009 08:58:45): i dont know--i wait of my son when he wakes up we make breakfast helga (26.04.2009 08:59:24): i hate nigeria......... steveth60 (26.04.2009 08:59:45): he can cook well?. helga (26.04.2009 08:59:57): no he dont cooks steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:00:13): i hate it too my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:00:33): so you must try your best to gget that money for me this week so i leave here soon ok?.. helga (26.04.2009 09:01:10): i know helga (26.04.2009 09:01:30): but what can i do... steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:02:22): the prblems with my work weighs me heavily honey helga (26.04.2009 09:02:41): i know itAHJA DA WAR JA DS PROBLEM MIT MEINER BANK steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:02:54): you say you are not sure about how soon your bank dose it.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:03:07): so i say if ossible we can get the money from a friend steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:03:17): please just for my sake. helga (26.04.2009 09:03:30): you know ma one girl friend is in vietnam helga (26.04.2009 09:03:49): the other is a study-- s´he has no money steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:04:03): because i already borrow from Paul all he has.. helga (26.04.2009 09:04:06): and the singer is in austria helga(26.04.2009 09:04:20): at work helga(26.04.2009 09:04:48): i lnow steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:04:56): hmm..ICH HAB NUR ARME FREUNDE steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:05:33): you can try at work?.JO VIELLEICHT MEINEN CHEF helga(26.04.2009 09:06:57): i can not... steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:07:04): am soo worried dear. steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:07:15): ok helga (26.04.2009 09:08:11): i told you my compyny becomes no money from american express for 6 month all my peers .. we live momently from the money we have collected steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:08:59): yes i understand steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:09:19): darling how come you have no savings in your acccount?.. helga (26.04.2009 09:09:42): read up steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:09:50): how much do you have even if not up to the 4000 euro steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:10:06): i can manage it an dtry to pressure paul to give me the rest.. helga(26.04.2009 09:10:23): you dont understand me steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:10:54): helga (26.04.2009 09:11:49): in the last 6 month i became no money for my job steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:12:54): i understand you have been using your savings since steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:13:13): but i ask how much can you now give me from that saving you still have?HABE EBEN EINEN TEUREN LEBENSUNTERHALT :::KNÁNNST MIR JA WAS SCHICKEN helga (26.04.2009 09:13:34): i must told my appartment, the school for my son my costs ..and anything else it for the month 4500 euro - 27000 euro from my bankaccount... helga (26.04.2009 09:14:19): and now i have in my bankaccount 1200 euro thats the rest steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:14:51): because i need start work here and earn my contract money.. helga (26.04.2009 09:15:08): nut it is the end of the month and i must pay 800 for my appartment helgA (26.04.2009 09:15:32): and i drive to berlin -100 helga (26.04.2009 09:15:44): and the hotel 150 .. helga (26.04.2009 09:15:52): and then is end steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:16:02): steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:16:08): oh.... steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:16:24): so we must wait for your bank you mean?. helga (26.04.2009 09:17:43): yes i must drive to berlin for the contract with the company ..than i becam advance for this ...i hope so helga (26.04.2009 09:17:53): yxes we must waitBLEIT DIE NICHTS ANDERES ÜBRIG steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:18:26): ok my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:18:38): i am sorry i ahve to bother you so much helga (26.04.2009 09:18:52): i can understand you steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:20:07): thanks my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:20:36): on tuesday you drive to Berlin?. helga (26.04.2009 09:20:54): it is a big problem ... but at the moment it is a really bad problem .. helga (26.04.2009 09:21:00): yes steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:21:56): and you know i can only get money after my contract here helga (26.04.2009 09:22:35): i know but what can i do ..nothing steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:23:31): yes i know my love can only wait for your bank and also hopefully if you get advance on your new contract helga (26.04.2009 09:23:44): yes steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:24:02): helga (26.04.2009 09:24:17): dont worry steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:24:54): ok my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:25:08): your love keeps me strong love helga (26.04.2009 09:25:42): steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:27:35): i love you. helga (26.04.2009 09:27:35): this is prof which is too hard. steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:27:50): ?? steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:27:57): i dont understand helga (26.04.2009 09:30:21): because I have fear this mine bank says no, and then you are angry .. and leave me alone steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:30:29): steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:30:41): how can i leave you alone because of money?.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:30:52): i just wat you to try all means to help me helga (26.04.2009 09:30:53): yes steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:31:17): i can never leave you alone honey steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:31:28): you are woman i spend the rest of my life with.. helga (26.04.2009 09:31:53): steve... steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:31:59): yes love.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:32:20): steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:32:30): yes i know baby steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:32:40): i steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:32:42): LOVE steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:32:45): YOU steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:32:50): helga (26.04.2009 09:35:54): really .SEHT IHR ::: er LIEBT MICH DOCH !!!! steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:36:07): helga (26.04.2009 09:36:18): yes helga (26.04.2009 09:36:23): okay helga (26.04.2009 09:36:50): steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:37:28): darling so you do not have any plans to leave the house today?.. helga (26.04.2009 09:38:00): no .. but i think i make breakfast .. helga (26.04.2009 09:38:39): okay bad connection--- steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:39:18): ok honey you go make breakfast and watch movies we can talk later in the day ok?.. helga (26.04.2009 09:39:41): okay ... and you make breakfast too steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:39:54): i orrder bbreakfast helga (26.04.2009 09:40:09): you go not down steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:40:17): i will go down steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:40:29): i tell them what i will eat helga (26.04.2009 09:40:30): you eat in your hotel room steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:40:56): then i have bath and go down helga (26.04.2009 09:41:26): you here the song? steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:41:27): i miss you steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:41:31): try and relax my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:41:36): i miss you so much.. helga (26.04.2009 09:41:43): okay i do it helga (26.04.2009 09:41:53): i am too helga (26.04.2009 09:42:04): ciao my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 09:42:11):
ist es nicht schön wenn man so uneigennützig geliebt wird helgagrotheer (26.04.2009 09:42:14):
mein schatz ..mal sehen wie lange er braucht bis er mich darauf hinweißt das ich morgen zur bank muß
steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:19:06): hello love helga (26.04.2009 21:19:10): how are you steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:19:15): how was your day?.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:20:01): when you called me i was in the swimming pool helga (26.04.2009 21:20:03): thank you fine i sitting outside anf´d play games helga (26.04.2009 21:21:15): moment i go inside with you steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:21:18): yes i was so tired and bored i needed to do something else.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:22:13): how was dinner?.. helga (26.04.2009 21:22:41): - helga (26.04.2009 21:22:58): good and yours steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:23:42): yes mine was good honey helg (26.04.2009 21:23:58): o make trotellini alla panna helga (26.04.2009 21:24:05): you know this steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:24:35): is that an italain food also?.. helga(26.04.2009 21:24:40): yes steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:25:33): i have not tried it love helga (26.04.2009 21:25:50): it is pasta shells with ham cream sauce+ helga (26.04.2009 21:27:01): the time without you was so long today steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:27:34): i missed you too my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:27:41): you are an integral part of me now.. helga (26.04.2009 21:28:26): only a part steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:28:52): integral steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:28:52): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:29:00): integral means a huge steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:29:55): i am your life?.. helga(26.04.2009 21:30:03): yes you ar steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:31:17): its lovely but i wish i could understand teh words.. helga (26.04.2009 21:32:30): thereore i send you the translation steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:32:44): yes my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:32:57): you will sing it to me? helga (26.04.2009 21:33:18): oh when i sing you leave the chatroom steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:33:49): helga (26.04.2009 21:34:23): dont laugh helga (26.04.2009 21:35:07): you can sing steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:35:50): yes a little bit steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:36:19): i will sing for you.. helga (26.04.2009 21:36:37): okay helga (26.04.2009 21:36:55): you have a microphone on your pckomisch von hightec haben die noch nichts gehört , ich sollte in nigeria einen zubehor shop aufmachen steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:37:57): no i do not have microphone honey helga (26.04.2009 21:38:30): that is however unfortunate steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:38:52): i can sing for you when i kiss you helga(26.04.2009 21:39:01): no webcam no microphone no headset? helga (26.04.2009 21:39:23): no when you kiss me .. than kiss me not sing.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:40:28): yes my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:40:49): you give me a french kiss?.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:43:27): where is your son now?.. helga (26.04.2009 21:43:35): he is in the bath helga (26.04.2009 21:44:11): he lies in the bath tub steveth60 (26.04.2009 21:44:34): oh i see lassen wir mal den ganzen quatsch vom smaltalk weg und schauen uns dann das ende an
steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:23:45):  steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:24:46): yes romantic honey helga (26.04.2009 22:25:01): you stay in lagos helga (26.04.2009 22:25:13): one the other side of the world steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:25:36): yes so many miles away... steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:26:22): soon we will be together my love..da kannste lange drau warten
steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:27:39): we must be strong for each other love und wie stark
helga(26.04.2009 22:37:32): give me your adress from your hotel steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:37:42): steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:37:52): you are joking my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:37:53): i knwo you wont come steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:38:05): do not worry soon after my work we will eb together ok?. helgag(26.04.2009 22:38:19): dont think so
helga- (26.04.2009 22:52:52): when you stay here steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:53:08): ok love.. helga (26.04.2009 22:53:55): still you are free steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:54:17): but i will be free without a heart steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:54:23): my heart is stolen helga (26.04.2009 22:55:05): i borowed it steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:55:18): you stole it!! helga (26.04.2009 22:55:47): i am not a bandit steveth60 (26.04.2009 22:56:10): love bandidt you are helga (26.04.2009 22:56:21): a little perhaps helga (26.04.2009 22:56:41): but you too
steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:02:12): how is the temperature there??. helga (26.04.2009 23:02:42): here now 19 degree steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:02:46): oh am sorry i sent you no email.. helga (26.04.2009 23:03:09): remarked it steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:03:17): i see helga (26.04.2009 23:04:00): the door is open now it is warm outside
steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:08:42): steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:08:59): 20 Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way • P.O. Box 27789 Airport Road, Ikeja • Lagos, Lagos • NigeriaNa was ist denn das für eine Adresse das ist doch ein Postfach und keine Hotel adresse steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:09:11): this is the address of the hoetl love helga (26.04.2009 23:09:21): and the name steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:09:48): the name of the hote is "one nation hotels" helga (26.04.2009 23:10:05): okay i make you a paket steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:10:26): no dont do it)
helga (26.04.2009 23:10:32): i do it
steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:13:12): 
helga (26.04.2009 23:14:29): thank you for the flowers steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:15:02): you are welcome honey helga (26.04.2009 23:15:10): i put it in the scan and send it to you steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:15:27): ok good
steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:16:53): pull it and scan it now i wait helga (26.04.2009 23:17:02): not yet i do it tomorrow helga(26.04.2009 23:17:10): okay wait steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:17:10): ok my love steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:17:17): 
na nun muß es doch kommen die frage nach der nach der bank
steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:42:18): ok love darling its very late you must sleep you work tommorow steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:42:34): what time the bank says they will get back to you?.. helga (26.04.2009 23:42:42): they call me steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:42:53): thay called you already?.. steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:43:25): or they will call you tommorow?. helga (26.04.2009 23:43:38): they will call me tomorrow steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:43:57): ok my love helga (26.04.2009 23:44:04): i think so thex said when they have prof it steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:44:52): ok honey steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:45:06): you must sleep now steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:45:18): please call em when you hear from them steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:45:29): tommorow we talk again ok?.
steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:45:55): you should you work tommorow helga (26.04.2009 23:45:55): now steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:46:04): ) steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:46:04): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE helga (26.04.2009 23:46:13): today i sit in the sun and sleep steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:46:15): no we go to bed together ok? helga (26.04.2009 23:47:07): you are tired? steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:47:22): yes my love helga (26.04.2009 23:47:39): okay than we go to bed steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:47:45): tommorow we can talk at 8 am your time ok?.. helga (26.04.2009 23:47:52): ok steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:48:03): i love you goo night.. helga (26.04.2009 23:48:07): träum was süßes steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:48:15): helga (26.04.2009 23:48:17): i love you too steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:48:35):  steveth60 (26.04.2009 23:48:35): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE helga (26.04.2009 23:48:49): bye my love steveth60 (26.04.2009
naja 2,5 stunden um mich daran zu erinnern das ich morgen zur bank muß...ausdauer hat der mann, mal sehen wie lange er weiß ja noch nicht das die bank seinen contrakt sehen will...hihi ...
so wieder mal der morgendliche apell zur bank zu gehen mal schauen wie lange es heute dauert
elga(27.04.2009 08:13:13): good morning my dear steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:13:31): good morning honey steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:13:38): how was your night?. helga (27.04.2009 08:13:52): thank you good and yours steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:14:27): very good dreamt about you helga(27.04.2009 08:14:40): oh tell me please steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:15:02): i had dreamt you ahd come to pick me up from the airport steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:15:17): and we had driven straight to the beach and laid on the sand and kissed.. helga (27.04.2009 08:16:00): OH MY DEAR
das war schon immer mein traum mit die am strand von lagos
steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:17:09): very lovely feeling. helg (27.04.2009 08:17:21): beautifull helga (27.04.2009 08:18:03): today i was very tired helga (27.04.2009 08:18:27): i think i was with you one the beach steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:18:28): why were you tired?. steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:18:37): helga (27.04.2009 08:19:07): i dream also steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:19:24): what did you dream?
das du mir meine kohle abgezockt hast
helga (27.04.2009 08:21:36): thats the problem i dont know ... I only knowwhich i wanted again to you but not moore............. steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:21:52): helga(27.04.2009 08:22:01): and it was beautifull steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:23:24): yes must be so my love helga(27.04.2009 08:23:42): yes it must be steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:24:04): have you had breakfast already?.. helgag (27.04.2009 08:24:06): what are we doing on the beach helga (27.04.2009 08:24:20): no i drink a cup of coffee steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:24:30): kissing and holding and runnng on the sand helga (27.04.2009 08:25:09): hmmmmm steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:25:55): what do you like to do on the beach? steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:26:14): just surfing?. helga (27.04.2009 08:26:23): what is the wether in lagos today helga (27.04.2009 08:26:36): swimming steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:26:40): its raining out side now love helga (27.04.2009 08:27:05): here the sun is shining steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:27:19): and you will drive topless to office helga (27.04.2009 08:27:30): yes i think so steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:28:01): helga (27.04.2009 08:28:04): i must wake up -- steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:28:32): you still feel sleepy?. helga (27.04.2009 08:28:52): yes a little bit steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:29:02): steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:29:20): that is the reason i always say go to bed early. helga (27.04.2009 08:29:58): okay you are right helg(27.04.2009 08:30:27): but i say to you when i can talk to you i am not tired steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:30:44): but in the morning you must feel the effect helga (27.04.2009 08:30:49): yes steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:31:41): you wil have breakfast in office??. helga(27.04.2009 08:32:20): no i eat a apple .. you said yesterday i am to fat steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:32:33): steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:32:58): but dont starve yourself.. helga (27.04.2009 08:33:24): no i do not steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:33:48): good i feel better now.. helga (27.04.2009 08:34:09): i love you ... steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:34:23): i love you too my baby helga(27.04.2009 08:35:07): and tomorrow i am stay in berlin steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:35:15): yes i know steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:35:31): i hope everything goes fine there darling.. helga (27.04.2009 08:35:43): i hope so too helga (27.04.2009 08:36:28): those will already succumb to my charm steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:36:31): 來嘛~~親一下....嗯~~~~~嘛... steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:37:26): ) steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:37:26): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:37:35): yes am glad to hear that helga (27.04.2009 08:38:23): i take the people already around the finger winding steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:38:39): really?..) steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:38:39): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE helga (27.04.2009 08:38:42): yes steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:38:54): tell me how helga (27.04.2009 08:39:03): you must look in my eyes than you can see i steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:40:37): are you sure you do not charm me?.. helga(27.04.2009 08:41:15): you charming too helga (27.04.2009 08:41:41): but first by work steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:42:05): ok my love helga (27.04.2009 08:43:04): when i go into a room where people are they dont knows me , between 3 minutes the other people talk with me helga (27.04.2009 08:43:40): i am a good dealer .. and i deals me good steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:44:32): wow.. steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:44:35): i like that.. helga (27.04.2009 08:45:01): i hope so helga (27.04.2009 08:45:48): not which becomes jealous you steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:45:52): yes i do steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:45:57): i like it helga (27.04.2009 08:46:01): okay steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:46:21): oh as long as you have no affair i will not be jealous. helga (27.04.2009 08:46:53): no i am faithfull steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:47:19): so i have no problem with that.. helga (27.04.2009 08:47:24): okay helga (27.04.2009 08:47:41): i am the one and only... steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:51:58): yes i am here.. helga (27.04.2009 08:52:26): in 8 minuest i must start steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:53:18): yes my love helga (27.04.2009 08:54:10): perhaps when i am in the office and i have lunch i look to the messenger steveth60 (27.04.2009 08:55:18): ok my love you can send me email. helga (27.04.2009 08:59:38): i must go helgagrotheer (27.04.2009 09:01:46): steveth60 (27.04.2009 09:03:42): what do you want?.. steveth60 (27.04.2009 09:03:49): ok my love you better leave now steveth60 (27.04.2009 09:03:49): have safe drive to office das schlimmste was dir passieren kann ich mache einen unfall , dann bekommst du kein geld mehr steveth60 (27.04.2009 09:03:50): and call me once the bank contacts you ok?..
na das überleg ich mir noch, aber mach dir keine hoffnung so schnell arbeiten die banken bei uns nicht , kreditentscheidungen dauern schon mal ein paar tage
helga(27.04.2009 09:03:56): i go to the office helga (27.04.2009 09:04:13): bye honey helga(27.04.2009 09:04:28): 
wie gut das ich heute frei habe... 1 stunde bis die frage kamm tztz ...
Ich habe es nochmal probiert, vielleicht meldet er sich bei mir, aber ich denke er hat jetzt mit Dir zu tun und hoffentlich nicht noch mit zu vielen anderen, die auf ihn reinfallen....
27.04.2009 10:08 Hello my dear Steve, I was hoping for an email from you ... the shame you've not reported. Is everything OK with you? I hope not, that something happened. Our beginning was not bad. Yes maybe it's also that you have found another woman do that through your life you will accompany. In this case .. I wish you all the best for you. Greetings from Germany Renate
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
You're miles away from me, roads that I'll cross just to be with you Every minute I long to see that girl I've got addicted to. I hope everyday to hold you near, just like the way I thought it would be but waking up I find myself stuck to this endless fantasy.
Yet another day to surpass just to hear your voice once more The same sweet unique laughter you own I always hear before In my dreams is where you are, and every night it's you I see but waking up I find myself stuck to this endless fantasy.
I'll run the extra mile just to feel your warm embrace, only to see your wonderful smile nothing can replace I'll face all of the odds just to let you know how much you mean to me because I don't want to find myself stuck again to this endless fantasy.
There's one thing I promise you, I will never let go for there can not be another to replace the love I know After all this chaos I promise we can be free To love each other more each day, no more endless fantasy
so bin wieder da mal und schon werde ich abgefangen
steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:08:13): hello darling.. steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:08:16): how are you?. helga (30.04.2009 08:08:27): thank you i am fine and you steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:08:54): oh am fine love steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:09:09): i was so sleepy just now you called./ helgag (30.04.2009 08:09:47): i know it what have you doing yesterday evening helgag (30.04.2009 08:10:04): you have no connection you can go early in the bed steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:10:45): yes but i could not sleep because i had worried much about my work nein bitte nicht , ich habe keine lust jetzt schon über die bank zu reden, werde das einfach überhören helga (30.04.2009 08:11:05): okay i can understand it steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:11:39): tell me steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:11:51): how was your journey from berlin helga (30.04.2009 08:12:10): what should i tell you .. i miss you .. i love you helga (30.04.2009 08:12:26): berlin is a nicely town helga (30.04.2009 08:13:34): the weather was so beautofull we sit outside at 1 a clock steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:13:41): why did you come back late from berlin?. helga(30.04.2009 08:13:42): wonderfull helga(30.04.2009 08:14:20): oh be finish the business date at 19;30 a clock helga (30.04.2009 08:14:28): than i must drife 400 km steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:14:34): lovley helga (30.04.2009 08:14:42): and the trafic was very slow steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:15:24): oh i was worried why you dove very late from berlin steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:15:27): but now i understand helga (30.04.2009 08:16:16): i call you as i arrive my home steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:16:55): yes you did aand was very glad to hear you arrive safely helga (30.04.2009 08:17:37): yesterday evening i write you a email ...with a song for you steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:18:36): oh i have not opened my email yet.. helga (30.04.2009 08:18:57): after the chat you can open it steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:20:14): ok my love steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:20:26): today you must report to the office steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:20:37): yes i missed you tooo my baby helga(30.04.2009 08:20:40): yes in 10 minutes 1 must start helga(30.04.2009 08:21:34): i dont drink by the business date steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:21:35): what time is it now?.. helga (30.04.2009 08:21:40): 8:21 steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:22:16): hmm, good you didnt drink by the date steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:22:17): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE helga (30.04.2009 08:23:19): yes and i dont have firted steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:23:27): helga(30.04.2009 08:24:00): but it was very funny .. steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:24:20): he flirted with you?... helga (30.04.2009 08:24:42): the boss from the company is a young men ... steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:25:05): helga (30.04.2009 08:25:22): a little bit helga (30.04.2009 08:25:34): but he is very funny helga (30.04.2009 08:25:49): and charming helga (30.04.2009 08:26:26): but not my typ steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:28:04): steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:28:50): but everything went fine?.. helga (30.04.2009 08:28:56): yes helga (30.04.2009 08:29:26): so my love i must go to the company steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:29:27): am glad about that. helga(30.04.2009 08:29:42): tomorrow afternoon i have a date by the bank steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:29:45): ok baby steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:29:52): darling what is going on?. helga (30.04.2009 08:29:59): i dont know steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:30:02): you didnt even bother to tell me about the money?.. steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:30:16): you know am worried but you just ignore the issue steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:30:21): helga (30.04.2009 08:30:35): yes but i cant not tell you what the bank said helga (30.04.2009 08:30:49): i must wait helga (30.04.2009 08:31:16): bye and big kisses from me helga (30.04.2009 08:31:52):  helga (30.04.2009 08:32:04): bye my love steveth60 (30.04.2009 08:32:06):
Zitat von traeumerinHB helga(30.04.2009 08:29:42): tomorrow afternoon i have a date by the bank
Wir habenMORGEN einen FEIERTAG !!!!, also hast DU Dich vertan und heute nochmal nachgefragt bei deiner Bank...und siehe da, der Termin ist natürlich erst am Montag.....ja zu Schade für den armen Steve, ja aber Du kannst ja nichts dafür FEIERTAGE ??!! Das kann er sogar bei Goggle nachlesen....
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:30:01): hello baby steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:30:06): how are you?. helga (01.05.2009 13:30:17): now i am wake steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:30:51): good you had nice breakfast.?. laß das ganze gesäusel mal weg und blende dann wieder ein wenn es ums wesentliche geht
helga(01.05.2009 13:49:53): but i know that was not correct steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:50:17): darling i had not time to stay on internet because i was worried of my work steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:50:24): how will i get the money i need steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:50:34): can you not understand what am going through?.. steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:50:44): ????? helga(01.05.2009 13:51:09): yes i understand you , sorry i am mesey a littel bitso nun wird er ungeduldig steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:51:26): you never told me if ever when you will get the money from your bank steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:51:42): you tell me nothing steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:51:45): do you think i am here to play and stay in a hotel in africa?.. steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:52:30): you did not even tell me if you became the money from your trip in berlin or if you will even help em at all steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:52:53): me helga (01.05.2009 13:52:55): i became no money i have no physical securitiesnaa ich hoffe er weiß was sicherheiten sind helga (01.05.2009 13:53:20): when i buy a house than i became money .. steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:53:43): the bank will not give you the credit?.. helga (01.05.2009 13:54:11): because this house security is helga(01.05.2009 13:54:21): yes steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:54:34): so why did you not tell me all these days?. steveth60 (01.05.2009 13:54:41): and make me still hope?.tja ich hoffe auch immer wieder .. aber... helga (01.05.2009 13:55:20): nio all the days i said to you i dont know if i became money helga (01.05.2009 13:55:46): i said you must look to another people how spend you the money .. helga (01.05.2009 13:57:10): the bank said when they give me money they need a physikyl security helga (01.05.2009 13:58:18): a bail for the credit ..when you give the contrakt from your work .. and your copy from your identify card .. ich denke doch sowas hast du helga (01.05.2009 13:58:34): they give me the money helga (01.05.2009 13:59:01): but i have no contrakt and you are not here steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:00:16): i understand now steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:00:17): and you ahve no security steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:00:17): but you should have told me this my darling that the bank refuse instead you keep telling to wait for the bank response steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:00:19): i dont understand.. steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:00:21): yes i understand steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:00:36): is there no way you can get this amount for me love steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:00:36): even to uses your car as a physical asset?. steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:00:36): please so i can finish work and come to you helga (01.05.2009 14:01:12): it is a problem steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:01:51): you know i am also trying my best but Paul cannot become me the whole amount helga (01.05.2009 14:02:05): no my car is for my creditline helga (01.05.2009 14:03:01): i know but what should i do steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:03:01): so cannot be used ?. steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:03:21): i dont know because Paul promised to send me some amount today or tommorow helga (01.05.2009 14:03:28): you make a copy from your contrakt and send it to me ? steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:03:38): i do not know if you can get 2000 Euro to send to me so i add to what ever paul gives to meoh ich bekomme Prozente immerhin von 5900 auf 2000 steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:03:51): my contract copy is in my office in london steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:03:58): i did not come with it helga (01.05.2009 14:03:58): shit helga (01.05.2009 14:04:11): can paul send it to me steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:04:20): my keys are with me here helga (01.05.2009 14:04:26): shit steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:04:37): so all these makes me beg him for money steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:04:51): and i am happy he understands steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:04:52): but just that he has not money now steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:04:57): so he sends me what he has helga (01.05.2009 14:05:35): it is a big problem steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:06:30): how much can you raise for me love steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:06:38): so i add to wat paul is sending me?. helga (01.05.2009 14:06:55): so it also goes for me so badly . I am in endsvielleicht sollte ich mir das leben nehmen weil ich dir kein geld besorgen kann
steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:13:01): i am here love steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:14:23): can you not try to even borrow from some one just 2000 euros? steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:14:23): please steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:14:23): because paul is also borrowing from someoneder soll deine harley verkaufen helga(01.05.2009 14:15:02): no i can not .. i said you helga (01.05.2009 14:15:46): i would to do everything for you .. but i could notna ich könnte ja vielleicht doch über promt... steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:20:43): then you prefer me to suffer ehre love? steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:21:31): here helga (01.05.2009 14:21:48): what do you mean steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:23:19): you ahve the option to borrow money to help me but you cannot.. steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:23:19): you rather i suffer here than to even ask your brother for money?.. steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:23:20): i am sad helga (01.05.2009 14:24:02): you know that i ask my brother for money , i told you steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:24:42): but you had asked for alot then.. steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:24:44): now all i need is just 2000 steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:25:00): even if its only 1000 you can get and send to me its going to help em along way loveahh der nächste nachlaß... mensch bin ich gut .... steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:25:02): me helga (01.05.2009 14:25:08): so i ask for money i told him not how much helg (01.05.2009 14:25:36): you become unfair steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:26:05): no my love am not men to be unfair steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:26:10): i just need some help helga(01.05.2009 14:26:13): oh darling helga (01.05.2009 14:26:16): sorry helga (01.05.2009 14:26:22): i know that helga (01.05.2009 14:26:58): but i told you that i ask my brother .. steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:27:12): so please can you try even if its 1000 you can send to me i will really apprecaite it.. helga (01.05.2009 14:27:18): i ask my peer too ... helga (01.05.2009 14:27:55): but nobody give money helga (01.05.2009 14:28:06): it is a hard time momently helga (01.05.2009 14:28:59): in 2 months can it be look different .. we also sitting in the self boat steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:29:59): steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:30:02): 2 months?.ja du kannst doch sicherlich warten... was sind denn schon 2 monate mit aussicht auf erfolg helga (01.05.2009 14:30:43): dont laugh it was not funny steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:31:02): how can you say 2 months.. helga(01.05.2009 14:32:03): it can be look different i said but i dont know helga (01.05.2009 14:32:23): we all hope that we became money helga (01.05.2009 14:32:52): that the krises is over steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:33:07): steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:33:58): yes i understand helga (01.05.2009 14:34:06): you know that i momently a hard time for business steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:34:20): what about berlin?. helgag(01.05.2009 14:35:32): yes we make the contrakt but they pays in 3 month when we make close the balancing steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:36:40): ok helga(01.05.2009 14:37:12): we starts to work we make the extensive economies ..and then we became money for this steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:37:27): yes i know your work is also not easy.. helga (01.05.2009 14:38:58): it is easy but none flies roasted deaf from heaven steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:39:14): helga (01.05.2009 14:40:05): 
steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:40:09): i know love helga (01.05.2009 14:41:58): when my mother was still alive , that was not a problem she gives me the money , but my father dont gives me the money .. he pay it for the new wife on his side .. my brotheer hate my father too steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:42:39): oh dnt ahte him ok?. steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:42:45): where dose your father works?. helga (01.05.2009 14:43:08): my father 75 years old helga (01.05.2009 14:43:26): he lives from his money helga (01.05.2009 14:43:50): i drive a fat mercedes .. and make holiday all the time steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:43:56): what job did he do before?. helga (01.05.2009 14:44:03): he has a farm helga (01.05.2009 14:44:07): i told youna ich dachte schon du leidest an gedächnisschwund steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:44:21): oh yes you did steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:44:26): so why do you not have a good relationship with him?. helga (01.05.2009 14:44:56): before the new wife cames i have a good realitionship to him helgag (01.05.2009 14:45:06): but the new wife break itsie will das erbe für sich ganz allein steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:45:20): when last you speak to your father?.. helga (01.05.2009 14:46:24): he call me when i stay in berlin helga(01.05.2009 14:47:43): before i tries him to call him, he calls me back helga (01.05.2009 14:48:46): but he told me he has not time for me ,, he goes with his new wife to austria to make holiday steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:49:46): oh steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:50:25): when he returns?.. helga (01.05.2009 14:50:45): in 12 days steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:52:12): ok love steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:52:16): when do you goo out?. helga (01.05.2009 14:52:31): i think in half hour steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:53:18): ok love helga (01.05.2009 14:54:02): oh steve i am so sorry about this steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:54:12): about what love?.. helga(01.05.2009 14:54:22): his problems with me steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:54:30): steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:54:33): dont be sorry love steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:54:53): i just wnat you to try your best any amount you can raise for me i will eb very gald ok? steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:55:18): any amount at all because now i worry about my hotel bills here i also need to pay for that before i can clear my machinesach hotel rechnung kommt auch noch dazu ??? steveth60 (01.05.2009 14:55:28): so any money you send me i will really apprecate helga (01.05.2009 15:02:18): steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:02:37): do you understand what i write above?. helga (01.05.2009 15:02:45): yes na klar schlaf ja nicht auf dem Baum ..umso langsamer ich dir geld schicke umso teurer wird es !!!! steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:04:27): ok my love steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:04:37): dont be ashamed to tell me ok?. steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:04:56): you know i pay one night 40 dollars for hotel bills helga (01.05.2009 15:05:20): what should i say you-- steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:07:59): i dont understand love: helga (01.05.2009 15:09:03): i can give you a copy from my bankaccount than you know what i mean steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:09:21): how much do you have?. helga (01.05.2009 15:10:00): now at time 400 euro for the rest of the month helga (01.05.2009 15:10:12): and today is the first in the monthman wie ätzend der macht das schon sehr psychologisch
steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:13:29): i know love helga (01.05.2009 15:14:54): okay darling i start now
steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:15:51): bye my love
steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:16:31): i also need you to tell em if you could find some money for me!!!aha noch billiger egal wieviel ...das dauert nicht lange dann hast du nichtmal mehr geld zum essen ..ich seh es schon kommen steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:16:33): me
steveth60 (01.05.2009 15:17:35): i love you helga (01.05.2009 15:17:37): bye loveso daß reicht für heute
Da wäre doch noch ein langfrisiger Sparvertrag der für deinen Sohn angelegt ist und für seine Ausbildung oder Studium sein sollte. Du hättest ja solche Gewissensbisse, wenn du diesen mit viel Verlust auflösen solltest aber das wäre noch eine Möglichkeit, obwohl du dann deinem Sohn wohl kaum noch in die Augen schauen könntest. Wenn Steve so ein Schuft ist und nur das Geld möchte, wird er dir sicherlich zuraten und es später großzügig wieder ausgleichen. Aber das dauert, bis man so eine feste mündelsichere Geldanlage auflösen kann.
merino .. du willst das ich an das geld meines sohnes gehe... pfui schäme dich ... das halte ich mir ganz bis zum schluß auf wenn ich merke er gibt auf .. ich will ihn doch noch etwas beschäftigen
mal schauen was mein süßer heute sagt .. immerhin ist heute ein tag wo ich nicht zur bank kann
steveth60 (02.05.2009 14:58:38): hello dear steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:00:04): am just reading your email,' helga (02.05.2009 15:00:30): you must hear the song i translate the first part for you
steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:10:00): yes love. helga (02.05.2009 15:10:18): wie nur yes love helga (02.05.2009 15:11:02): willst du mich quälen steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:11:39): helga (02.05.2009 15:12:38): you tease me helga (02.05.2009 15:12:52): you dont speak with me steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:12:58): i do not understand what you write steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:13:26): i am trying to download the song helga (02.05.2009 15:14:16): okay .. but i think you dont want to speak with me you are so still.. and i wait and wait .. helga (02.05.2009 15:15:27): i know it is hard time helga (02.05.2009 15:16:07): but i can not stop my love to you steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:16:21): i love you too darling steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:16:26): yes that reminds me steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:16:48): what happend yesterday about what we discused before you left the house?. helga(02.05.2009 15:18:14): this lies with it I me so helplessly feels, and you in the other ends of the world stays. helga (02.05.2009 15:19:28): I feel so unhappy steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:19:46): i know my love steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:20:00): i said no mater the amount you can send to menaklar habe schon verstanden jeder euro zählt egal wieviel steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:20:14): have you thought how much you can send to me?. helga (02.05.2009 15:22:36): steve ... i say that i have no money ...i cant send you 1 euro thus suffer like it acts to me, that is where i so unhappy ... helga(02.05.2009 15:22:59): every time i break my head steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:23:06): you can send me 200 euros?.. helga (02.05.2009 15:23:16): i cannot sleep i must think on you.. and your problem helga (02.05.2009 15:23:28): anyone who i see i ask for money steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:24:12): i have to wait a long time before i can get the whole money to claim my machines steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:24:26): darling how about you bank is there nothing we can do about that?. helga (02.05.2009 15:25:47): you know i speak with my bank i have no securities for a nother creditline when i buy anything else than they finaciel it but no for consumer credit they need a contrakt and passport copy .. manno ich will wissen wer du bist ..mensch mach nun endlich eine copy steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:29:05): but darling look nowi left my contract in london and cannot get to it helga (02.05.2009 15:29:15): and they dont pay over western union .. they pay over the bank account with P.R.O.M.T. steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:29:18): why dont you tell them taht its yourself that need this loan?.. helga (02.05.2009 15:30:17): i tell him .. but they said no than i tell the trouble with you and they say okay they need the contrakt and paaport copy steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:30:49): they will not give the loan to you ?. helga (02.05.2009 15:31:40): only if they security by him adjourn have steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:32:11): darling what can we do about the security now?. helga (02.05.2009 15:32:35): i dont now .. i break my head all the time steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:32:35): can you not even ask your boss to help you with some amount that you want to use it for personal reasons?. steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:32:49): he will understand since you have not been paid for 6 months steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:32:57): i am sure if you ask him he will give to you helga(02.05.2009 15:32:57): i tell you the problems with the company steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:36:44): it also affected him?. helga (02.05.2009 15:36:50): yes helga (02.05.2009 15:37:11): and all my peers to steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:37:41): helga (02.05.2009 15:38:05): the american banks have frosten the money wirtschaftskrise .. steht doch überall in den zeitungen ..begreif es helga (02.05.2009 15:38:56): work helga (02.05.2009 15:40:30): and all these banks has export ban for money to foreign settlement steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:40:53): how do you mean export ban?. steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:41:03): to forieng settlement?. helga (02.05.2009 15:41:17): they dont transver money to the foreign settlements steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:41:33): but can you get money from them??? helga (02.05.2009 15:41:34): overseas branch steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:41:48): if you cn get the money in cash then why dont you do so?.. steveth60 (02.05.2009 15:41:51): can helga (02.05.2009 15:42:02): perhaps anytime we become money but we dont know where when we have put ours works for the proficient ones, and have instructed a lawer .. ups ohne sich zu verabschieden einfach offline gegangen... boh nun habe ich ihn verärgert..
helga (03.05.2009 21:26:08): hello my love steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:01:05): hello love.. helga (03.05.2009 22:01:09): hi dear helga (03.05.2009 22:01:39): how are you steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:01:53): yes am here baby steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:02:00): how has your day been so far?.. helga(03.05.2009 22:02:13): thank you fine steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:03:12): have you had dinner?. helga (03.05.2009 22:03:16): yes steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:03:23): what have you done all day? helga(03.05.2009 22:03:41): mom telefonesisko steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:04:12): ???. helga(03.05.2009 22:04:21): my girlfriendisko aus frankfurt is calling hihi ..mußt dich schon rtwas gedulden helga(03.05.2009 22:04:39): 
steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:06:47): why did you say mom?. helga (03.05.2009 22:07:01): moment please nicht so ungeduldig werde doch nicht gleich das telefon wegschmeißen.. das mußt du schon verstehen helga (03.05.2009 22:07:12): you wait a little bit helga (03.05.2009 22:07:19): please helga (03.05.2009 22:08:43): i love you steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:09:36): ok helga (03.05.2009 22:09:47): okay that i love you? helga(03.05.2009 22:14:34): no i mean with mom also moment helga (03.05.2009 22:14:53): ist ne abkürzung steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:16:02): steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:16:02): i dont understand helga (03.05.2009 22:16:21): mom is acronomy von moment helga (03.05.2009 22:16:29): short cut steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:16:37): ok love helga(03.05.2009 22:16:46): now you understand steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:17:17): you have finished the call? helga (03.05.2009 22:17:22): yes naja eigentlich noch nicht , aber mit dir werde ich auch nebenbei fertig helga (03.05.2009 22:19:21): and you steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:19:37): i am here baby steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:19:46): what ahve you done all day?.. helga (03.05.2009 22:20:25): i drive to the town and sit in a coffee helga (03.05.2009 22:20:33): and drink coffee steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:20:35): alone?. helga (03.05.2009 22:20:39): yes alone steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:21:01): oh how about your son?. helga (03.05.2009 22:21:20): my son make lan party with his friends helga (03.05.2009 22:21:24): you know steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:21:36): thay have not finished yet?.. helga (03.05.2009 22:21:54): yes for 1 hour his friends started at home helga(03.05.2009 22:22:20): now is silence in my house steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:23:20):  steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:23:29): Your buddy has sent you a cool Emoticon, to get it click$V=2,S=112985031$%5c@TCEE steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:23:29): am glad.. liebesgesäusel erspare ich euch steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:28:00): you will work tommorow. helga (03.05.2009 22:28:05): yes steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:28:58): it will be a busy day. helga (03.05.2009 22:29:10): yes i think so steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:29:55): what will you do also tommorow as regards my issue?..achja deine kohle habe ich doch fast vergessen helga (03.05.2009 22:30:48): i dont know said you to me helga (03.05.2009 22:33:04): hello steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:33:38): i dont know my love we talked how possible to get this money steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:33:38): am listening to what you think you can do love.. helga (03.05.2009 22:34:02): i can talk again with the bank steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:35:06): what will you tell them baby?.. helga (03.05.2009 22:35:23): i dont know now steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:36:13): but we must know what to say tommorow love helga (03.05.2009 22:37:04): yes i know but what can i say to the bank i talk so much with him steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:39:08): yes my love i am confused too helga (03.05.2009 22:39:34): oh thanks i think i am alone confused steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:39:43): steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:39:51): no love io also am confused. steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:40:15): what do you think you can tell the bank that will make them approve?.. steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:40:42): and you say you cannot use your car also das ist ein ganz wunder punkt du verlangst nicht wirklich das ich mein auto verkaufe .. ne ne helga(03.05.2009 22:41:16): no no no no no no niemals eher verkaufe ich dich helga (03.05.2009 22:41:30): i can not use my car helga(03.05.2009 22:41:48): the letter from the car is by my father steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:43:40): helga (03.05.2009 22:45:29): dont worry steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:45:51): i should not worry love?.. helga (03.05.2009 22:45:57): no steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:46:15): what must i do then baby?. helga (03.05.2009 22:46:39): i dont know steve steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:47:58): i love you baby helga (03.05.2009 22:48:07): i love you tooaber trotzdem werde ich mein auto nicht verkaufen, das liebe ich nämlich mehr steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:48:10): i hate to put all the pressure on you babyja aber warum tust du es dann ??? helga (03.05.2009 22:48:22): i know it helga (03.05.2009 22:48:31): i can understand you steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:48:48): the thing is if you can try your best for me helga (03.05.2009 22:48:49): the situation is shit steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:48:55): even if you do not get all the money helga (03.05.2009 22:50:48): yes i understand you steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:52:14): thank you love steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:54:17): darling i think you must be really tired you do not talk muchdas liegt daran das sisko immer noch am telefon ist .. aber denk nur das ich müde bin steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:54:24): i know you must work tommorow steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:54:31): so we can chat tommorow helga(03.05.2009 22:54:37): no i speeless helga (03.05.2009 22:54:45): i am so sad helga (03.05.2009 22:55:00): for this problem helga (03.05.2009 22:55:28): i love you so much i hope you know that steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:55:56): yes i know my dear helga (03.05.2009 22:56:01): okay steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:57:32): just try and think positively ok baby?. helga (03.05.2009 22:57:46): yes i do it steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:58:16): so tommorow things can work out fine with your bank steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:58:36): please let me know when you get news from the bank, you tell them you need the money for personal reasonsalso echt du weit die haben meine bwa wo soll ich denn auf einmal personal herbekommen helga (03.05.2009 22:59:28): iwhich personals? they have my business agreement steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:59:36): even if not al the amount i will really apprecaite your help steveth60 (03.05.2009 22:59:55): but i do not know what we must tell them.. helga (03.05.2009 23:00:16): i am also helga (03.05.2009 23:00:32): they want a copy from your contrakt ist doch alles ganz einfach mach eine copy vom ausweis und von deinem vertrag und schon regnet es geld ..komm gib dir mühe helga(03.05.2009 23:00:58): can you became a copy from the company for them your works steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:01:16): but love i left it in london steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:01:48): and the main office where i signed the contract is also in london only their small office is here in nigeria steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:01:58): so i am confused now.. helga (03.05.2009 23:02:01): they can fax it steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:02:27): yes but i am wondering what must i say i need it for?. steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:02:34): when i also have my copy steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:03:05): i really do not want them to think maybe i am not serious about teh jobna welchen job meinst du denn als scammer??? da bist du ja auch schon eine woche im verzug mit dem geld..hihi steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:03:32): because i have already fallen behind schedule by 1 week already you know helga (03.05.2009 23:05:14): yes i know but this is a chance steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:05:39): darling let us not put my work in mess by this steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:05:59): we try tommorow to see possibility then we know what next to do helga (03.05.2009 23:06:26): okay helga (03.05.2009 23:06:31): we try helga (03.05.2009 23:08:02): i hope so for you steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:08:47): yes my love helga (03.05.2009 23:09:03): you read my email? helga (03.05.2009 23:09:14): and hear the new song for you steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:09:53): no i ahve noot helga (03.05.2009 23:10:10): you have no time for me steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:10:40): helga (03.05.2009 23:10:50): dont laugh steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:11:26): not that love steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:12:52): you know al my time is yours helga (03.05.2009 23:13:07): oh sweet heard .. helga (03.05.2009 23:13:21): i wish you where here helga (03.05.2009 23:13:48): let your machines in the haven and come to germany helga (03.05.2009 23:14:13): i care for youna ist das ein angebot .. ich werde immer für dich sorgen.. steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:15:31): i just didnt check my email.. steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:15:33): yes i could do that just for your love steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:15:33): i loce and cherish your care helga (03.05.2009 23:16:08): loce ? steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:16:23): love steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:18:47): darling its very late steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:18:52): please go to bed so you have enough strenght to go to the bank tommorow ok?. helga (03.05.2009 23:19:15): okay honey but i dont leave you helga (03.05.2009 23:19:24): allone helga (03.05.2009 23:19:40): i lying in my bed and think on you steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:20:06): yes i also steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:20:12): please dream of me helga (03.05.2009 23:20:25): i do it every night steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:20:26): and i do not want you to forget too go to the bank honey please for my sake helga (03.05.2009 23:20:44): okay honeyich tu alles für dich ..schatzi..nur was werden die mir wohl morgen erzählen steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:21:01): i love you helga (03.05.2009 23:21:09): i love you too steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:21:13): good night helga (03.05.2009 23:21:14): i miss you helga (03.05.2009 23:22:29): bye honey
steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:22:43): we talk tommorow morning helga (03.05.2009 23:22:50): yes helga (03.05.2009 23:24:21): 800 a clock my time steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:24:32): ok baby steveth60 (03.05.2009 23:24:32): good night helga (03.05.2009 23:24:38): good night
so nun kann ich mich ganz dem telefonat mit sisko hingeben...und noch ein wenig mit ihr lästern armer junge du wirst dich noch wundern was alles so passiert
mein schatz auf ihn ist einfach verlaß pünktlich morgens um mich daran zu erinnern das ich doch zur bank gehen muß[/rot]
steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:07:42): Hello lovena laßen wir ihn mal ein wenig warten steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:07:46): good morning. helgag (04.05.2009 08:15:23): hi dear[okay nun is gut steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:25:01): ok good love..nun folgt erswt mal liebesschwur und dann vorbereitung auf die sache mit der bank steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:26:57): i lie on my bed but cannot sleep[ach du armer helga (04.05.2009 08:27:00): oh what are you doing steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:27:25): i just lie and worry about my work love helga (04.05.2009 08:27:32): okay steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:28:28): you worryabout me i know helga (04.05.2009 08:28:58): no not about you .. i love yyou .. i am worry about your work steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:29:31):  helga (04.05.2009 08:30:22): why you must go to africa it is out of all reasonmuß doch mal gesagt werden steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:30:41): darling because i was affected by the financial crisi steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:30:51): and i needed the money from this contract helga (04.05.2009 08:30:55): i am too but i stay here steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:31:09): your work and mine not the samena momentan wäre ich mir da nicht so sicher steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:31:26): the opportunities not much in europe because there are so many competition helga (04.05.2009 08:34:00): next time you make a better plan steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:34:28): i have told myself i will never come to this country again helga (04.05.2009 08:34:45): laugh steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:34:47): this is a really bad experience for me.. helga (04.05.2009 08:35:08): the country is good ..but they all corrupt helga (04.05.2009 08:35:39): you must have a lot of money .. helga (04.05.2009 08:35:54): then you can move it steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:36:26): i just want to collect my machines and finish my work now love.. steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:38:36): yes i was thinking if you decided to go to the bank early steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:38:44): or when will you do that? helga(04.05.2009 08:39:01): no the bank in germany open until 9 a clock steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:39:30): all offices in germany open at 9?..he klar warum nicht das sind angestellte die können kommen wann sie wollen, und außerdem ohne termin geht hier garnichts helga (04.05.2009 08:39:50): no nott all steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:40:25): in london most offices open at 8 oclock steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:40:36): even the banks and post offices. steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:41:36): have you had breakfast?. helga (04.05.2009 08:41:44): in germany many post office are open at 10 a clock steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:42:13): that is very late helga (04.05.2009 08:42:43): so early in the morning no people goes in the bank steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:43:00): yes i understand germany nowgutttttt helga(04.05.2009 08:43:14): and you can not go to the bank only date steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:43:29): have you made a date?.. helga (04.05.2009 08:43:53): no before i make a telephone call from my office steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:44:09): ok my love steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:44:17): please just try everything you can steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:44:25): no matter the amount helga (04.05.2009 08:44:45): i dont know when i finished with work i must look than i can make a date steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:44:49): because if you cannot get all the amount i will bother paul to look for me steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:45:00): ok baby steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:45:06): how is your son ?. nun smal talk über meinen sohn steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:53:21): am glad to hear that love helga (04.05.2009 08:54:30): so honey in few minutes i must start steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:54:40): yes you must love steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:54:47): i wish yoou a sunny day today steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:54:53): how is the weather now?. helga (04.05.2009 08:55:40): hm so sun is shining but it is a little bit breezy steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:56:05): ok bbetter keep warm ok?. helga (04.05.2009 08:56:11): okay steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:56:23): bye steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:56:27): i love you.. helgagrotheer (04.05.2009 08:56:39): bye sweety steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:56:49): i love you too my dear helgagrotheer (04.05.2009 08:56:55): 
steveth60 (04.05.2009 08:56:56): kiss you all over your body..
ach dieser mann schafft es immer wieder mein herz zu erweichen
Hallöchen....ich bin wieder im Spiel als Lisa , noch während des telefonates mit TraeumerinHB habe ich eine Antwort von.....naja nun wieder UNSREN Steve ...bekommen.
From: Lisa Subject: can you remember me??? To: "Steve Thompson" Date: Friday, April 3, 2009, 4:48 PM
Hi Steve, can you remember me? You write me your email address on a dating side,I have looked, but have found you no more. Unfortunately, my computer has been broken. Today this is why I can write to you. Maybe I have luck, because thus a winning man is not alone long. You have found absolutely already your heart lady. For this case, I wish you both a lot of luck for your future. your Lisa
03.05.09 22:54 (er war gerade mit traeumerinHB im Chat, hatte aber noch Zeit mir zu schreiben...I am happy ) Hello Lisa,
Thank you so much for your email, I want you to know that I am very happy to read from you. And very much happy you like also my profile. Well I must say that I am very new to the internet search and I have been single for 3 years now since I lost my wife in a car accident, I have a son he is 19 years old. I look for a loving and caring woman to spend the rest of our lives together.
What happened to your last relationship? And how long have you been searching on the internet?.. And what type of relationship you search here..
I hope to hear from you soon,
Na dann bekommt UNSER Herzblatt doch eine Mail zurück
Hi Steve, I am so glad that you've responded to me. I'm sorry that you've lost your wife. That is good that you have a child, what is his name? Unfortunately I have no children, but I like children very much.
Now a little bit of mine. My name is Lisa , I'm 47 years old, i live in Frankfurt and worked as a corporate coach for society IKDM. I am looking for an honest relationship, I've been divorced 2 years . Now I am ready for a new relationship. If you also wants a real relationship, then both of us on the right way. Have you not yet found your heart lady? I will wait very much for answer of you and wish you a nice evening un a nice night. your Lisa
P.S. I have sent to you a picture, I hope you like it und wiedereinmal muß Cordula Stratmann herhalten.....
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
mein schstz war gestern abend nicht onliine , und leider mußte ich heute morgen schon vor unserer zeit weg weil ich einen termin hatte aber er denkt an mich
I have my internet connection cut out yesterday,kein geld meht gehabt was ??? I have really missed you, and also the telephone line is not good too.rechnung nicht bezahlt????
I will try and call you later today; I love you and miss you so so much.
Kisses, Steve..
na da bin ich ja gespannt ob er heute abend zeit hat, oder ob er siche ersteinmal um die neue kümmer muß
steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:29:41): hello darling steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:29:44): how are you?.. helga (06.05.2009 08:30:07): hello schatz helga(06.05.2009 08:30:15): thank you i am fine and how are you steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:30:38): i am fine also steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:30:39): how was your night?. steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:30:46): i have really missed you dear,,ja ich dich auch helga (06.05.2009 08:30:53): i miss you too helga (06.05.2009 08:31:05): what was the matter steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:31:25): the internet in the hotel ws badoh du armer helga (06.05.2009 08:31:27): i ve wait for you yesterday steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:31:36): and also my telephone line could not be passed helga (06.05.2009 08:32:08): i think you start to work steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:32:20): i have not start to work dear steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:32:25): i ahve not teh moneyy yet!!!! steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:32:41): i was waiting you tell me if you were able to get the money helga (06.05.2009 08:33:13): yes but you goes not to the telephone and you are not online steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:33:44): i am sorry but africa is messed up dear steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:35:15): and i was also not able to call you helga (06.05.2009 08:36:09): okay ..i stay by the bank and i cancel my life insurrence but i must wait helga (06.05.2009 08:36:53): assurance steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:36:56): how will they allow you cancle your life insurance?. steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:37:37): is it possible to cancle that?.. helga (06.05.2009 08:38:00): yes it is steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:38:26): so?. helga (06.05.2009 08:38:38): what so? steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:39:42): i mean darling explain more to me helga (06.05.2009 08:40:16): but this goes only not overnightdu mußt schon ein wenig warten helga (06.05.2009 08:40:47): and now with it is not helped you immediately steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:41:33): yes i know steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:41:47): but how long did the bank tell you my love steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:41:55): and how much is your life assurance?. helga (06.05.2009 08:42:29): the insurance company if this must instruct the money to my bank helga (06.05.2009 08:44:39): i take money out of mine insurrence it is a investment insurrence ..i can put the money again purrely when i became the money back --you know steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:45:04): how long my love?.. helga (06.05.2009 08:45:12): i dont know steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:45:14): you dont understand what iw rite?. helga (06.05.2009 08:45:18): i think next week helga (06.05.2009 08:46:07): it is to late for you? steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:46:40): that is why i want to know what time exactly by next week love steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:46:46): so i can arrange my schedule. helga (06.05.2009 08:47:00): i am not the company ..i dont know steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:47:28): but you can ask the bank helga (06.05.2009 08:47:42): no the bank is not the insurrence steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:48:02): because for cases like this they must work with timing helga (06.05.2009 08:49:14): yes that is why i said perhaps next week steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:49:55): ok my love steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:51:05): then i will reschedule my work for next weekja so hab ich etwas zeit rausgeschunden , und dann kommt promt helga (06.05.2009 08:51:32): the company can not work so fast .. they must for sale the investments and then they transfer it to my bank account helga (06.05.2009 08:52:00): you know it steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:52:13): yes i know my love helga (06.05.2009 08:52:45): i think that is the same in UK steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:53:34): yes its the same steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:54:31): but for such a thing you also must urge them to proceed fast my love' helga (06.05.2009 08:54:33): this was last way steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:56:10): ok my love helga(06.05.2009 08:56:14): they do not work faster so, they did not want to act helga(06.05.2009 08:57:53): for me this is losing helga (06.05.2009 08:58:04): much money steveth60 (06.05.2009 08:58:27): ok darling helga (06.05.2009 08:58:30): the time is not good to sale investments helga (06.05.2009 08:58:43): you know steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:00:33): yes i know you are losing alot for doing this my love steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:00:33): thank you very much steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:00:33): i just want to finish my work and leave this country and be by your side baby steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:00:54): yes i know helga (06.05.2009 09:02:05): ordinarily you would be already almost ready with yours work . and you can stay by me steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:02:38): i will amke it up to you after my work darling i promise helga (06.05.2009 09:03:02): i know helga (06.05.2009 09:04:47): promise never again to me you those contracts accepts steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:06:13): i do not sleep at night love steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:06:13): i have to think each time steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:06:13): yes i would have almost finished my work dear helga (06.05.2009 09:07:02): how many money you catch for this contract? helga (06.05.2009 09:07:40): tell me steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:07:43): it depends now on how soon i finish because to catch more inetrest i should have long started work steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:08:16): so now if i start by next week i will catch about 180,000 - 300,000 Dollars na dafür lohne es sich doch zu investieren helga (06.05.2009 09:08:57): okay steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:08:58): so that is why i have so much pressure on my shoulders steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:09:07): i must quickly start work love helga (06.05.2009 09:09:28): what are you doing when you can not start with work steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:09:38): steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:09:50): i dont understand teh question.. steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:09:58): are you trying to you do not think you will get the money?.. helga (06.05.2009 09:10:15): how many you lost when you not start with work steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:10:26): i lost alot steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:10:39): because i already invest so much in the machines helga (06.05.2009 09:10:50): can the embassy you help quickly? steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:11:11): no they have said this is a ersonal conttract my love steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:11:59): so that is why i started to ask paul for the money helga (06.05.2009 09:13:04): okay , but he can not help you more? steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:13:33): he cannot my love he already sent me all the money he holds helga (06.05.2009 09:14:32): okay steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:14:53): darling can you see teh time?!!! helga (06.05.2009 09:14:58): yes helga (06.05.2009 09:15:12): 9;15 steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:15:48): you must go to work tonight we talk ok?. helga (06.05.2009 09:16:16): no i dont go in the office today i work from home helga (06.05.2009 09:17:03): tomorrow i go to the office helga (06.05.2009 09:17:26): and yesterday i work earlier in the morning [Edit Dana: Link entfernt] steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:17:58): lovely baby steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:18:11): so tell me what ahve you done sincce monday.. helga (06.05.2009 09:18:30): work work work helga (06.05.2009 09:19:08): and i have many telphone call with the insurrance helga (06.05.2009 09:19:39): and i ve waiting for you a long time steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:20:13): oh am sorry my love steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:20:27): i have equally been worried steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:20:41): what teh insurance agency tell you on telephone love?.. helga (06.05.2009 09:21:54): he has said it not is to be taken advisable money to this time-sharp out helga (06.05.2009 09:22:14): but i said to him i need the money quickly steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:25:47): yes i understand my love helga (06.05.2009 09:26:44): i do it for you steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:27:52): i promise once i get my contract money we are going to put it back ja ja wer es glaubt wird selig helga (06.05.2009 09:28:10): okay steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:28:42): i love you dear helga (06.05.2009 09:28:46): what are you doing today? steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:28:48): how much is your insurance money in total?
helga (06.05.2009 09:29:18): i take not all .. steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:29:40): yes that is good my love ja finde ich auch .. helga (06.05.2009 09:30:21): i take 7000 i hope that is okay steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:31:19): thank you my love i hope to quickly finsih this project and place my hands on your bodyna klar ..deine hände auf meinen körper helga (06.05.2009 09:32:28): oh yeah , you must process it with me steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:34:36): yes i must
helga (06.05.2009 09:35:37): i think that was a very good time [Edit Dana: Link entfernt und Chat eingekürzt]
steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:52:01): when i come have you made any arrangements on your free time?
helga (06.05.2009 09:52:36): you now i am selfemployed and i make free time whereever i will steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:53:03): helga (06.05.2009 09:53:21): when you here i have time so a lot for you.. i must tell you so much and i must take you so much helga (06.05.2009 09:54:31): i go with you swiming and surfing and to fitness and in the evening we go eat to my friends .. steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:54:52): yes my love.. steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:55:50): i know i will eb happy in germany with you helga (06.05.2009 09:56:03): i to tie you that you never leave me alone steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:57:11): its going to be a new life for me.. helga (06.05.2009 09:57:18): i have handcuffs on my bed .. i will catch you helga (06.05.2009 09:57:34):  helga (06.05.2009 09:59:43): I love experiments steveth60 (06.05.2009 09:59:52): that will be serious you ahndcuff me darling helga (06.05.2009 10:01:07): you love experinments too ? steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:01:23): yes i love experiments in bed also baby na das wird doch eine schöne zeit darauf freue ich mich doch helga (06.05.2009 10:01:52): but you are a long time alone ... steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:02:13): yes will be good to make love with you steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:02:19): how will you want it?. helga (06.05.2009 10:03:34): i will so much from you .. but i know it when you are here helga (06.05.2009 10:04:08): it will turn out [Edit Dana: Link entfernt] helga (06.05.2009 10:05:27): yes i am too helga (06.05.2009 10:06:07): you will notice it steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:06:45): you like we make love slowly. helga (06.05.2009 10:07:04): yes helga (06.05.2009 10:07:32): quite affectionately helga(06.05.2009 10:09:33): i have butterflys in my stormache when i think on you steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:11:15): yes i also my love helga (06.05.2009 10:11:54): can you go to a internet cafe , they have webcams and i can see you steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:12:19): darling i do not know any cafe in nigeria steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:12:25): have you forgotten am new here?.. helga(06.05.2009 10:12:41): yes but you can look steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:12:52): there is none around helga (06.05.2009 10:12:55): there are a lot in lagos is a big town steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:13:10): i do not know my love of any one helga (06.05.2009 10:13:17): you can ask in the hotel steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:13:24): and also i ahve to be careful because there are kidnappings of white people also nee das will ich natürlich nicht helga(06.05.2009 10:13:35): oh no not this steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:13:55): yes that siw hy i msut stay mostly in the hotel until i start work helga (06.05.2009 10:14:16): lagos is a bad town steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:15:09): not only lagos the country is not safe so much steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:15:16): so must be careful steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:15:29): otherwise they call you as my wife to pay ransome [Edit Dana: Link entfernt] helga (06.05.2009 10:15:58): okay but i think there is a part of lagos there is white steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:16:00): then you become more worried about my safety steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:16:12): yes most whites work also in lagos helga (06.05.2009 10:16:13): lol helga (06.05.2009 10:16:43): then i came and pik you up... steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:17:57): yes you fly to nigeria helga (06.05.2009 10:18:04): okay you make your last will for me helga (06.05.2009 10:18:26): yes thats a good idea helga (06.05.2009 10:18:41): i make holiday in your hotel steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:19:21): i love you.. helga (06.05.2009 10:19:27): i love you too helga (06.05.2009 10:20:03): so darling now i must a little bit work steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:21:31): tired of me already?. helga (06.05.2009 10:21:43): no helga(06.05.2009 10:22:05): i can talk with you the whole day helga (06.05.2009 10:22:14): but who makes my work? helga (06.05.2009 10:23:20): i cant concentration of my work .. when i know that you are here.. than you are the first in my life steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:24:35): ok baby steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:24:39): you must work helgag (06.05.2009 10:24:46): yes a little bit steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:24:46): we talk later tonight ok?. helga(06.05.2009 10:24:57): but not so late please helga (06.05.2009 10:25:10): i must sleep ... steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:27:17): ok baby steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:27:20): i love you. steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:27:27): have a nice day.. helga (06.05.2009 10:27:33): you too helga (06.05.2009 10:27:48): take carefull steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:27:59): helga (06.05.2009 10:28:09): not anyone you kidnappingnicht das es noch teurer wird für mich steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:28:17): helga (06.05.2009 10:28:19): helga (06.05.2009 10:28:26): clown steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:29:02): i love you so i stay carefully in the hotel.. helga (06.05.2009 10:29:08): okay helga (06.05.2009 10:29:14): thats good steveth60 (06.05.2009 10:29:44):
my sweetheart wird sich wieder richtig mühe geben bis das geld da ist ...hihi
irgendwie ist mein schatz momentan sehr schwer beschäftigt
Hello my love,
I hope you had a good night? We have not chatted last night I had waited but heard nothing from you,ich habe auch ein privat leben .. I was happy to read short message this morning.
I wish you a warn day in office and I want you to know that you make me so happy and each day being with you is so special to me.
DEVISE bei den MUGUS !!! ....KEIN GELD....KEINE LIEBESBRIEFE.... schreib ihm mal, das Du das Geld besorgt hast, was meinst DU wie schnell er sich mit seinem geseulsel wieder meldet und dann schick zu Pronto.
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
nach einem versuch mit mir schon um 17 uhr zu chatten und seiner schlechten internet verbindung hat es nun doch noch geklappt, aber ich bin sauer ..weil mein internet funktioniert ja
steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:41:46): love am here nowhat sich erstmal ausgeliebt , los geb dir mühe dein geld geht sonst steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:41:46): why are you angry?.. steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:41:46): i told you the internet is not good helga (07.05.2009 21:42:00): that said you steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:42:20): so why you now angry?.. helga (07.05.2009 21:42:32): you dont talk with me steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:42:50): at least i explained to you helga (07.05.2009 21:43:14): no i am sad of you steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:43:52): i dont ask with you, how do you mean? steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:43:52): am i not talking with you now?.. steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:43:54): why are you sad?.. helga (07.05.2009 21:44:11): you give me no answer steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:44:32): you ahve no reason to eb sad because i explained to you the problem with the internet herewers glaubt !!! helga (07.05.2009 21:45:02): yes the have standing on the cable i know steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:45:40): how love?.. helga (07.05.2009 21:46:00): the other peoples steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:46:16): so you have to know if the internet not good i canot connect helga (07.05.2009 21:46:44): yahoo said you are online steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:46:46): i stay in the hotel, or do you wnat me to change hotels because of internet connection?. helga (07.05.2009 21:47:17): no .. steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:47:31): no i was not online steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:47:31): if i was online why not talk with you helga (07.05.2009 21:47:47): i dont know helga (07.05.2009 21:49:11): you can tell me helga (07.05.2009 21:51:44): why you put it out steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:51:55): !!!!!!!!!!! steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:52:02): i did not put itt out steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:52:05): the internet not good steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:52:15): how many times will i tell you?.. helga (07.05.2009 21:52:20): you dont love me steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:52:48): will you say i do not love you because the internet not good?. steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:53:00): you are being unreasonable helga (07.05.2009 21:53:10): okay steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:53:26): why do you say i do not love you?. helga (07.05.2009 21:53:59): i am so confused steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:54:22): why are yiu confused, you know i am in nigeria and things dont work very good like europe steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:54:44): darling i want you to learn to trust meha .wie denn das , du hast doch schon alles verspielt , steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:54:59): i always dream each day of your love and the time we will eb together. ja weiter so geb dir mühe helga (07.05.2009 21:55:01): yes but i think in nigeria so many woman steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:55:16): you are a clown helga (07.05.2009 21:55:24): no steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:55:30): how will i look to nigerian women?. steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:56:34): i only have one heartha ha und was ist mit sisko ???? steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:56:41): and that is already in germany.. ja das glaube ich dir , nur bei wievielen??? steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:57:38): i love you darling steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:57:42): and you know this helga (07.05.2009 21:57:57): okay steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:58:09): its just that the communication between us has been very small and i knwo you really miss me steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:58:26): i do miss you so much too helga (07.05.2009 21:58:58): yes i miss you steveth60 (07.05.2009 21:59:56): i love you darling and dont you ever doubt it helga (07.05.2009 22:00:39): okay helga (07.05.2009 22:03:00): o dont know what are you doing the whole day steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:04:00): do you doubt i love you?. helga (07.05.2009 22:04:29): i think i am a little bit jealous steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:04:52): please do not be jealous my dear steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:05:10): i already give you my love and i look at no woman for the rest of my life helga (07.05.2009 22:05:18): A little little bit steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:05:22): the problem is that we are so far apart helga (07.05.2009 22:05:31): yes steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:06:03): we must both be strong my love steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:06:10): soon we will eb together steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:06:14): time goes by quickly helga (07.05.2009 22:06:25): yes thats right steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:06:38): if not for the fact i ahve problems with my work i will think sooner i was in germany steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:06:50): but now i ahve to wait till i get the money from you and start work siehste genau da liegt das problem , mein geld helga (07.05.2009 22:06:53): that was better steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:07:25): i love you darling.. helga (07.05.2009 22:07:31): you dont buzz me helga (07.05.2009 22:07:38): i love you too steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:07:43): and to be with you eah day fulfils my day helga(07.05.2009 22:08:02): fulfils?? helga (07.05.2009 22:08:41): what means that steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:10:40): fulfils = makes helga (07.05.2009 22:10:52): eah? steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:11:12): each 
steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:11:17): sorry i type too fast helga (07.05.2009 22:11:41): are sometimes you write to fast and other times you write to slowly steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:12:00): steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:12:31): you also my love helga (07.05.2009 22:12:41): no steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:13:17): sometimes i try to understand what you write helga (07.05.2009 22:13:30): thats my bad english sorry okay hier war sein internet zu ende und schon klingelt mein telefone, er liebt mein geld halt doch gibt sich noch richtig mühe steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:28:58): i loev you darling helga (07.05.2009 22:29:07): i love you too helga (07.05.2009 22:29:59): i have butterflys in my stormach when i hear your voice helga (07.05.2009 22:32:48): oh honey your internet is very bad steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:36:12): darling i am here now helga (07.05.2009 22:36:20): okay helga (07.05.2009 22:36:29): i hate your internet steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:37:04): i think its very annoying it keeps disconnecting steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:37:08): so we can talk tommorow in the moring ok love?.. helga (07.05.2009 22:37:38): oka my love i wish you a good night and no other woman in my bed ...okay steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:37:52): what time will you work tommorow?.. helga (07.05.2009 22:37:58): at 10 helga (07.05.2009 22:38:09): 8 in chat helga (07.05.2009 22:38:49): oh honey you are so sweet helga (07.05.2009 22:39:02): steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:39:03): no other woman my love steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:39:04): i hold my pillow each night till we are together ach ist er nicht süß... helga (07.05.2009 22:39:11): okay helga (07.05.2009 22:39:20): thats great helga (07.05.2009 22:40:01): i come to nigeria and i kill her steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:40:07): i love you darling steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:40:08): you do not know how much i love you helga(07.05.2009 22:40:19): you can say it to all woman helga (07.05.2009 22:40:45): dont touch my friend helga (07.05.2009 22:42:31): now honey we go to bed and talk tomorrow morning helga (07.05.2009 22:44:04): okay i know your internet has bad conection helga (07.05.2009 22:45:51): i tell you more tomorrow helga (07.05.2009 22:46:13): why i speak wit myself thats not funny steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:49:20): i never told you i do not like black women steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:49:24): i love you darling steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:49:27): you go to bed now and tommorow morning we talk helga (07.05.2009 22:49:35): black is beautifull helga (07.05.2009 22:50:03): okay
steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:50:40): do you like black men?.. helga (07.05.2009 22:50:56): yes why not when he touch my heart helga (07.05.2009 22:51:18): i told you my cousin has a black husband steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:52:05): you ever dated a black man?.. helga(07.05.2009 22:52:12): why you do that helga(07.05.2009 22:52:20): you are a rassist steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:52:42): NO steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:52:47): am no racist steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:52:57): the fact is that i ahve never dated any black woman helga (07.05.2009 22:53:26): okay steveth60 (07.05.2009 22:58:55): oh i am no racist my love helga (07.05.2009 23:03:20): okay now i go to bed that is to dumb helga (07.05.2009 23:03:33): i kill your connection helga (07.05.2009 23:03:59): i have so many hope that it is correct and than i ve waiting and waiting steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:04:50): ok my love good night steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:05:19): we talk tommorow.. helga (07.05.2009 23:05:21): you go in bed too? steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:05:37): yes i sleep now
helga (07.05.2009 23:06:47): i wouldnt leave you helga (07.05.2009 23:07:08): i will talk with you ... steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:07:57): we can keep talking my love steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:07:58): as long as the internet dose not disconnects steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:07:58): i will stay with you helga (07.05.2009 23:08:18): but is very terrible helga (07.05.2009 23:09:07): you hear my songs the last days steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:10:53): yes my love i love the songs..
steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:10:53): we will play them when we lie bt each other.. helga(07.05.2009 23:11:24): now i hear razorlight helga (07.05.2009 23:14:09): i am here steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:14:22): i love it helga (07.05.2009 23:14:48): i love it to that was it why i send it to you steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:14:58): its very romantic song helga (07.05.2009 23:15:01): it is not jazz helga (07.05.2009 23:16:07): and my feelings was so much for you when i hear it steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:17:18): yes i felt it too when i listened helga (07.05.2009 23:17:58): it is a song for our love steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:18:40): we will write a book on our love story when we ae together helga (07.05.2009 23:19:14): you mean thats interessting for other people? steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:20:19): yes i never felt this way before helga (07.05.2009 23:20:34): i am too steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:21:38): i love you dear helga (07.05.2009 23:22:02): i realy love you from my bottom of my heart steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:22:40): yes i know i can feel it in my heart oh wie schön helga (07.05.2009 23:23:55): but it is not so easy .. it hurts .. you not here i am alone .. and when i go to bed .. my head is with you steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:24:25): i also helga (07.05.2009 23:25:02): when i see you picture a tears running over my face.. steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:25:36): true love steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:25:40): it is" helga (07.05.2009 23:26:03): but true love hurtskomm seid ehrlich ..ich wäre auch ein guter mugu steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:26:55): love is like a battle field; we all get scars... steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:27:46): we must endure for sake of our love steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:28:21): the end is what matters helga (07.05.2009 23:28:55): thats real steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:29:15): do you feel me?.. helga (07.05.2009 23:29:24): yes steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:30:12): i know in my heart that we will be happy together steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:30:28): just teh tie apart hurst but i know soon we will be together.. helga (07.05.2009 23:30:32): i hope so helga (07.05.2009 23:31:00): sometimes i think that was a dream and i wake up ..and you are not here helga (07.05.2009 23:31:25): it was a dream and no reality steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:31:56): steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:32:09): now i know you really miss me like i do you steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:32:29): but darling everytime i hear your voice i know its not a dream but sure reality steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:32:46): and i am prepared to do my best to be with you helga (07.05.2009 23:33:07): yes i know helga (07.05.2009 23:34:37): can i send you a paket to your hotel ich möchte doch so gerne deine adresse haben, vielleicht ist er ja heiß auf mein paket steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:35:14): what packet is that love?.. helga (07.05.2009 23:35:31): a surprise for you steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:35:32): what will you send to me?.. steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:35:39): oh tell me love helga (07.05.2009 23:35:42): a present helga (07.05.2009 23:35:56): no than it is not a surprise steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:36:08): just tell me honey helga (07.05.2009 23:36:14): you have a po box steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:36:15): i really like to know helga (07.05.2009 23:36:20): no steveth60 (07.05.2009 23:36:29): even if you tell me then it will still be a suprise to me helga (07.05.2009 23:37:02): no it is a present helga (07.05.2009 23:38:15): have you a post box their helga (07.05.2009 23:38:33): or a adress who i cant send it? helga (07.05.2009 23:45:46): you are so sweet
wieder mal keine connection dafür aber gleich wieder einen telefonanruf von ihm ..und wieder konnte ich ihn 10 minuten in der leitung behalten.weil ich ja so traurig bin das er so weit weg ist..wir werden zusammen gehen bis an unser lebensende .. und er wird nie wieder eine andere frau ansprechen , so sisko nun biste platt was .. du wirst keine chance haben ...
helga (08.05.2009 08:08:09): hello my dear helga (08.05.2009 08:09:14): who was you sleep ? steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:10:11): i sleep well my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:10:35): and how did you sleep?. helga (08.05.2009 08:11:58): i sleep very well too helga (08.05.2009 08:12:07): i dream from you steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:12:26): very lovely darling helga (08.05.2009 08:13:39): and steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:13:46): have you had your bath yet?. helga (08.05.2009 08:13:55): now i have breakfast with you helga (08.05.2009 08:14:04): yes steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:14:11): oh what do you eat for breakfast?. helga (08.05.2009 08:15:43): toast with honey and marmelade steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:16:40): i have not eaten yet steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:16:47): i will eat when you go to work.. helga (08.05.2009 08:16:54): you have time steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:17:33): yes i do. helga (08.05.2009 08:17:34): it is early for you steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:17:48): yes its still early my love.. helga (08.05.2009 08:18:28): how is the weather in lagos today steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:18:53): today no sun yet steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:19:00): maybe rain later i do not know helga (08.05.2009 08:19:12): here is stormy weather steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:19:47): oh helga (08.05.2009 08:19:56): yes steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:20:02): then you do not put down your roof today helga (08.05.2009 08:20:19): no helga (08.05.2009 08:20:25): brr steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:21:26): today i will go to the customs office again helga (08.05.2009 08:21:35): okay steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:21:46): to inform them that by next week i will have the money to collect my machines steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:22:20): have you spoken with the insurance company lately?. zja klar das läuft doch alles , aber schnell geht hier garnichts helga (08.05.2009 08:23:19): no it is germany cant telefone now the act is running and i must wait , thats germany steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:23:41): steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:23:51): its hard for me darling steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:24:10): but i will wait hopefully on monday good news.. das denkst auch nur du .. montag was verlangst du eigentlich helga (08.05.2009 08:25:24): when i make a telephone call to them . the act becaome a new time and it takes a little bit longer steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:25:28): do you think monday news?. steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:25:42): why like that?. helga (08.05.2009 08:26:35): administrative.. they work so , helga (08.05.2009 08:26:45): i dont know why helga (08.05.2009 08:27:24): i think it is the same in england steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:28:05): no its not the same love helgagrotheer (08.05.2009 08:29:34): here in germany when you have on the telephone people they dont like you , they make trouble with you steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:29:57): very close helga (08.05.2009 08:31:17): one the telephone you must do that you are a helpless woman .. and only them you cant do anything helga (08.05.2009 08:31:33): not steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:31:55): ok my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:32:16): so how do you know when the money is in your bank?.. helga (08.05.2009 08:32:50): i lock every time on my bank account ..okay helga (08.05.2009 08:34:26): tomorrow i drive to my girlfriends birthday steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:34:46): ok.. helga (08.05.2009 08:34:59): i come back sunday helga (08.05.2009 08:35:20): i go to hamburg to selma steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:35:26): helga (08.05.2009 08:35:41): sunday is in germany motherday -- you know this steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:36:05): yes i know helga (08.05.2009 08:37:05): i think i am back in the late afternoon steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:37:28): ok my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:37:46): i will miss you helga (08.05.2009 08:38:00): selma makes a party on sunday evening .. and then we all goes to the haven birthday and in the morning to the fishmaket helga (08.05.2009 08:38:37): it is very interessting the fishmarkt helga (08.05.2009 08:39:02): it is a very big marketplace and it start at 5 in the morning steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:39:27): you eat fish for teh party?. helga (08.05.2009 08:40:25): no i dont like fish helga (08.05.2009 08:41:03): you make a look on the site from hamburg helga (08.05.2009 08:41:48): there is a foto galerie steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:42:26): ok my love.. steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:43:23): so what will she use the fish for?.. helga (08.05.2009 08:44:03): in the morning we make brunch in the fishauktions hall and their is life music jazz and skiffle or country and western music helga (08.05.2009 08:46:29): we dont use fish steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:46:39): oh that is good.. steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:48:02): i wish you to have a lovely time helga (08.05.2009 08:48:15): yes i hope so too helga (08.05.2009 08:48:23): i tell you steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:49:37): ok my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:49:45): have you dressed already for work?. helga (08.05.2009 08:49:52): yes helga (08.05.2009 08:50:19): I wished you could be present steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:50:28): started raining already?.. steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:50:42): yes i also wish i could go with you. helga (08.05.2009 08:50:44): it rains little cats and dogs steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:51:13): helga (08.05.2009 08:51:47): i hope the weather tomorrow is good steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:53:10): i too my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:53:10): you ahve just 8 minutes to drive off now steveth60 (08.05.2009 08:53:10): helga (08.05.2009 08:53:36): no i start today a little bit later you look today for a adress whereto i can send your present okay steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:02:18): helga (08.05.2009 09:02:31): i dont go steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:02:52): you dont work today?. steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:03:01): the connection was out love helgar (08.05.2009 09:03:04): i start work at 10 a clock helga (08.05.2009 09:03:15): you and your connection ich sags ja zuviel mugus im netz helga (08.05.2009 09:03:39): i can write a book over this steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:03:52): oover what?. helga (08.05.2009 09:04:08): over the connection steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:04:20): steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:04:32): please do so.. helga (08.05.2009 09:04:58): yes 15 years ago the connection in germany was faster as yours steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:05:21): steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:05:35): please tell that to the nigerian government.. helga (08.05.2009 09:06:05): i think the connection in the goverment is faster .. steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:06:53): maybe.. helga (08.05.2009 09:07:31): definitive steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:07:59): yes maybe the hotel connect the slow type.. helga (08.05.2009 09:08:30): yes but i your luck that the hotel have internet .. steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:08:57): Come here you. Come on. Closer. Closer. helga (08.05.2009 09:08:58): i think many hotels in lagos have no internet steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:09:54): i dont all do steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:10:13): i dont think all do helga (08.05.2009 09:11:09): oh honey which time i can see you inthe afternoon ??? helga (08.05.2009 09:11:36): today evening i have training you know steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:13:23): when you come back from work helga (08.05.2009 09:13:42): at 15 steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:14:58): ok my love that is good steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:15:04): please just call me when you are home. helga (08.05.2009 09:15:13): okay i call you : have a good time today and please look to a adress for my present now i must start okayich will doch wissen wo du wohnst steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:17:34): ok my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:17:34): you go now steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:17:34): i will have breakfast helga (08.05.2009 09:17:40): okay helga (08.05.2009 09:17:55): you are a clown but i love it steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:18:14): i love you steveth60 (08.05.2009 09:18:14): bye baby,,
steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:04:06): hello darling steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:04:12): how re you?. helga (08.05.2009 22:04:16): hi my love helgag (08.05.2009 22:04:33): now good steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:04:40): so happy the internet cn work my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:08:16): i am sorry my love helga (08.05.2009 22:08:16): i do it for you steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:09:16): i love you darling. helga (08.05.2009 22:09:28): i love you to steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:09:31): i could only now just connect to the internet helga (08.05.2009 22:09:43): it no problem helga (08.05.2009 22:09:46): i am here steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:09:59): steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:10:06): how was your day at work?. hier kommt jetzt smaltalk über meine arbeit ,den erspar ich euch, er ist immer so besorgt helga (08.05.2009 22:14:35): they make long weekend steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:14:47): steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:14:54): i think you must make long week end also steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:14:58): so you rest steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:15:09): or you have it when i come.. helga (08.05.2009 22:15:17): next wek i make long wekend steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:16:17): yes my love you need some rest also steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:17:58): oh i see und natürlich ist er besorgt das auf der fahrt morgen zu meiner freundin nichts passierter braucht mich ja noch steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:18:18): yes you must drive safely baby helga (08.05.2009 22:18:31): i make no accident steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:18:42): and no ticket also helga (08.05.2009 22:18:59): no ticket steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:19:48): ok baby helga (08.05.2009 22:20:05): you stay in town today steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:20:41): no i was in the hotel lobby my dear steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:20:57): i only went to teh office of the customs steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:20:59): and came back in midday helga (08.05.2009 22:21:16): it was very loud steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:23:25): oh yes there was a football match steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:24:03): do you like to watch football match?.. steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:24:17): and people drive away from the hotel park helga (08.05.2009 22:24:23): oh yesterday was here a football match werder bremen -hamburg and bremen wins steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:25:25): you also watch match love? helga (08.05.2009 22:25:49): yes steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:25:49): good so we watch together.. helga (08.05.2009 22:26:31): but you are a english men .. englishmen can not play good football.. steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:27:59): no dont you watch the premeirship?. mit fußball kennt er sich auch aus helga (08.05.2009 22:28:18): yes you know michael balloack he plays for chelsea and is a german man steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:28:42): yes i know BALLACK helga (08.05.2009 22:28:43): and celsea lost steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:28:50): he is a good player helga (08.05.2009 22:28:53): barcelona wins steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:29:14): oh that is sad steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:29:24): did you watch the match?. helga (08.05.2009 22:29:31): they play tuesday i look the game helga (08.05.2009 22:30:18): chelsea shot the first goal and in the 90 minute barcelona makes the 1:1 helga (08.05.2009 22:30:39): ballack was very angry steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:31:46): oh steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:31:56): i like ballack very much steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:32:03): but my team is MANCHESTER UNITED so und hier wird mal etwas geschnitten steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:49:45): yes my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:50:07): i am happy helga (08.05.2009 22:50:11): why steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:50:22): that we can chat tonight steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:50:31): because the internet was so bad helga (08.05.2009 22:50:49): yes a little bit slowly steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:51:47): yes my love.. helga (08.05.2009 22:52:26): but i am glad .. i can talk with you steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:53:01): yes am lso happy.. helga (08.05.2009 22:53:17): we make love slowly steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:53:53): i kiss you slowly.. steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:54:16): and touch you helga (08.05.2009 22:54:32): oh ja make it again please helga (08.05.2009 22:55:12): ich kiss your mouth and than you ears my lips goes from your ear down to your hand goes under your t shirt to your chest helga (08.05.2009 22:57:53): to stroke your chest steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:57:56): yes my love helga (08.05.2009 22:58:03): it is good ?? steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:58:16): yes very good helga (08.05.2009 22:58:39): you can feel my hands f your body ha ich kann es noch steveth60 (08.05.2009 22:58:43): i love you very much helga (08.05.2009 22:59:17): i love you too steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:00:13): you make me hot helga (08.05.2009 23:00:25): that is what i will steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:00:39): and am hard right now love helga (08.05.2009 23:00:55): helga(08.05.2009 23:01:17): oh no i come to you in your dreams ... helga (08.05.2009 23:01:37): and i make you very happy steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:02:37): i want to make love to you.. helga (08.05.2009 23:03:15): i want to feel you steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:03:51): i wnt to kiss you and feel deep inside of you helga (08.05.2009 23:04:04): yes.. steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:04:31): will make you scream and say my name gently helga (08.05.2009 23:05:22): yes helga (08.05.2009 23:07:20): steve it is not good .. crucufy oneself steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:07:44): i love you.. helga (08.05.2009 23:08:27): it is hard time steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:09:56): yyes its a hard time.. helga (08.05.2009 23:10:22): i realy love you... helga (08.05.2009 23:10:48): it is a way who i never go before steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:11:24): yes my life helga (08.05.2009 23:12:09): i dont know it ir dream or it is reality steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:12:29): it must be real the way we feel helga (08.05.2009 23:12:42): but i know it is a story of never ending love helga (08.05.2009 23:13:18): and i hope the end goes happyness helga (08.05.2009 23:15:17): all the same what happens I will never forget you steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:17:26): yes my love for you will never end. helga (08.05.2009 23:17:44): i hope so steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:18:02): yes my love helga (08.05.2009 23:18:27): one should never never say helga (08.05.2009 23:18:59): we do not know what will come steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:19:09): yes my love we must be strong for each other, helga (08.05.2009 23:20:56): you have also already done yours experiences helga (08.05.2009 23:21:38): thus we are drawn everything steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:22:23): yes my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:22:47): soon we will be together steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:24:02): i love you helga (08.05.2009 23:24:21): i love you ......................... helga(08.05.2009 23:26:05): honey? steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:26:19): yes i am here love helga (08.05.2009 23:26:34): you have the adress for me? steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:27:44): yes the address is with me now helga (08.05.2009 23:28:11): good steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:28:15): its the address of one of the hotel drives who takes me every where so i can get it if you send it through his nameja ja wer es glaubt wird selig normalerweise läßt sich jeder das paket ans hotel schicken steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:30:31): no his address also helga (08.05.2009 23:30:49): i have a pen can start steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:32:28): NAME: Uwadia Ehis ADDRESS: No 3 Idusi Street, Giwa Amu Benin City Nigeria.ja ich hab sie helga (08.05.2009 23:33:13): uwadia .. is a girl ???? steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:34:08): no its male love helga(08.05.2009 23:34:29): okay in gemany is ia on the end a woman helga (08.05.2009 23:34:45): claudia helga (08.05.2009 23:34:57): dont laugh steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:35:46): you already write it love?.. helga (08.05.2009 23:35:55): yes steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:36:02): you can send it through FEDEX steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:36:07): when can you send it?.. helga (08.05.2009 23:36:10): he gives you the package steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:36:19): yes he gives to me steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:36:28): but you must send me the TRACKING number helga (08.05.2009 23:36:36): why steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:36:54): so i can keep track of it on their website to know when it comes to nigeria helga (08.05.2009 23:37:03): okay steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:37:33): i dont want it misplaced helga (08.05.2009 23:37:36): when he gives you not the package i kll him .. say it to him steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:37:45): yes but to be sure steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:38:06): they will need a number too right?.. helga (08.05.2009 23:38:20): no steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:38:26): ok good helga (08.05.2009 23:38:31): not in germany helga (08.05.2009 23:38:42): you must write steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:39:09): so when you send it tommorow just email me all the numbers so i keep track of it on their website helga (08.05.2009 23:40:02): okay helga (08.05.2009 23:40:17): when not tomorrow than monday steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:40:24): darling you still do not tell me what you are sending steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:40:35): helga (08.05.2009 23:40:40): i dont know the office is open today .. the office is in bremen steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:40:53): tell em so i can look more carefully helga (08.05.2009 23:40:55): noo it is a surprise steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:41:36): ok suprise.... steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:41:53): will you send it tommorow?man der kann es nun nicht mehr abwarten , dabei weiß ich noch nicht mal was ich ins paket packe. helga (08.05.2009 23:42:02): yes a bigggggg surprise helga(08.05.2009 23:42:23): and i think you want to be very happy steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:44:00): ok now steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:44:11): honey i really wonder what it is you send to me helga (08.05.2009 23:46:38): frech steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:47:35): ok my love tomorrow you can go in the morning to send it in FedEx ok?.. helga (08.05.2009 23:48:06): no i must drive to bremen steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:48:19): how far is bremen?. helga (08.05.2009 23:48:38): ib the middle 28 km steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:48:51): to far steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:49:09): which post office is in your city?.. steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:49:16): do you know DHL?.. helga (08.05.2009 23:49:25): yes i know steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:49:40): is DHL in your town?. helga (08.05.2009 23:49:43): yes steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:49:52): good steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:49:57): so send it by DHL helga (08.05.2009 23:50:40): okay thats better steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:51:17): you can go tomorrow morning and send me the details so i can also watch by website its journey to here helga (08.05.2009 23:51:59): no not so fast helga (08.05.2009 23:52:48): i take it with me when i drive to hamburg tomorrow morning i clean my house than i stylish me and then i bring the packsge to dhl steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:53:09): ok my love that is ok steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:53:15): i know its late now\ steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:53:21): and you must rest helga (08.05.2009 23:53:26): yes a little bit steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:53:27): we talk tommorow morning..
helga (08.05.2009 23:53:49): i wish you sweet dreams steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:54:00): i love you steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:54:04): sweet dreams too steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:54:04): bye helga (08.05.2009 23:54:16): bye my love steveth60 (08.05.2009 23:55:02): dream of you helga (08.05.2009 23:55:06): bye my love
na leute wie habe ich das gemacht mit der adresse ???
so ich bin ja heute offizie bei meiner freundin in hamburg und bereite nun meinen unfall vor
From: To: Subject: hello Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 22:38:39 +0200
hello steve
i want to say you that i arrive hamburg very slowly .. i need 3 hour Selma, Linda, Hilli hille hinterthürand i are going to the Reeperbahn and make Party .. i miss you so ... i must think for the chat today morning--- i was so glad that you loves me also ...
i hope you have a good evening .. i call you tomorrow morning before i leave hamburg
und seine wundervolle nachricht nachdem ich gerade noch mit ihm telefoniert habe und ihm mitgeteilt habe das ich die ganze nacht nicht geschlafen hab, mich aber trotzdem bald auf den weg mache
Dear Love,
When I am with you, I feel alive. You bring to me a happiness that no one else ever could. You bring to me a love I have never known before. I could not imagine what my life would be like without you. You have touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend. I love being with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Every day I wake up thanking God for you. You have given me so much, and I don't know if I will be able to give back all that you have given me. You have been my guiding light when I was lost. You have been my comforter through all my trials and sorrow. You have been my rock.
Sometimes I feel lost and out of touch, but when you’re there, I feel safe. Your voice soothes me. I could sit here and try to tell you just how I feel, but I can't find the words other than I am ecstatic we met and have gotten together after all we've gone through.
I want to tell you that the love I have for you is undying. It is a love that is strong and enduring and will stand the test of time. I truly feel blessed that you have become a part of my life, and I cannot wait for the day that we can join our lives together. I want to lie next to you at night and fall asleep in your arms. I want to wake to your beautiful smile. I want to share in your joys and sorrows. I want to be your everything, because you are everything to me.
I promise to always love you and always hold you in my heart. I will always be here for you when you need me, and I will love you no matter what life brings us. You are my soul mate, and I vow to love you all eternity. I love you, baby.
ach du mein Traummann , ich werde leider heute einen UNFALL erleiden wie deine Frau
es ist passiert ich habe einen Unfall , meine Freundin Hilli hat ihm eine Email geschrieben mal sehen was passiert
Hallo Steve
I am Hilli the friend of Helga, Helga told much of you yesterday,i am so glad that Helga yesterday write you a email from my home. that is also the reason why I you now writes. There I think it am importantly for you to be known, I have this afternoon of the police the report gotten that Helga a heavy accident had. She came with the helicopter into the hospital. It lies now on the intensive care unit here in the hospital in Hamburg Which happened exactly cannot I to you unfortunately not say. Only which said the police, It estimated itself with the car. And there it drove openly, has it probably heavy head injuries. To get I directly into the hospital to drive and try somewhat too out. Since it give to me at the telephone no information. You can do me gladly this evening starting from 20 o'clock under the telephone number 00491xxxxx call. However I must say I speak very badly English. It is better if you me email sends those can I then translate. My email address Greats from Hilli
es ist immer gut eine Freundin zu haben danke an Sisko
ist schon komisch er öffnet einfach keine emails von fremden frauen.. ich bin ja stolz auf ihn oder will er mich einfach verrecken lassen ?
na da muß doch nochmal von meiner freundin hilli nach gehakt werden
Hallo Steve
I came straight of the hospital, Helga lie on the intensive care unit. It is so badly which happened there. One did not leave me to it because I not to the family belong and their father still am in the vacation that cannot not reach one. The Doctor says it the neck eddy started himself. Helga needs strong Sedativa and pain Killer. . I hope which I more experience tomorrow. Helga is no more in deadly peril.
It would be very beautifully if you briefly call could thereby That I know which you the email also got. I make myself much sorrows of this ä
Greats Hilli
er liest nicht die emails , er wartet abber im chat wie abgesprochen und will mit mir reden , aber ich liege ja im krankenhaus und kann nicht, das Handy ist abgeschlaltet das nützt also nichts darauf anzurufen, das festnetz klingelt und klingelt, der ist richtig hartnäckig , aber ich bin im Krankenhaus wie soll ich denn da zuhause ans Telefon gehen. nun lies endlich deine emails
nach dieser schrecklichen email muß er doch endlich aus seinem Mugguversteck herauskommen habe ich gedacht .ich seine heißgeliebte liege schwer verletzt im Kranken haus !!!!
Hello Steve Perhaps I make myself something concerns, you yet announced myself, you the email did not receive? Helga did not say it to me you so much loves and now announces themselves you. Am I to say Helga to what if I at noon today in the hospital drive? Or perhaps couldn't you read my email? Use for write a translator. I cannot correctly English. Please write me nevertheless whether you the email read! Side of that made screen SHOT of the Internet Hamburg morning mail. Greet Hilli
es passiert nichts , außer das er versucht auf meinen Festnetz anzurufen, aber ich liege doch im Krankenhaus und sogar als meine Freundin Hilli anruft .passiert wieder rum nichts ....der läßt mich einfach verrecken
da muß meine freundin noch einmal deutlicher werden.
Hello Steve
I do not understand absolutely why you still no email wrote. Helga always asks for you. Helga has me specially still given another email address thereby I you also really reaches. I call you spezially . And it is still no answer there. I don t know what i hold from this . I think you love Helga! Please write it nevertheless email, I print it then and take those email then also in the hospital. So that Helga is reassuring. Greats Hilli
heute morgen hat er wieder versucht mich zu hause anzurufen , erst auf Festnetz anschließend zig mal auf meinem Handy, aber ich liege doch im Krankenhaus auf der Intensivstation , da kann ich ja wohl schlecht an mein Haustelefon gehen und Handys sind im Krankenhaus verboten.und sogar bei meiner Freundin Hilli hat er angerufen und sie gebeten wenn sie mich im Krankenhaus besucht doch bitte gleich anzurufen und mir das Handy geben damit er mit mir reden kann. Aber er hat noch keine Email geschrieben.Ist schon alles komisch außerdem habe ich jetzt eine Teleonnummer mehr aus Nigeria den diesmal war es mit Nummer übertragung [style=background-image: url(chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/cb_normal_l.gif);" class="skype_tb_injection_left_img" id="__skype_highlight_id_left_adge]chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/cb_normal_m.gif);" class="skype_tb_injection_left_img" id="__skype_highlight_id_left_img][/style][/style][style=background-image: url(chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/cb_normal_m.gif);" class="skype_tb_innerText" id="__skype_highlight_id_innerText]002...[/style][style=background-image: url(chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/cb_normal_r.gif);" class="skype_tb_injection_left_img" id="__skype_highlight_id_right_adge][/style][/style][/style][/style]
so bin ja nun nach einer woche auf eigenen wunsch aus den krankenhaus entlassen und wieder für meinen schatz da. der arme helga (17.05.2009 10:11:38): oh sweet heart .... steveth60 (17.05.2009 10:12:31): hello dearsteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:12:37): why are you OFFLINE?.oh shit habe ihn ja noch auf tarnmodus helga(17.05.2009 10:12:46): i am not offlinehelga (17.05.2009 10:12:56): i am onlinesteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:13:26): how was your night?..helga (17.05.2009 10:16:37): sweety now you are here , and i feel me bettersteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:17:39): yes but must also hurt your neck looking at the computer helga (17.05.2009 10:18:02): yes .. a little bit ja mir gehts noch ganz schlechtsteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:18:38): helga (17.05.2009 10:19:18): tell me from yours last week steveth60 (17.05.2009 10:20:35): nothing happend last weekdas stimmt du wolltest ja schon längst das geld habenhelga (17.05.2009 10:21:38): i am so angry .. over the last weekhelga (17.05.2009 10:23:33): and i am so sad , linda and hilli stay sonday afternoon in the hospital and i said please give steve a notice..helga (17.05.2009 10:24:01): and every day when hilli comes they had no notice from you ..steveth60 (17.05.2009 10:24:40): steveth60 (17.05.2009 10:44:19): yes i love you toohelga (17.05.2009 10:44:41): you are the important for mesteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:44:50): yes i knowhelga (17.05.2009 10:46:55): the last days was hell pursteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:47:11): darling what is your home address?.. steveth60 (17.05.2009 10:48:13): i laugh because last week alot happen to yousteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:51:26): i do not understand what you mean..steveth60 (17.05.2009 10:52:47): in what sense you mean?..steveth60 (17.05.2009 10:52:59): you confuse me now..helga (17.05.2009 10:53:19): yessteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:54:44): you know i do love yousteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:55:42): so why always confuse me??????? helga (17.05.2009 10:56:46): no you said you love me but how deep is your love for mesteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:57:15): is something wrong with you?..nö alles in ordnung solltest mir nur noch mal sagen das du mich liebst immerhin willst du geld von mirhelga (17.05.2009 10:57:34): no steveth60 (17.05.2009 10:57:56): so why the stupid question?.helga (17.05.2009 10:58:18): it is not a stupid questionsteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:58:24): yes it ishelga (17.05.2009 10:58:30): i love it to hear from yousteveth60 (17.05.2009 10:59:17): you ask as if you did something wrong and i love you no morehelga (17.05.2009 11:01:10): and i will never leave you alone ?steveth60 (17.05.2009 11:01:39): i alsosteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:03:07): yes and you know i do also, darling i just want to finish my work so we can be together soonsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:05:59): i also feel teh same waysteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:06:14): that is wht you do not understand you think only feel so alonehelga (17.05.2009 11:07:06): i dont know .. that are my feelings .. and i never before feel so deepsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:08:09): yes i also darlinghelga (17.05.2009 11:09:00): what are you doing today?steveth60 (17.05.2009 11:09:27): and i hope you uunderstand my love for yousteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:10:27): i do nothing. i hope tommorow i can start work, if you can send me the money in the morningsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:10:55): i just hope you wont disappoint mehelga (17.05.2009 11:11:05): tomorrow morning i go to the bankhelga (17.05.2009 11:11:50): why i should disapoint you?steveth60 (17.05.2009 11:12:30): because i do not know if you can send me the 4000 tommorow in the morninghelga (17.05.2009 11:13:18): i send it to youklar pronto wartet schon auf dichsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:13:33): i am so sad in spirit now and everyday is just like a disppointment to mehelga (17.05.2009 11:14:13): yes i understand itsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:15:19): do you still have the details i sent you the last time?helga(17.05.2009 11:15:39): i have your emailsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:16:08): DEUTSCHE POSTBANK A.G. KLOSTERSTR 4 Lilienthal, 28865 [style=background-image: url(chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/cb_normal_l.gif);" class="skype_tb_injection_left_img" id="__skype_highlight_id_left_adge][/style][/style][/style]+49-018-03030330[/style][style=background-image: url(chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/cb_normal_r.gif);" class="skype_tb_injection_left_img" id="__skype_highlight_id_right_adge][/style][/style][/style] Map and Driving Directions Today's Hours: 00:00 - 00:00 Tomorrow's Hours: 07:30 - 18:00 steveth60 (17.05.2009 11:16:17): do you know this address?..helga (17.05.2009 11:16:21): this filial is long time closedsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:16:40): its a western union office where you can send me the moneysteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:17:11): what did you say is closed?.ja und das ist noch nicht mal gelogenhelga (17.05.2009 11:17:17): but it no existent here in lilienthalhelga (17.05.2009 11:17:34): the postbank here is closedhelga (17.05.2009 11:17:55): the postbank is sale to the commerzbanksteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:18:17): oh i seehelga (17.05.2009 11:18:40): and they closed etablishment here in germnaysteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:20:25): oh really?.helga (17.05.2009 11:20:41): yes you can read it in the internetsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:20:54): okhelga (17.05.2009 11:20:57): they make a fusionsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:21:02): so how best to send the money dear?..helgar (17.05.2009 11:21:15): i go to the commerzbankhelga (17.05.2009 11:21:35): they take the business from the postbanksteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:24:52): we can talk this evening again helga (17.05.2009 11:24:57): okaysteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:25:02): and please try and rest so you gain strenghtsteveth60 (17.05.2009 11:25:25): i love you..ach mein süßer unsere Tage sind gezählt, es war eine schöne Zeit mit dir.aber ich denke unsere schönen Telefonate werden jetzt zu ende sein. ein wenig wirst du sicher noch freude machen, aber ich glaube ich werde dir keine Freude mehr machen.
Best regardskomisch ob steve das schon kennt , er ist noch nicht mal eingeloggt, und ist stinksauer suf mich weil ich zu blöd bin geld über westerunion zu schicken .. dabei hab ich doch alles gemacht wie er gesagt hat..
mein steve nach 54 minuten promt schon aufgeben Darling, I again have connection,schön I want you to know that if indeed you want to send me the money then you try and get the number and send to medas könnte dir so passen, you see the email I send you this morning, that is all it keeps writing, and I cannot afford to play games here.achne was machst du denn hier ??? So if you want to help me then do get the number and send to me, when Paul sent me the money I never went through anything like this, and now when I try the this says “it’s a lie”wie kommt der nur darauf????? I DO NOT UNDERSTANDich weiß garnicht was er hat
steveth60 (19.05.2009 09:11:53): steveth60 (19.05.2009 09:11:58): hello lovesteveth60 (19.05.2009 09:12:11): are you here?..nö bin nicht da steveth60 (19.05.2009 22:38:47): Hello darling..helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:38:53): bhi my dearhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:39:12): how are yousteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:41:54): helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:42:10): bad conection?steveth60 (19.05.2009 22:42:18): i miss you also9:38 PMi just read your email9:38 PMi wnat you to know i do not believe you sent the money loveach du hast mich vermißt?helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:42:46): i am today morning by the doktor steveth60 (19.05.2009 22:43:33): did you already read my email?.helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:45:02): steve i give the information to you .. i became it from the bankhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:45:14): i send you the moneysteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:45:55): i am sorry about your health loveoh echt???steveth60 (19.05.2009 22:46:17): darling, then i tell you to answer teh questions nowsteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:46:18): so we can get the numberhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:46:34): which questionsteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:50:26): do you understand me love?.helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:51:01): no what you meansteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:51:13): i meansteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:51:36): you go to the PROMT website and try to get the numbercleverer junge ich soll auf seite und die fragen beantworten damit ich die nummer bekommesteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:51:40): bbecause it dose not work from here for mehelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:51:51): but that goes notsteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:51:58): why?.helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:52:10): you can take it only from nigeriasteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:52:30): no that is a liehelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:52:50): no is it notsteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:53:04): you can try it from your end ok?.helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:53:16): they told me that the server checkt the ip locationhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:53:41): thats save transfersteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:53:43): yes bit i do not understand this system my lovehelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:53:57): it is new for countrys in afrikasteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:54:21): i have tried to get thsi money but all it tells me is that i cannot get the moneyhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:54:42): whysteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:54:49): so i think its better you go to the bank and tell them to send it without Shelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:55:19): they dont send it without helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:55:52): they it is save for african areal helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:56:35): to take the mtcn number .. why a lot money is stolen.. but i dont know ..i never before send money ..cashhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:57:07): i send money with a bankaccounthelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:57:12): or pay palhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:57:20): or scheckhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:57:40): but thats the first with westernunionsteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:57:43): i do not have a bank account here and it will take so much timesteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:57:55): that is why i asked you to send it through western unionhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:58:13): yes and i do itsteveth60 (19.05.2009 22:58:44): but darling i cannot collect the number from the websitehelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:59:18): you must answer the questions ..helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 22:59:55): but they said the system give your answer when you make a mistakesteveth60 (19.05.2009 23:00:44): NOsteveth60 (19.05.2009 23:00:44): it dose nothelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:01:15): hm i dont now helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:01:23): i can not see itsteveth60 (19.05.2009 23:06:18): darling i am very tiredhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:06:38): okay honey i am too helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:06:56): i see you tomorrowsteveth60 (19.05.2009 23:07:21): waithelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:07:24): yeshelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:08:14): i wait honeysteveth60 (19.05.2009 23:11:48): darlinghelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:11:57): yes sweetysteveth60 (19.05.2009 23:12:45): i again have tried itstimmt nichtsteveth60 (19.05.2009 23:12:48): it dose not work ok?.steveth60 (19.05.2009 23:12:53): can you go an collect the money from the bank?.helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:13:19): it must work helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:13:49): oh i can ask they but you must take ithelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:14:12): versuch es helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:14:30): please .. you make it againsteveth60 (19.05.2009 23:14:51): bye..helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:15:01): i know that you can take it .. it should not be a problemhelgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:15:19): i love you honey so ein fauler sack... ich glaube es nicht ..helgagrotheer (19.05.2009 23:15:26): sleep verywell
mein steve ist sauer auf mich und will er auch nichts wissen,ich kann natürlich nicht ahnen das er es nicht weiter versucht. also schreib ich ihm eine Email.Hello my dear steve I am very sad. now where you have my money, does not announce yourself you any longer. Why? at least a small answer would not be bad. if you are with the work, you have therefore no time. or you do not love me any longer. did you want only my money? please announce you to… I come over forwards ensure around you.Love Helga
so eine nachricht bekommt er noch My Dear Steve, I am so sadly which you do not announce myself, I hope it go you well. one does not hear here in Germany in Negeria unrests is, I hopes it happens to you anything. I love you so much, and I miss you and chats with you. Did I make something wrong? if, then say it to me nevertheless please. I would like to be close you. unfortunately you cannot reach me momentarily by means of mine handy, one me my mobile phone stole and the card are closed, but that has my landline number. please announce you. I love you.ich hoffe er meldet sich
Steve macht keine anstalten zu s zu gehen also bekommt er eine Email vom Customer SupportDear Mr.Thompson,we received an inquiry from our client Mrs xx>wenn er jetzt nicht reagiert, dann hat es sich wohl erledigt, mit der Liebe schon lange , denn nach unserem letzten Chat ist er für mich nicht mehr online leider, ich leide still vor mich hin...[/b]
Ja, ich muss schon sagen Steve ist eine ganz FAULE SOCKE, der macht sicht nicht mal die Mühe zu Antworten...sei nicht traurig, sei FROH, das Du rechtzeitig erkannt hast, was der für einer ist.....Du weisst doch...einer geht...100 kommen...
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
so ich denke es ist zeit gekommen dies hier abzuschließen, steve ist untergetaucht, hat leider nur 1 stunde bei promt verbracht, reagiert nicht mehr, sollte er mir noch einmal über den weg laufen weiß ich das er keine abweichungen von seinem script zuläßt, störungen mag er nicht, dann hört er gleich auf, bei ihm muß alles rund laufen.
heute war ich ausnahmsweis mal wieder online geschaltet bei steve
helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:00:32): hello steve how are you .. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:01:13): i hope you are fine helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:03:02): are you angry about me ?? steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:05:38): no am not angrygut steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:05:48): how are you?. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:05:50): oh thats fine. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:05:57): thank you i am fine helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:06:03): and how are you steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:06:38): am ok helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:06:52): i miss you steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:07:59): hmm i do too. steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:07:59): but i think you are not a good womanoh warum bin ich keine gute frau ??? steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:08:10): because you lied to me about helping me with my problems helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:08:10): why say this steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:08:22): and you caused me alot of troublesecht-wieso .. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:08:39): you lies to me too and you know it .. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:08:48): i am real helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:09:28): and you know i have no money ..but you ask me for money like a scammer i never see you in real ..i want to give my last shirt for you steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:09:30): why do you say i lie to you?.. steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:09:39): because i ask you for money?. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:10:15): you use stolen pictures you are not the men you said ..but i love not the ppicture ..i love you art your voice steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:10:45): so why didnt you just tell me you wont give me the money steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:10:56): instead of playing with me?.hallo wer spielt denn hier mit wem??? helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:11:39): you play with me too you know it .. and the same story you tell 3 months before a other woman helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:12:37): that is why i give you no momey ... your story was not good ..when you tell me the true ... perhaps i give you little money helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:13:01): or i take you to me to germany steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:13:33): again now you want lie to me?. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:13:40): no helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:13:43): i dont helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:14:18): i dont tell your lies steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:14:37): darling the truth is that i need some money okay das glaube ich dir sogar... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:14:51): yes i think so ..but why steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:14:53): and if you can help me i will be happy steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:15:05): because i am poorich auch tröste dich helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:15:29): yes money people are poor steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:15:45): what do you mean by that?.. steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:15:58): that dose not mean you insult me steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:16:02): . helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:16:05): no steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:16:13): if you wont find in your heart to help me steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:16:22): then just leave me alone helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:16:35): no you are deep in my hert helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:16:40): heart steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:16:48): you also steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:16:54): i think of you. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:17:02): i want to help you .. but you know that i have no money steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:17:07): but am sad so cannot reply your email.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:17:21): i must help you without money helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:17:46): can i ask you some questions >? steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:18:11): so you cannot help me with money?... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:18:34): yes you know that i have not money the moment helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:18:44): i told you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:19:18): or you have fergott it steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:19:25): steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:19:38): i am asking you for any amount you can send steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:19:42): how much can you send to me? money honey helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:19:46): laugh helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:19:59): first my questions steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:20:07): hmmm... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:20:12): and i would you see in real steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:20:14): you never change.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:20:21): you have a webcam? helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:20:43): or a picture from you real ...face helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:23:22): hello my love you are here ??? steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:24:11): i am here. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:24:31): you must see a chat in this time with me as a invest for the next time when i become money steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:24:57): i do not understand what you mean.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:25:07): okay you talk today with me steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:25:09): my photos shown to you are real steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:25:14): only that i need some money dear. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:25:44): but where is your money goneß steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:25:47): or you do not believe me?.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:26:08): i think you are a beautiful black men steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:26:25): . helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:26:42): why you cry helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:26:49): it is good for you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:27:20): and you stayy in a wonderfull areal with name nigeria helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:27:42): and in the next year when i visit nigeria you can make my guide steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:28:02): yes. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:28:08): why not steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:28:15): maybe then you can see the real me. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:28:22): yes helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:29:03): but you use very beautifull photos from a very pretty men steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:29:13): hmm.. steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:29:33): dear helga i think maybe you wnt use me play games and dont have in mind to help me... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:29:59): no i dont want play games with you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:30:12): i have no time to play games with you steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:30:27): i am broke now. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:30:39): but you have stolen my heart and it hurts me steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:30:56): you also stole my heart.du hast doch garkeins ... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:30:58): and i hope that we are friends steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:32:24): yes ia slo steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:32:31): also. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:33:05): I hope between myself one is what bound holds together us steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:33:22): but i was sad you not truthful about to give me the money steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:33:41): you lied steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:33:41): you give me wrong website and informations. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:33:41): and I would really like to help you steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:33:45): . helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:33:54): no i give you not wrong websites helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:34:35): all websites that i give you is true helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:36:01): if you are able to hold out still half year I am better certainly also financiel helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:36:41): you know i am schoolgirl in this moment you write to me .. i make my exam steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:36:43): i do not need much money. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:37:03): for what you need the money steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:40:51): i need to use it for my daily needs. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:41:02): you dont works steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:41:05): i just need any amount you can send to me steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:41:14): steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:41:16): no steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:41:23): dont ahve good job here. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:41:23): why not helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:41:35): whats your profession steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:41:42): student.aha so langsam kommt die wahrheit... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:41:51): what study you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:42:37): and how old are you? steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:43:27): 29. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:43:30): have you a bankaccount? steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:44:23): no i do not. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:44:31): a creditcard steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:44:34): that is why i asked you send it through western union steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:44:40): no. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:45:03): yes but the tax are so expensive for western union helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:45:19): thats why i ask you for a bankaccount steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:45:47): darling i do not ahve steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:45:55): maybe to open soon. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:45:59): okay and your name is ehis steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:46:32): even if small amount . helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:47:00): you know the men whon picture you use?? helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:47:07): whos helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:48:27): how much money you need in the month? steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:48:57): dear. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:49:00): yes steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:49:04): i do not need much money steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:49:06): i am not geady steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:49:19): any amount you want give me please do so,... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:49:34): how much you need steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:50:09): just tell me how much you have to give me steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:50:19): because i know not easy for you too get money too. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:50:23): no thats not the question helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:50:54): how many you need in the month steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:51:45): 500 dollars is ok in a month.mensch und das jeden monat , da muß aber eine alte frau lange für stricken... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:52:00): thats much helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:52:45): you know the men whos picture you use? helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:53:25): give me your real adress for transfer steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:55:37): darling steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:55:41): dont joke with me helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:55:50): no why. steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:55:53): i will be angry and never trust you if you joke with me helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:56:40): thats okay helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 14:57:14): you know the men whos picture you use? steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:59:16): i tell you teh truth steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:59:20): no i do not know them steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:59:33): if because of the men that is why you want me steveth60 (27.06.2009 14:59:38): then i say you forget about me... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:00:21): wfrom where you have agreed then fotos helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:00:36): no i dont forget you steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:00:57): please forget me steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:01:05): i can see you only wnat joke with me. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:01:08): i say i love your voice and every time when we are in chat you bring i smile on my face helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:01:23): no i dont make a joke with you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:01:56): why you not take your real fotos? steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:02:29): i do not ahve camera . helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:02:42): but you have a cam helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:02:48): on you phone steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:03:08): no dont have cam steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:03:14): would put it on now steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:03:14): if i had. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:03:27): you are in the internet cafe or you use your own pc steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:03:54): internet cafe steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:03:58): and they are not mordern cafes. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:04:11): ah okay helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:04:31): give me your adress i send you a camery helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:04:35): camera helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:04:45): and anything else steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:05:01): you wnat see my picture first before you give me money help?.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:05:12): no helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:05:28): i want help you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:05:48): thats why i ask you for your adress helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:05:59): i send a paket steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:07:48): so can you send me the money today?. steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:07:54): i will buy a small camera here steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:08:01): i promise you... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:08:07): no honey steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:08:21): hmm.... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:08:24): i can send you not money yet the post closed here helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:08:31): and you have no bankaccount helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:09:03): and i send you a camera ..i have one here is not new ..and a handy too helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:09:47): and i take money with in the paket steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:10:01): you can go to other place send me the money steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:10:05): if truely. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:10:06): no helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:10:27): i go in 1 hour to my girlfriend to my haircutter you know steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:10:50): ok steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:11:02): i know you tell her much about right?.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:11:21): she know all of it helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:11:35): thats why i am so sad because you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:11:54): you know the first time i was so happy helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:12:04): and also so sad after them steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:13:12): but i wanted use that money come to germany steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:13:16): and explian to you.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:14:21): you cann not explain it steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:14:52): yes i can steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:15:11): because i knw you love me even if i am not the man in the picture. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:15:22): yes helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:15:51): from where you have agreed then fotos steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:16:45): dont understand you. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:17:03): from who you takes the fotos steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:17:35): seems you only care about the photos helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:17:47): no i want to know it steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:19:38): not importantdoch ich will wissen wer der mann auf den fotos ist mensch ... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:19:49): laugh helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:20:01): okay honey .. give me yourt aderess steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:20:50): darling what do you wnt to send?.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:21:03): i say it camera phone and money steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:21:44): no i do not want it again steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:22:03): you can keep your money and your camera. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:22:20): i dont understand it steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:23:48): yes dont send again. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:24:34): you want not give me your adress ? to send it? steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:25:03): i can give you my address steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:25:16): but i do not want your help any more steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:25:17): you make jokes with me. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:25:35): no i no make jokes with you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:27:28): honey please look in my eyes and trust me steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:28:00): if you want help me you send me the money through western union today. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:28:18): no i will send you a paket steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:28:56): have a nice day helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:29:08): you too steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:29:23): bye... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:29:35): bye honey helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:29:56): and dont vergot you are allways in my mind steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:29:56): do forget about me... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:30:07): no i can not steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:30:08): try forget about me. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:30:13): no i can not steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:30:25): because i never will write with you again from today steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:30:35): you not good woman.nur weil ich kein geld schicken wollte.... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:30:38): why i want help you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:30:44): i am a good woman steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:31:06): i say send through western union you say no helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:32:33): no honey i want send you a paket and would send you the money in the paket steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:32:56): NO steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:33:15): if you want send me money send through western union steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:33:25): i do not need packet.und von mir gibt es über western union keine kohle... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:33:38): okay than i can not do for you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:33:48): i think you say true to e helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:33:56): but i dont think so steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:34:01): ok . helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:34:08): you dont want give me your adress steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:34:22): i will give you my address steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:34:36): you also need my address to send me the money through western union. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:35:31): no i need your adress for the paket helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:35:37): parcel steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:35:58): darling have a nice life. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:36:16): you too honey helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:36:30): and you are allways in my mind helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:36:41): take care of you helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:36:42): ehis helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:38:47): and when you have a real problem know i am here steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:39:11): i do need help steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:39:19): but seems you ahve other thing in mind. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:39:29): no steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:39:50): so why can sent through western union?.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:40:31): no why i have not so much money you know .. and i pay much tax for it steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:41:02): darling take the tax from inside the money you want send to me. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:41:05): and when i send you a parcel it is cheaop and i can send you money in it too steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:41:21): any amount come here i am apprecaite. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:42:23): yes but when i pay 60 euro it is expensive .. the 60 euro i can send it in a parcel it is cheeap steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:42:37): do not worry steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:42:47): any amount you have to give to me steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:42:55): just take the tax from inside steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:46:14): ?? . helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:47:04): honey liebling is gives 2 things either you gives me yours adresse and I help you ., or you do not give me yours adresse, then I can do nothing for you steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:48:24): what do you need my address for?.. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:49:13): i say it for the parcel helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:49:17): for dhl steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:50:04): Ehis Benson No: Igwe Avenue Road 4 festac Street Benin Nigeria helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:50:22): okay also ehis is your name steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:51:08): you think i lie to you?... steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:51:29): Name: Ehis Benson No: Igwe Avenue Road 4 festac Street Benin City Nigeria. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:52:08): laugh honey i never lie to you ,... but you lies so much to me .. but when i send you a parcel i hope that you knows it is money inside okay steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:52:56): if you like send me a bomb.auf diese idee bin ich eigentlich noch garnicht gekommen ... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:53:17): laugh helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:53:27): no honey i love you ... steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:53:39): how much will you put inside?..eigentlich nix... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:53:41): never fergot it helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:53:56): i must look homany i have on my account steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:54:06): and when will you send it?... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:54:19): but in the first i must go now to my haircuter steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:54:35): ok. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:54:37): and please dont break any heart from other woman steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:54:43): give me call when you get back ok?... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:55:07): thats not good you play with wrong pictures and you are a gangsta when you take money from woman steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:55:23): stop. helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 15:55:42): today i go after the haircutter to a big party air concert steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:55:50): ok steveth60 (27.06.2009 15:55:59): give me call if you want us to chat again ok?... helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 16:00:41): you change your number? steveth60 (27.06.2009 16:02:58): no helgagrotheer (27.06.2009 16:04:21): bye for now
suchet so werdet ihr finden , auf meiner suche nach frauen die ich vor steve warnen kann , bin ich auf sie gestoßen ..habe sie angeschrieben und sie hat geantwortet...
“ Hallo Helga, vielen Dank für deine netten zeilen. Wie bist du auf mich gekommen??? Ich habe auch Kontakt mit Steve Thompson gehabt und er hat mir die selben Briefe geschrieben wie an dich. Leider kann ich kein Englisch. Ich habe mir noch einen Übersetzer zugelegt und dachte auch das ist die ganz große Liebe. Ich sollte auch mein Auto verkaufen, er hat sich mit mir im Internet ein Haus ausgesucht welches er kaufen wollte usw. Und dann irgendwann kam auch die Forderung mit dem geld. Ich habe mir eine Kopie vom Pass von Ihm schicken lassen und diesen bei einen Freund der bei der Polizei arbeitet hinterlegt. Er ist also schon mal registriert. Ansonsten kannst du kaum im Internet die große liebe finden. In seriösen Prtalen wie "MeineStadt" zum Beispiel kannst du selbst einen Annzeige aufgeben und dann entscheiden was du willst. Ich habe übrigends Steve bei bildkontakte kennengelernt, da ist er auch schon gesperrt. Naja ich denke wir haben in diesem Fall alles richtig gemacht. Ich habe jetzt einen sehr netten Partner ganz normal auf der Strasse gefunden. Es ist also doch noch legitim das man mit offenen Augen durch die Welt geht. Wie gesagt lasse dich nicht unterkriegen, es gibt noch mehr Mütter mit schönen Söhnen. Wenn du willst können wir in Kontakt bleiben. Ansonsten wünsche ich dir alles gute auf deinen weiteren Weg. Liebe Grüße K......
gott sei dank..... ich bin froh für jede frau die nicht zahlt .. und meine aufgabe sehe ich eigentlich darin das ich am liebsten jeden dieser jungs zum gericht bringen möchte.. wenn man die berichte im fernsehen hört haben viele viele frauen richtig viel geld bezahlt und sind an den rand des ruins getrieben worden... unabhängig davon ist der seelische schaden weit aus höher... auch wenn sich die jungs outen .. ist das nur weil sie kein geld bekommen haben ... und sie dann eh nichts zu verlieren haben , andersrum ... hätten sie geld bekommen .. hätten sie sich niemals geoutet ... sie lügen immer .....
In Antwort auf:Ansonsten kannst du kaum im Internet die große liebe finden.
...muss ich widersprechen
In Antwort auf:gott sei dank..... ich bin froh für jede frau die nicht zahlt ...
wenn man die berichte im fernsehen hört haben viele viele frauen richtig viel geld bezahlt und sind an den rand des ruins getrieben worden... unabhängig davon ist der seelische schaden weit aus höher.
...sind auch maskuline Wesen dieser Welt betroffen, manche könnten echte Storrys schreiben*****
...wo bleibt denn da die viel zitierte Emanzipation des Mannes? Oder lässt Frau Schwarzer "grüßen", dann würd ich glatt die "EMMA" abonNieren -- statt des Spiegels*****
---------- shitforfun
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Herr verzeih Ihnen, denn Sie wissen nicht was sie tun! ! !
In Antwort auf:...sind auch maskuline Wesen dieser Welt betroffen, manche könnten echte Storrys schreiben*****
tja shit .. ich kann leider nur von der Frauenseite aus reden , aber ich gehe mal stark davon aus das auch Männer betroffen sind, leider kann ich mich auf grund meiner Stimme nur um die männlichen Wesen kümmern, aber ich denke du kannst ja den Rest übernehmen
Zitat von traeumerinHB.. unabhängig davon ist der seelische schaden weit aus höher... auch wenn sich die jungs outen .. ist das nur weil sie kein geld bekommen haben ... und sie dann eh nichts zu verlieren haben , andersrum ... hätten sie geld bekommen .. hätten sie sich niemals geoutet ... sie lügen immer .....
....da gebe ich Dir Recht, die kann man nicht Belehren, nur Beschäftigen....und wie Du schon sagst, wir arbeiten gegen Windmühlen......
---- Sisko Back to life but always willing to help!!!
habe mich heute mal an die frau gewandt die auf steves profil verewigt war. und die dana damals gewarnt hat .. und habe diese antwort bekommen ..
Von: Helga Gesendet: 20 Juli 11:51 An: Fairy P. Betreff: hallo .
hallo du kennst mich nicht , aber vielleicht kannst du dich ja mal bei mir email technisch melden das wäre toll... es geht um steve ... danke ...liebe grüße helga
Hallo Helga, ich habe zu Steve schon ganz lange keinen Kontakt mehr, da mir mitgeteilt wurde, man sollte vorsichtig sein. Mir kam ja sowieso schon einiges recht ungewöhnlich vor. Hast du Kontakt mit íhm oder warum schreibst du mir unbekannterweise?!? Ebenfalls einen lieben Gruß Inge
dana da können wir uns die hand geben und sagen das haben wir gut gemacht ... eine die wir gerettet haben, wer weiß was da sonst draus geworden wäre..